PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MARCU 12, 1980, WHITBY FREEPRESS Free-PressEmporiu CaI668-6111 w :FAUTOMBILES1 AUFOR SALE 1974 ASTRE HATCH BACK 4 speed. 63.000 mles. $300. Phono 086144. Dec. 26, 79 1976 COBRA Il immaculate. $2,300 Invested on brand now motor 302,13F Goodrich radiais on western mage, fuîîy customîzed Intorlor, bills 10 prove. $4500 firrn. Ask for Bob 668. 0369. Jan. 9, 80 1»5 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Good condition. Asking $450. Cali aI- ter 8 p.m. 668-1386. Dec. 19, 79 CLASSIC CAR - On. of a Kind - 65 Chevy Il. Excellent condition has luit had $1300 worh of mechanîcal work dons. Phone 88-3184. WiI tako any reasonabie off er. Feb. 27, 80 72 TORINO - good mechanicai con-. dtiIon- needa body work. $35o. 668- 4898. Feb 27,80 196« FIREBIRD - 350 automnatîc PiS, A-I shape, now peint. $1600 certifiod. 668-8919 after 5 p.m. Fob. 13,80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or best of fer. Phone 655-8062. Jan. 23,60 1974 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISERt STATION WAGON 9 seater, air condtionlng, power steering, brakes, wln<jows, seata. AM/FM sterco radio, power door Iocka with a tradler htch. Will sell $1600. Cal Barry 668-8455 Feb. 6, 80 1955 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan. Good for restoring. $500 Phone 725- 6106. Jan. 30,8) 1947 CHRYSLER NEWPORT. engfine and bodY ln good condition. Power windows, Snow tires in.- cluded. Interior immaculate $30 or beit offer. Cal! 668&2w6. Feb. 6,8Bo 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Good running condition. $250 or boit of fer. Cal anytime 668-0073. Feb. 27,80 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS, P/B, 9 paîsengor. 351 Auto, 85,000 miles. Re-buli motor andtrnn- smission. $700 or beat 0f fer. 668- 7007. Fob. 2780 STEEL BELTED RADIAL 75% TREAD - $18 os. Good Yoer Customn HR 78x15, GR 78x15 and UnIroyal Lr 78x 15 on Ford ri m. 668-5638. Feb. 27,80 61-CYLINDER 4-BARREL MANIFOLD. Rare Item fits overhead camn Pontiac and Chevy 6 cylinders $25. Phono Emporium Ads wiII only be occepted subject to the followi-ng Condbtions. RECRATIONAL EVRHLCES 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equippe,. with fridge, stove &water. 8 cyl. 225. Excellent running& body condition. As l, but car bO certlled. $1.500. Phone 655-3006. - Mar. 12,80o 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebulit In Dec. Bis to prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearoît offor or trade for imail car. Phono 655-4495. Jan. 9, 80 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 kim. Portod and poiisfod, Fox shocks, sir forks, brand new clutch, board ovor once. New piston rings. Asking $1,500. Phono anytimo affor 4 p.m. 887105. Jan. 2,80 MELLANEOUS 1BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT gray mink collar - lik. now, sîze 12-14 por- son 5' $75; 1 pr. mois green drapes approx. 90" long x 108" wide $50; ,plate glass mirror 4' x 2'6" $50; 1 weîtclock electrlc $5; partial sot of W.M.A. Rogers f lat ware $10; 1 new canopener and ce crusher, (Rivai) $10; 1 wino docanter $10.868-2780. Feb. 27, 80 OVAL SHAPED DINING ROOM TABLE wlth 4 swlvol chairs, matching buffet and hutcf wth engravod glss siling doors $300; Viking famiiy freezer, 22 cublc foot, excellent con- dition, Ilko new $200; 30" Westinghouse stove, harveit goid colour, seif-cleanlng, needa mînor ropaîr $50; stereo and speaker stand and record rack (l unit) $15. Phono 655-3961.- Mar. 5, 60 CONSOLE TV, black and white, ln worklng onden $25. Hockey equip- mont age 10-14 years $25. 10 speod biko $30. Phono 668-5060. Feb. 20,80 1 BEIGE Il' x 12' RUG (3 mos. old) $90; 1 green 9' x Il' excellent con- dition $50; 1 beige ovai ' x 9' sllghtiy soiied $50. Phonoe68-4795. Mer. 12,80 CAPE COD STYLE orange ruff le polyester sheens. Includes 3 valan- ces, 5 pairs tiers & le backs. 56" wido x 30" long. New $51. Asklng $30. Phone 728-8601. Jan. 16,80 2 SINGLE BEDS wth mattresses and matching choit of drawera $235; fidge, Keivinator, no froat, 2 door, green, $250; stove, natural gai, Han- twlck, green $135; dishwashor, Ad- mirai, automatlc, green $135; waîher, Kenmore, 7 prognama, heavy duty, soif cloanlng filuer, $225; sofa bed, king sîze, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; stovo fan, avocado, nover used. $35; cor tamps, brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 ea.; colon TV, Toshiba, 14", liko now, $275; misc. original paintingi. $80 e.; hand woven rings, varylng sizes $800ea.; coffee table, $20; Phono 639-3114 oveningi & weekends. Jîn.116,80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Lades, size 8. Excellent condition. Wonn on- ce. $45. Phono 688-9876. Jîn. 16,80 MODERN Sofa $150; contemporary style dressing cabinet. $250. Bth in good condition. Phono 668-1781. Jan.9,80 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phone 623-15%34. Jan. 30,80 HAGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAIR, case and loud speaker. Lîke PLEASE READ Wneni the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason the item wiii be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISEO PRICE as iliustrafed beiow, regardiess if price is stated wîth "best offer". If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 53.00 wili appiy. All ,0dvertisements must be placed on an exclusive basiS with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if not soId. RATES [if article is soîdi: 5Q% of advertised price up to $400.00 2%o of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advortised for $120,00 commission due $6.00 Irrinimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you find a retaier lisfed as a private advertiser. Picîse notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soid so (fat we may delete tf from the foliowing issues. Ail ads not f itting the Emnpv.rium guidelines wiil be treated anci charged per week as regular classifiedI ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estafe, and personai nessacie type ads, or ads flot quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, call 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN SS1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whifby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LIKE MEW girls ski boots. Tyrai, size 4 $9; Casse de neige. size 7 $9; Aiberg (West Germanyt size 1 $9; Grenoble, size 2 $9; Sportsman. size 2 $9; ginls white skates, size 2 $4; Boys stes. Truine, sîze 4. $12; Bobby Hull, size 1 $5.00. Phono 655-4482. Dec. 19, 79 SKIS, BOOTS à POLES Adul size. 175 cm. $50; pair ai junior skis 120 cm. $30. Phono 683-6838. Dec. 19, 79 7' CHESTERFIELD - recentiy uphoistered ln rust tones. $150.00. Phono 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH EXTENSION and 5 matching chairs $25; 1- 39" tbod, red mapie wîth springs, no matîrosa $10. Phono 728-9732. Mar. 12,80 KITCHEN TABLE AND ô CHAIRS lust Whz now, 48, - with 1 ioaf 60" - $100; 3 positionai loungo chair, Ilke now $85. Phono 723-7240. Mar. 12,80 FRIDGE AND STOVE - 2 yoars oid. Wheat colour $900. Good condition. Phono 668-2025. Feb. 13,80 FRIDGE à STOVE,' green $400; bedroom suite, 9 drawor dresser and mirror and 1 drosser wiîh 4 drawers and bod $250; 3 adding machines, 2 working $50; Eiectroiux polisher and rug shampooor, like now $150; 668- 1105. Mar. 5, 80 NITROGEN REOULATOR - hlgh pressuro fis 2 gaugos - as now $75. Phono 668-4521. Jan. 30. 80 KITCHEN SUITE yellow wrought iron bevelled glass top, 1 year old. 4 chairs, yellow flowered pattern. Padded backs and geats. Superior quality. $=2. CalI after 8 p.m. 571- 2625 Jan. 30, 80 LIGHT ORGAN. Homebuiit ln 2 birch boxes with sopanato contrai box. Boxes 2' x 4' oach with 14 Iights. Great for aapiring or curront Dsc Jockey. $125. Phono 655-3411.- Mar. 12,80 A SOLID PINE BAR - 41' long and 3'10" high - 2 bar stools $300. Sinali arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50.00 Cal] 723-8771 Jan. 30.80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, guague H.O., 4x 8'. beîutifuiiy iandsc.mpped, ln- ctuding engine3 and rolIing stock. $175. Phone 655-3961, Mar. 5. 80 RANGE brand new Westinghouse with black glass door =350and mat- ching frost-free refrîgerator $275. Franklin fireplace and aIl ac- cessories $125. Buggy harness $75. Cail Jack 668-388 Jan. 30,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 months old; F.M., cassette under dash. Asking $11000. Caîl 668-8593. Jan. 30,80 1 MEN'S 10 SPEED BIKE $35; two burner hot plate $20. Premier upright vaccuum $20. 668-193. Fob. 20,60 CONN ORGAN - cfurch & sîrummer rhythm unit - 2 iessue speakers, owner's manualland complote begin- non Instructions. Walnut colour and bench lnciuded. Price $1500.00. Phono 623-2769. Jan. 23, 80 PORTABLE PORTRAIT LIGHTING SET(Smith-Vlctor) 3 stands and quar- tz reflector lampe. Fibre case $50; 1i 39" box sprlng and mattresi, head- board $45; 1 brown rocling chair $30; ail ln good condition. 668-2480. Mar. 12,80 WASHER - KENMORE hoavy duty soif cieanlng filtor $175; dryer, Genorai Electric $100; stove, Konmore, hydro $75. Ail ln excellent condition. Coli 668-9738. Mat. 12, 80 RECTANGULAR DINING ROOM SET - velour uphoistered chairs - smoked glass top and chromo table, Excellent condition $200; e couch and chair - good quality but needa cieaning. Good for roc room or cottage $75- smaIl round kitchen table and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartment sized humidifier $40. Phono 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR - con- tomporary stylo, yoiiow. $50. Coui 688- 0551. Mar. 12,80 3 SNOWMOBSILE SUITS - 2 mons medium, navy blue $24 esa., 1 childis size 12, mauve $15 - ai lIke now; 2 stone lions - antique green finish for n or outdoors $12 os., 3 wali rugi, 2 size 4' x 8' $25 os., 1 size 2- x 3- $12; 1 girls wintor cout, pure wooi dark green sizo 9-12 $20; 1 hoavy duty car battory for 4 or 6 cyl. 12 voit with warranty - used 1 week $25; 1 eloctric broom. new $25. Phono 668-294. Feb. 20.80 1 BLACK PERSIAN LAMBS COAT Grey mink colla-r - like new sîze 12-14 por- son 5' $75; 1 pair mass green drapes each panel approx. 90" x 108" $5; plateglass mirror 4' s 268' $50;1wine decinter $10. Phono 668-2780. Feb. 27,80 1~ w0^ ~NEWHOME ZIG ZAG SEWING jMACHINE wlth box hoîder. Hardly usod. Like now $90. Phono 688-3448. 1 Dec. 19, 79 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT DUT THE MAT FOR YOU! the Mit imîus tabe'-M ht ciid Phone 728-2103 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE.- Fren. ch Provincial - Includes 4 soator chesterfield, sofa chair, coffee table & 2 end tables, ail In excellent con- dition. Asking $850 - lois thon h the coît. Cali 655-4925 aller 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23, 80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professionai model. Hydrauiic matai stand, slghtlng scape, 5 assorted lensos. Barlow lion- se moon and sun filtens, sun icreen. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- Plote. Phono 688-6294. Jan. 23,810 26"1 R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROL colour TV. 4 montha otd, $800. Phono 668-9298 afler 5:00. Fb 27,80 3 - 5 GALLON GAS CANS $5 sa; 4 plumbers wronchos $25; 1 torcan car healor $5; 1-8 track ployer $15; 1 record player stereo $25; 3 galions of body f iii $5 os; 1 cotises table and end table with 2 lampa $10; 688-0193. Mar. 5, 80 THOMAS ORGAN MODEL 1151 - many oxtras. Excellent condition; nowiy lunod. $1,095 wllh music. 728- 4797. Mer. 5,80 DRYER - MAYTAG MINI, apartment size, harveit goId, excellent con- dition $70; baby stroilor, front swivei wheis, with shopping basket, ad- lustabie soal back, vinyl floral ýprint. Excellent condition $20. Phono 668- 0137. Mar. 12, 80 CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wiii sèli for $80; 54" box ipnInga, good condition, $50. Car 8 track storso, $40; set of pots and pans $15; 40 channol mobile CB with eiai $80; wlil tako any roasonabie offer. Cati 68-3164. Fob. 27, 80 BABY ITEMS - 1 twin baby carnîage. Convertsinto stroller with sun roof. Very good condition $5000; 1 singfle baby carrnage $1500; 1 jolly Jumper. Papooae carriers, blue can- vas and aluminumn framnes. Neyer used $10.00 es; 1 baby botUle steriizer and bottie warmer $l0.oo for both; 1 baby dressing table, green and white with trmys $2000. Photne 668-294. Jan. 23,80 1 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, whIîo $150. Cati 66-7012. Mar.5, 80 WHAT DOYOU GIVETHE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING? For rnany of the world's aged there is no pension, no free health service, no provision of housing .... even no food. But there is HELP THE AGED. An organizahion that enables people of goodwill io help old people in t-agic need. Don'[ le[ someone's Christmas be jus[ another silent night of Ioneliness and despair. Please make a gift ofoopi To People Deoeopm.nt OXFAM supports smali, soif. heip projects In doeioping communitios around the worid. OXFAM projeCts stress soif- reilanco and seek maximum participation by the local population. OXFAM Is more than a charity. It is a movoment for social justice. YOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN