WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MARCHï 12, 1980, PAGE 3 CBC is Iv losing patience A representative of the major Brooklin developer told council last week that his company has run out of patience with what lie referred to as slow movernent by council. Somer Rurnm, vice- president of First City Development, which owns Consolidated Building Cor- poration, said that if con- struction of the project was delayed his company would have to withdraw their promise to bring sewers to the old part of the hamiet. Speaking at a public meeting held last week to discuss the draft amen- dnient to the official plan for If you didn't get your copy of aur March f Iver, then pick one up at our Whitbv Store. Brooklin, Rurnr said, 111 Sale prices in effect until March 22, 1980. have corne to the end of my ability to be able to continue In lengthy negotiations that seern to be going on forever." "There cornes a Urne when it is tixne to say eit.her do sornething or go away. 1 r" Rumrn said that when the It r e oB 'c so d u eln committment was rnade to N.1GaeMneBc extend sewer lines into the Ce rne1- 'x8 old part of the harniet in I 1975, the stipulation was that developrnent take place within three to five years. That comrittment stili stands, he said adding, "Our cash flow projections tell meJEs oap 1 have to start building in reahistic brîc sUces April, 1982." ~ 4 sq. ft. per carton IAalbeiilgt Council, in an October 1979mdimadar resolution, approved the ~~% concept of the Brooklin ex- . pansion although it added a condition that said the( growth would flot occur until 2,400 building permits for single family dwellings were issued soutli of Rossland Road. Members of the town's management comrnittee cro he have said that stipulation isCah& aryas&Cry not binding and are in the process of negotiating with CBC to allow them to begin construction in 1982. Should the 2,400 condition be kept, it lias been estirnated that construction FHn k t e o a iv would flot begin until 1985 at S u c thdpPFor intterr r terioREaplicatio