Between You andMe (p ~JJu By RUTH CHAMBERS About the debate over abortion What cornes first the chicken or the egg? Your answer will depenci on your education, your lack of. it or your religious beliefs!1 In 1978, there were 40 million, possibly 55 rifilion abortions performeci in the world. I hear that more than half the pregnancies in the Soviet Union, Japan andi Austria endeci in abortion while in the Unitedi States, India, China, Sweden andi Denrnark it was one in four andi in Canada one in five. In most of Africa andi Latin Arnerican countries abortion is illegal except under restricteci circurnstances. It is prohibiteci in such countries as Belgiurn, Burma, Columbia, Indonesia, the Phillippines, Portugal andi Taiwan. Neyer the less they report at ieast one abortion for every five live births. These numbers do not include thousancis, rnaybe, of unknown and unreported abortions. Abortion is a vital necessity at tirnes for medical reasons both mental andi physical. In the case of rape there shoulci be an immediate termination of the pregnancy andi these procedures are done under another name. A violation of the body and rnind cails for immediate action. In 1969, the arnencirent to the Crirninal Code carne into ef- fect. Abortions became legal andi probabiy rightly so. The availability was aiways with us, not always under proper con- ditions and, therefore, dangerous. Now the iaw is being abuseci, very rnuch so andi we have abortion on demanci. Many people are angereci to think they are helping to pay for such medicai services under these circumstances. One cir- cumstance being that many people seem to be using abortion as a form of birth control. Birth control has been availabie for many, rnany years to anyone who was interesteci in learning about it. Certain segments of our society have pianneci their families ever since I can remember. Planneci parenthooci isn't sornething that has just sprung inito being in the past couple of decades. However, in some parts of the world including our own iL was against the iaw to offer this information to ahl andi sundry. In the past I have neyer heard of an obstetrician, gynecoiogist or medical practioner who would not dispense this information unless they haci religious beliefs which prevented this. Politicai and religions beliefs alLter and change the course of events ail over the worid. There are countries in the worid populateci with people who breeci as animais do with no thought of the consequences due to lack of education frorn either parents or state. Consequentiy, we have starving millions, dying chilciren, some mairnec beyond belief; existing STEVEN F. PELESHOI<, B.A., LL.B. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR O MAK ESk THE DIFFERENCE andi no hope in sight. Why does there have to be an intellectuai controversy or discussion about the pros and cons of a fetus being alive? Or is it whether it's a human or not? The ovule andi semen are living things; they unite and the process begins. Within a short time this qcmbination produces a heart beat; this is life, however small andi tiny. So again what cornes fîrst the chicken or the egg? Many parents are wornied about our permissive society, in fact they are sorely troubleci. Some parents, of course, are part of the pert-missiveness; their sexuality is most important above ail, they must be "free". Exampie is one of the most powerfui tools a parent can have. A chilci cannot live by, "do as I say" but "don't do as I do," They are too bright for that. The answer may be in not giving ail the information which is handed out by schools and media andi which is not solving the prob)em but rnaybe adding fuel to the fire. Otherwise why are we having such problems with young teenage pregnancies, VD and relateci troubles? There is taik now of having to set up nur- series in high schools! Where are we at? One begins to wonder if the generai public has been over- takep-by minci altering drugs. There are such thingsl So we put the cart before the horse, the pony behinci the chilci. We allow terrible vandaiismn to go on, arson andi rany other horrendous things while we sit back and talk about equaiity, racial hias and you name it. Bleeding hearts. Andi what we are doing is handing broken andi bleeding hearts to the next generation. Trieci andi true! Everyone including animais neeci discipline. respect too. How coulci anyone become a great horse marn or womnan unless there was discipline andi respect? Chilciren of any age want to be loveci and careci for. If no one disciplines, the chilci realizes, the caring andi love are absent. This is part of the iearning process; to give andi receive. So insteaci of a carte blanche approach our young people might prefer to learn responsibility, respect andi ail the other associateci values. IL worked before. Respect for one's body, one's minci anci total being. Why shoulci there be a newspaper coiumn, a surrogate parent availabie to ail? Why is the neeci there? Because paren- ts are too uncaring or stupici? Or because there is a whole new worid of "professionais" who are traineci to take over from the parents? When a thirteen year olci girl can write to a newspaper andi asks what her course shouici be because she is "having sex" and wants to avoici pregnancy and above ail she writes she can't talk to her parents. Not ahl but generaily most parents have some understanding of life, love beyond ail un- derstanding andi sympathy. For the ones who live in a worid of misunderst-anding, hate rnaybe andi lack of caring there is aiways heip through the church or the state andi aiways has been. Few 0f us want "big brother" meddiing in our affairs.ý The state whether it be school or any other government agency shouici take back seat andi let or aliow parents to take the responsibiiity-which some have thrown to the winds to bring Up their chilciren to shoulder their own responsiblity, to have respect andi care for themselves.- .STANED LAS 316/ Tools, Tuition, Supplies, Services WOOD AND THINGS Albert St., Oshawa 723-5165 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1464 CONFUSD BY TAXS Canadian Tax Law is ~ complicated. And the new special ~ return may add to the confusion. That's where H&R Block cornes in. We'Il make sure you get ail your deductions and credits, whether they are contaîned in the form you receive or flot. We're incorne tax specialists. So we can help you out. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME' OSHAWA WHITBY TAX SPECIALISTS 15 BOND ST. E. l TOWNLINE RD. N. 122 DUNDAS ST. W. PICKERING 84 KINGSTON RD.W. Ope Par-P .m Wkdas.P~hut PioM 23-2217 Os ha wa OPEN TONIGHT- APPUINTMENTS AVAILABLE Aio Sears j the~a LATO N'S WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCE 12-, 1980, PAGE 1 7 Loving and caring for the opposite sex has always been with us and lets pray it neyer leaves. Ecstasy and joy are ail there for the taking but flot for youngsters who are having a ime ad- justing to their maturing bodies andi mincis. Their time will corne, ail in good time andi maybe there will be heart-aches too. The roaci to romance is not always srnooth for everyone but combining it with premature acts is a short road to disaster. Sex, a "made" cheap commodity is a glut on the market. In this context it often biarns it's self out. Is it being exploiteci for exploytation sake? It's a great money maker. If we liken sex to golci as some of us do it becomes expensive and more desired. Men too feel this way, some of them, and many are threatened to death with women's lib, easy sex andi often the reversai in the sexual role. Maybe a lot of us shoulci throw our weight behinci pro-life rather than allowing anti-life to take over. What really is frightening are outside influences. Take pictures of anti- people; strikers, anti-police, abortionists, womnen-libbers andi watch how often the same faces corne up before your eyes. Paid agitators or your namne it they may be there. To keep a country safe we must stop the famiiy breakdown, stop the grasping for more andi more andi stop the enemy from without. If the family is strong nothing can undermine us. If we put things in perspective including abortion our strengths will gather rnomentum and we'll have love and roomn for ail these tiny beings which are now being destoyeci. In some cases abortion is nothing but mass murder as when it is used in place of birth control. It could again be thought of as a slow, subtie form of genocide too. It can upset the balance of the races as well andi then When we get into this discussion we coulci be calieci recist, rightly or wrongly. EDITOR'S NOTE: This column does not necessarlly reflect the opinion of the Whltby Free Press or its staff members. SUN NY BRAE GOLF & COU NTRY CLUB- UNDER NEW OWN ERSHIP- NEW PRO COURSE - CLUB HOUSE BEING RENEWED - NEW MEM BERS INVUTED- ALSO - PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY- NEW TOURNAMENTS INVITED FOR DETAILS - CALL 985-2076- AL DOREMUS (P.G.A.) Russeil Travel announces SPRING SEAT SALE (AIR CANADA) must TRAVEL between April 13 - June 5 inclusive. Reservation must be made 30 days prior to Date of Travel. Contact Russell Travel for Rates and Reservations. BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOI NTM ENT Su.bject to Govern ment Approval. 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