MYRTLE UNITED CHURCH Myrtie United Church will be the place to bring the famii1y Saturday March 8 at 7:30 p.m. when the "Amazing Country Performers" from the Janetville area present "Variety for 1980" Featured will be Scottish dancing and Italian accordian selections and several comedy plays make Up the two hour show. ickets are $2 for aduits, $1 for children and are available at the door or may be reserved by any member of the Myrtie United Church. For more information eall 655-4284. DANCE-A-THON FOR CF The Brooklin and District Kinette Club are holding their second annual dance-a-thon with the proceeds going towards cystic fibrosis. It will be held on Saturday, March 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. (16 hours). Music wilI be provided by Kawartha D.J. Services and will be held at the Brooklin Community Centre. Lunch, supper and snacks will be provided by the club. Many prizes will be awarded which include $50, $25 and $15 cash prîzes for the most nioney turned in by the required date. Anyone wishing to enter, please caîl Brenda at 655-4739 for sponsor sheets. It promises to be a fun time for ail. Caîl as soon as you can. This is on a first corne, first serve basis. TEEN DANCES The next Teen Dance will be held on February 23. Sponsor sheets for the dance-a-thon may be obtained that night. HORTICULTURAL MEETING The Brooklin Horticultural Society invites ail plant en- thusiasts to its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 27 at 8 p.m. in the Brooklin United Church. Ken Brown will be conducting a seed planting workshop to launch oui- Beautify Brooklin project. Corne prepared to s0w for suxnmer and shed the February doldrums. NOTE It has come to my attention that many people do not have much information on tahe various clubs in the Brookhin area. For this reason, I will begin running items on the organizations in the community which people may join. Perhaps if people were better informed, they would be more inclined to join or at least attend some meetings. If you would like a summary of your club's background and meeting times printefi, please caîl me or leave an item at Brown's. Thank you for your co-operation. Susan Smith 655-3932 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) DIAL - N - INSPIRATION Diat 6681331 and hear a three minute inspirational message by Pastor Emmo Oltmanns of the Emmanuelchurch at 401 Rossland Road W. in Whitby. 1/2 PRICE FORPENSIONERS If you are 65 or over, H&R Block - ~ MIlprepare yaur ncamne tax return for haif aur regular pr$celtsaour busi- ness ta keep THE INCOME OSHAWA WHITBY TAX SPECIALISTS 15 BOND ST. E. i TOWNLINE RD. N. 122 DUNDAS ST.W» PICKERING 84 KINGSTON RD.W. Op.lam..p.mW~kaysP.StPIonM72-2217 Oshavva OPEN TONIGIHT- APPUINTMENTS AVAILABLE AIO Sears~ theai WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESI)AY FEBRIJARY 20. 1980, PAGE 7 Counseiling service for s mail business.... FBDB help now avadlable Iocally Cowiselling assistance from the Federal Business Developrnent Bank aided in the creation of some 2,000 new Canadian businesses during the year 1979. This assistance was provided by the bank's CASE (Counselling Assistance tW SmalI Enter- prises) program, which makes available the exper- tise of retired business people, at a nominal fee, to smnaller firins or to people wishing to start ntw businesses. Some 20 per cent of CASE assignments involve new business start-ups. During 1979, 2,400 counselling assignments involved new ventures. Follow-up checks during the month after com- pletion of assignents revealed that more than 80 per cent- -orl1,920- -had ac- tually started new businesses. In Ontario, a detailed study of the 12 month period ending December 31, 1979, shows that 552 new businesses were started, with retailing and tourism and two principal areas in whieh entrepreneurs sought help. A number of manufac- turing plants and construc- tion busminesses were also started with CASE help. 0f particular interest to the citizens of this part of Ontario, including Whitby and Durham Region , there were 680 assignments under- taken during the year 1979. Included in this figure were 130 new businesses. These entrepreneurs received ex- pert guidance from Coun- sellors provided by the Federal Business Develop- ment Bank. CASE coun- W.H. se meets Feb. 26 The monthly meeting of the Whitby Historical Society will be held on February 26 in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library. The meeting will be part of a series on new Canadians and film will be presented on the present Italians. The meeting begins at 8:15 p.m. Tirne for fitness is tinie on Vour Side. PAfmIaT01 FSPrECIAL BUY! COUNTER TOPS Modernize wlith Iaminated, pre-f ormed conter tops. Many colors and pterns. f rom 395L*, Ft. MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd Brooklin 655-4991 sellors assîsted established businesses, with nearly 40 per cent receîving help with financial controls and more then 20 per cent receiving marketing assistapce. Across Canada, the majority of business pioneers were retailers, although there were close to 200 manufacturers in this group, bringing Wo 600 the total number of rnanufac- turing plants organized with the help of the CASE coun- sellor. CASE counselling is available to businesses in urban and rural areas across Canada. In addition to CASE, FBDB provides other areas of technical assistance - management training and information referrals to gobernment business assistance programs - as well as finan- cial assistance in the forrn of term loans and venture capital. Each year, the 100 FBDB offices acroes Canada provide financial or management services to more than 100,000 srnall Canadian firms. CIREMA WKI1DY 660.118 Feb. 21 - 26 only. 7 p.m. John Belushi '1941" Plus ... . Fast Charlie" E nt. Children's Matinee Sat. 1: 30 p. m. Ail Seats $1.10 ""Battiestar Galactica" C~te4~5 Year Degisee GuArcxneed Invesimient Certif icciteI Please send me w .-' pays * the Investors RRSP pasAnswer Machine today' t- - YS À/ * am Pades fJ plus a Tax Deduction as well And to help you determîne what it means in 5. 10 or 15 years. there's Investors RRSP Answer Machine, Send roupon today or cati: 579-8508 Subject to change wthout notice I I M I h City -- -Province ________ Age - -__ Occupation Phone No I C4"ewéouŽ 354 Regal Briar St., Whtby Phone: 579-8508 JOHN BANDURCHI Ouatrtgd Accountun 185 Brock St. N. Whitby Telephone 668-4341 Services -include income tax return preparation, tax planning, and accounting services for management. EATON'S P'À