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Whitby Free Press, 5 Mar 1980, p. 20

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PAGE --0, WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS BROOKLUN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Haif price on ail microrrieters, sooket & wrench set, vices, jacks, drili sets, drili press, 3 ton hoist, hydrolil garage floor jack, i1h ton capacity $195.00 and other btols for mechanics. Ail items fuily guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTîVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jeweiery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRI EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiiing, Drywaii, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES CaIli668-4686 DRES8MAKINQ AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phono 6682864. AUoMBîLES FOR SALE 1972 FORD LTD WAGON with Or without ce radio. Beat offer. Phono 728-7790. 75 FORD - 1 ownor, iow miloago - un. der coated and block hoator. Phono 66&.2852. lmW CHRYBLER NEWPORT -~ verY good condition - utable for restoratiori. 2 door hard top. Many new pants. Wili certif'y $875. Phono M68.294. UFR ET tàRENT AàPOOL ýFNUD KAvlE FOUNO TWO TONIED GREY cmT . mate, in Reynolds and Glbert Stret ara& phono 668-0525. LEEIENCED BOOKEPER sSKKEEPER - otfeting experlen- ced bookkflpilg aavictea.pickup M~d delilv«e668.102. ý isanlaeous- MANDERS RATTAN - for quallty wIcker and rattan products. 6684551, W5 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ont. just South 0f Cartadian Tire. HADASSAH FAURIC SALE Clearance of Upholstery. Sili pieces 508 & $1.00. Brand name jeans and soloc- ion ofl gooci usod ciothIng. Tuesay & Wednesdeay, March il &12. 9:00 a,. 10 1:30 'p.m. Beth ZMon Synagogue, 144 King St. E. Oshawa. Ontario. 8UROUNDY WHITE PRAM FOR SALE-used for one chiid oniy, worth $175 new, wiii soul for $80. 668-3128 alter 5:30. PAYMASTER CHEQUE WRITER for saies like new $100 or bout oller. Phono 668-7354 aller 5:30 p.m. DRYER - MAYTAG MINI, apartmonl size, harvout goid, excellent con- dition $70. 8668-137. BABY STROLLER, front swivoi wheels, with shopping basket - ad- justablo seat back, vinyl floral print. Excellent condition $20. 668-137. 2 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS M30 each. 2 desk top electronic caiculators - display $3M, printing $55. Phono 666-1153. SWIMMING POOLS Manufacturer heu an Invonlory of 1979 abova ground pools to cloar. Complote with ilter, motor, skimmor. pump, waik- around patio, loncing. Rogulariy $2,295.00, now $1444.00. Caîl coiioct 1.519-623-4351 for furthor dotails. MODERN RCA STEREO wlth record storage and'AMIFM radio. In very good condition. $100. Phono 688- 7288. LSTRIKE OUT LUNO DISEASE Support yoair local .Lung Assoclation 723-3151 WNED EXPERIENCED HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANMC WANTED. Top wagss. Permanent, yea.r round empioyment If suitabie. Scarborough are. Phono Mr. Buma 291-6461. PART-TIME NANNY WANTED, ight housokoopIng. Cali evonings 668- 2278. ATTENTION - Do you have silver coins 1966 and prior. $1.00 worth of abevr coins la worth $20.00 of buylng power at The Friendly Fiee Market, 23 King St. W., Oshawa. 7259783. We also buy sterling and goid and elIver Farnily Favorite 1 bag and freeze apricots be- cause my family likes their deli- cate. delightful flavor in pies and puddings, or poached and flarned on ice cream. Apricots when de- frosted and served raw can taste siightiy chewy depending on the variety. If you haven't frozen themn before, try a test sample. Freeze a small amnounit and next day defrost and taste. Prepare apricots for freezing in the same way that you prepare peaches, treating themn with ascorbic acid. Both fruits dis- color due to oxidation. The only difference between the two is that aprîcots don't require blanching and peeling. If yoti have any other questions, please write to mie at the "Giad" Home Freezing information Cen- tre, I165 University Avenue, Toron- to, Ontario M5H 3B8, enclosing a stamped. self-addressed envelope. H'l be mnore than happy to answer them. 1 a"àct s & -F*"anc l es According to legend, corn- mneal "hush puppies" were so namned because they were fed to noisy dogs-to make them quiet down. The pilgrims were the first colonists to taste popped popcorn--a gift from the In- dians at the first Thanksgiving dinner. EACOIN 1 IMPORTANT cOLLEcTORS AUCTION SATURDAY, March 15 - Beginning et 10:00 a.m. - The complote collection of glass, chine, oliver, some furnituro, etc. The proporty of Mr. Alan Jones and the laie Lena Jones, Brooklln, Ont. boing held et the "Canadiens Motor Motel", (401 roomn), locted on hwy. No. 401 and Kennedy Rd. North, Toronto. This euc- lion features over 500 items of oid glss, chine, liver, etc., motof olWhIch has been ln the famliy many yeara. Sale hi-ltes include: R.S. Prusse; R.S. Ger- meny; R.S. Tliiowitz; Large collection oid Nippon; Royal Bayreuth; resden; Flow Blue; Limoge; Coaiport; Noriteke; Royal Crown Derby; MInton; Wedgewood; Moorecrolt; Coppor Lustre; Crenborry Ruby; Crystel; Satin; Vaseline Epergne; Art Giass; Cenedian Press Giase; Bristol; Carnivai; BIscuit Sarrois: Plckie Cruels; Victorien Cruel Sots; Brides' Baskets; Berry Sets; Tee Sets; ovor 50 cups and saucera; Royal Douiton Figurines; Gone-W-Wlnd Lum- ps; Superbly carved Victorien Sofa; Oak Rounded Glass Chine Cabinet; Rocker Good selectior' of sliver; and much more. AuctioneOrs note: This la an ex- cellent private collection. Terme; cash or cheque <with .0.). No reserve. Preview on Frlday ovenlng March 14, lrom 7:00 10 10:.00 p.m. and sale day lrom 8:00 a.m. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161 or 294-1890. IFIREWOODI ALL HARDWOOD FILL VOUR TRUCK OR DELIVERED 1-649-3100 1~ To the Unfit If you just sit You won't quît Being unfit SALEB8VTENDER 0F ASSETS KEVIN O'CONNOR MOTORS LIMITED formorly known as WHITBY DODGE CHRYSLER LIMITED 200 Dundas Street Westq Whltby, Ontario. Dunwoody Limited, Receiver and Manager of Kevin O'Connor Motors Llted, formerly known as Whitby Dodge Chrysier Limited, a Dodge Chrysier deaiership iocated at 200 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, is offering for sale by tender, separateiy or en bloc, the assets of the com- pany, namely, Inventory and automotive equipment, automobiles and ieasehold interest. Sealed tenders for the above parcels wiii be received by the Receiver and Manager until 12:00 o'ciock In the forenoon on Wednesday, the l2th dà'y of March, 1980. The highest or any tender wiii not necessarily be accep- ted. Terms and Conditions, of Sale and a Form of Tender, together with details of assets, are availabie from the un- dersIgned. The premises at 200 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario wiii be open for viewing on Fridays, February 22, February 29 and Mardh 7, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. where a detaiied description 0f the assets and full conditions 0f sale wiii be avalabie. DATED AT OSHAWA, this l4th day 0f February, 1980. DUN WOODY LIMITED Recel Ver and Manager Box 516 57 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7L-9 Telephone: Kunjar Sharma (416) 576-3430 SWIMMING POOLS FaCtory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. Tflese corne complets with waikaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filiter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Cail IMPERIAL POOLS toil free 1-800-268- 5970. TAX SERVICES A=tURATE REY.n.NU WHITBY MALL CHECKER'S VARIET TAX TI ME SAVES Street people are feet people. They're neat people who meet people. Why not join up? Take a walk. Roses are red Violets are strange We have new hours at the Book Exchange! (hold the applause folks) NEW & IMPROVED HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. CLOSED SUN DAY & MON DAY WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE 120 DUN DAS ST. W. Qust north of 4 corners) 668-2097

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