rReport from Queen'9s Park PmJ By GEORGE IXSHE. MIPP iPC-DLRHAM WEST) The planning of the new WPH In the past few weeks, there have been a great many con- tradicting reports in the press about expansion plans for the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. As a resuit of mny thorough in- vestigation of this issue, 1 find that the problem reaily lies in communications between the interested parties. At Queen's Park, the Ministry of Health is committed to providing first class mental health services through this ex- panded facility to the entire 'catchment' area, which includes al of Durham and York Regions, Victoria County and part of Metro Toronto. On the other hand, in Durham West Riding, the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is the largest employer located in the Town of Whitby, and thus it pîsys an extremely important role in Whitby's economy and development. To tie ail the various interests together, the durham District Health Council- agreed to serve as the liaison body for the project. The Council set up a special Committee, called the Planning and Priorities Committee, to work on the expansion program for Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. This Committee is being funded by the Ministry of IHealth, and has been instruc- ted to accamplish four things. First, it must identify existing programs, resources and use of current mental health ser- vices in the entire catchinent area. Second, it is to examine the mental health needs of the ares, community-by-community, and look at how the expanded Whitby Psychiatric Hospital can help to meet thèse needs, both now and over the next ten years. Thir, it must make specific recommendations to the Ministry of Health on how these mental health needs can best be met, particularly through the role of the expanded Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Finally, the Committee's instructions are to report to the Minister of Health on al of the faregoing by June of 1980. Corridor Capers ~ÂJ. BMARYIMCEACHERN It is this final instruction to the Committee that bas created most of the confusion. The Committee lias realized that ta fulfill al of the duties it has been assigned will require more time and more people. The Committee has decided to ask the District Health Council to approach the Minister of Health ta have the deadline for reporting extended beyond June of 1980. The Committee lias not done this yet, but on February 13th, they advised the Whitby Town Council, and alI other interested parties, that they did intend ta seek a postponement in the reporting date. When the Minister of Health first announced his plans ta ex- pand the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital in January of 1979, he said construction would begin in the early 1980s. Construction is stili expected ta begin in the early 1980s. I personally inter- pret the early 19M0 as being 1980, 1981, 1982 or 1983. Like everyone else, I had originally hoped construction would begin in 1980, but soon realized that wit.h ail the necessary pre- planning, this would be impossible. Before any decisions are finally reached on construction plans, many opinions will be expressed and options provided. Shortly after the Minister announced expansion plans, the Adninistrator of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital was reported in the press as saying this would be a "total re-build program"'. In February of 1980, staff of the Planning and Priorities Com- mittee was quoted as saying "construction is not a definite thing ... the word now is redevelop". I can assure ail of my con- stituents that bath of these conflicting statements are opinions only, and neither are final. Na one at this point in timne really knows just what form the expanded facilities will take. WHIT1IY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1980. PAGE 1l The Planning and Priorities Committee, the Durham District Health Council and the Ministry of Health are very concerned with providing f irst class mental health services for the catchment area, and are seeking input from all municipalities in Durham, York, Victoria County and east Metro. The Town of Whitby is concerned about maintaining a stable employment environment for the people of Whitby (as weIl as the provision of mental health services), and therefore has a greater stake in the planning of the expanded facility then municipalities further removed fromn the Hospital. 1 have brought this fact to the attention of the Minister of Health, and requested his assistance in ensuring the Town of Whitby is kept totally involved in the planning of the expanded facility. *NOW *APPEARING APPEARING *NEXT 1_Mulsic Greati1 Jixns Stage Door - Whitby Hotel 207 Dundas St. W. Whitby PAPER DRIVE The Cub and Scout Paper Drive appears ta be more suc- cessful in aur ares. Saturday niorning, I noticed quite a num- ber of bundies near the road awaiting pick-up. Many are now accustomned ta the regular monthly dlean-out, and appreciate the opportunity ta help the boys. Keep collecting those papers. MARCH BREAK This is the last week befare the school March break. Many of yau wil be heading for a warrner climate or, for the ski fans, your direction will be north. To al of you, enjoy a safe and happy holiday. Dan't even think of us poor souls who will remain in Whitby. Guess we'll just have to suffer through. While we are on the subjeet of school, we sincerely wish Mrs. Delaney a speedy recavery. Grace, who teaches kindergarten at Dr. Robert Thornton, had an accident at school, resulting in a broken wrist and many scrapes and bruises. Everyone wishes you well. Mrs. Delaney lias transformed many of aur babies into teachable children and Dr. Robert Thornton school wil not be the same unti her return. Get well soon. DURHAM GOLDEN WHEELS The Durham Golden Wheels were one of the participating teams at the Ivitational Basketbail Tournament played in Kingston last week-end. Although the Durham team did not win the trophies, Garrard Road's Darryl Taylor, once again, displayed his star talent by scoring 6 points. The Corridor Is very proud of Darryl and bis achievements. Much credit aiso goes to Glenn Shartt, wha, coaches the team. Glenn's capable teaching has moulded the character of many area boys, from Cub and Scout days te lis present volunteer position of ceaching the Golden Wheels. The Durham Golden Wheels will play in Pickering on March 22, an exhibition game, and in Richmond Hill1 on March 23rd. Anyone wishing ta join the tearn is asked ta cail Carol Shortt at 725-9274. Best of luck ta the boys. Clalk up those baskets Darryl. K-MART EXPANSION The addition ta the K-Mart bas been given the green light by the administrative cammittee. Devan Developments have agreed ta, eliminate the second entrance onta Kendalwaod Read. Don't hold your breath thaug, probably in a year's tinie or less they will again request the second road. The developers have aise agreed ta construct a fence along Ken- dalwood. Although many on the committee would prefer shrubbery instead of a fence, a fence it wiI be. The residents would aise like ta see greenery, but the garbage, created by the plaza, lias a way of by-passing the evergreens and landing on the front iawns of Kendalwood residents. The fence will at least keep the trash on K-Maxi praperty. The restaurant lias been moved 20 feet ta the west. What will happen next is anyone's guess. We'll just have to wait and ses. Have a good holiday. Cail 725-896 with news items for the column.