WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESI)AY. MARCH 19, 1980, PAGE 17 ui= BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Hait priCe on al miCrometers, socket & wrenCh set, vices, jacks, drili sets, drill press, 3 ton hoist, hydroliC garage f loor jack, 112 ton . Capacity $195.00 and other tools for meChanics. Ail Items fuily guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HIGH EST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins,' old guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, o11, paintings and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMP ROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. 8- 2554 Kitchens, CeramiC Tiling, Drywall, Re& Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Calil668-4686 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phone 668-2864. ABERWYN CHIMNEY SERVICE, quality cieaning, free inspections. 655-3513. LAUTOMOBILES :FORSALE 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA 12u0 - 2 door, blue. Seiling for $1600, cer- tified. hMut seilf, I'mmoving. Phone 68-7642 between 10Oa.m. - 3p.nl. 73 VALIANT, 4 door, power steerIng, siant 6; unk new - body, motor. power train, tires, brakes, and front end. One driver. Certified $1400. Phone 668- 8952 evenInga end we.kends. Mar. 12,80 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wth or w tbou CBraio. asf#of feèr.Phno FIREWOOD ALL HARDWOOD FILL YOUR TRUCK OR DELIVERED 1-649-3100 Eoelaneous MANDERS RATTAN- for quality wicker and rattan products. 8884551, 305 Brocic St. N., Whitby, Ont. juat Southb of Canadian Tire, WALNUT CHINA CABINET and aide board from the 1930, $65 or beat 0f. fer. Cali 576-3488. SWIMMING POOLb manufacturer bas an Inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. Complte with flîter, molor, skimmer, pump, walk- around patio, fenclng. Reguiarly $2,295.00, now $1444.00. Caîf collect 1-519-23-4351 for f urt ber details. MODERN BEDROOM DRESSER wltb mîrror and matchlng double b.d. I ike new $140. Af 80 6 drawer painted wooden dreaser $50. 668-4276. HAOASSAH FABRIC SALE Clearance of uphoistery. Small peces 50C & $1.00. Brand name jeana and aelec- tion of good used clothing. Tuesday & Wednesday, Marcb 25 & 26. 9:00 arn. to 1:30' p.m. Beth ZMon Synagogue, 144 Kng St. E. Oshawa, Ontario. 2 YEAR OLD HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER - lke new- $100. Phone 668-0488. USED COLOUR T.V. 26 Pilco T.V. $249. 60 day warranty. Able Antenne Service 668-6901. USED COLOUR T.V.'S - 26" Modular 4. $229. 60 day warranty. Able Anten- na 66"-901. SHELTIE MALE, sable and white, 9 weeks oid. Regiafered, abota $150. Pbone 576-507 eveninga. WILLING TO Do DAY CARE IN MY HOME. Any age. Phone 728-5689. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail prions bavlng cdaims against the Estaie of Alice Mary Ray, late of Sunnycreat Nursing Home, Whtby, Ontarlo, Widow, decesasedi, who died on or about Pie 2nd dey of January, 1978, muet file their dlaim witb the solicitors for the undersigned Ad- minitrators on or befora Ibm 1sf dey of April, 1960; thereaffer the under- signed wili diatrbute the estate baving regard oniy 10 the dlaims thon f ied. D.mfed the 4tb day of Marcb, 1980. DONALD B. HART and MARIBETH BRIGHAM. Adminitrators. by Hughes, Amvs, 390 Bay Street, Suite 2800. Toronto, Ontario. IV5H 2Z13. their solicitors harein. MATURE LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER for Wblby ares f0 cars for eideriy woman. Room and board and amali renumeralion. Feferencea. Appiy 10 Box 206, «yhlby, Ont. Li N 5S1. PART-TIME FEMALE MODEL REOUIRED for portrait paintInga. Hourly wage (negotiable> plus possible commission for reproduc- tions. Eveninga and weekends catI 668-952. ARE YOU HOOKED ON BOOKS? LET US SUPPORT VOUR HABIT. WHITDY BOCK EXCHANGE 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097. HUNDREDS 0F BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE TAKE TRAOE.INS. WANTE Canadian American s coins. Stei pieces, i rings and ches. 728-445 WILL PAY CASH (15% of Ilsf prie) for westerns, science fiction, biographies and gotblc romances. Paperbacks oniy. ALSO WANTED - USED COMICS (will psy 20% of Ilit prîce>. Must be In excellent condition. WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE. 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 86682097. Open Tuesdsy through Saturday 10 ar.m. -5 p.m. LOCATION FOR BEES - wanted, suitabie locations f0 rais. bees ln tbe Whtby ares ln exchsnge for honey or cash. Cali 668-6693. OSHAWMA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC- TORS show and seli. Kinsmen com- munity Centre, 109 Coibourne Street, West, Oshawa, Sunday March 23, 1980. 9:00 s.m. f0 1 p.m. Ladies sliver Joliar draws. Admission $1, laies SERVICES WHITBY MALI CFIECKER'S VARIETY TAX TIME SAVES SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These Corne Complete wlth walkaround deck, patio, fenClng, pump, motor and f liter. Regular priCe $2400, now $1498. Cail IMPERIAL POOLS toli f ree 1-800-268- 5970. 225 Brook St. N., Whîtby 668-6171 or 668-172 ARE INTERESTED INVYOUI Dl W. need a few good samis people. If you are Intereated ln s.ftlng your own achievement goals regsrding Income, a nd we now offer you an exclusive sudiovisual trainIng programme, aima, éil ver we'Il encourage you toward reaching your goals. You can b. Infiated wilth n 1îng the resuIts we con beip oatln d You can be happy working In a g O I professionsi atmosphere which ed Itseif f0 efficiency and pleasant wat- working conditions. Wbet ber you are qualified at present or currently taking or considerlng the government pre-lcencIng course-we want f0 taîk fa youi For a conf Identiai 55 personai interview cmli TONY KLOMPMAKER 668-6171 FoiaVacation Retais CLEARWATER FLORIDA -SIX, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile (per- manent) homes. Pools, tennis, ahuf- fieboard, air, gui?, beachea, Disney World. Chiidren weicome. 663-5503. L PATMNTS FOR RENT LUXURY 2 BEDROOM PENTHOUSE APT. Brosdioom, dishwasher, drapes and more. Thickson's Road and Highway 2. Immediate Occupancy. Cali 579-6340 anytImne, fa view. LARGE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT - subieased, ieased until June. Avalabie third week of March. New building, free câble. 668-1334. 313EDROOM GROUND FLOOR spar- tment or bouse. Cail Mrs. Kettie 686- 2866. AUTIN SATURDAY, MARCH 22 AT il A.M. Prince Abert Hall - 2 miles soutb of Port Perry. Numerous antique Items Including NIPOn china, Depression glass, railroad lanterna, Victor gramaphone and records, smal cbest, Sad Iron, spool bed. wicker planter, captainsa Chair, wasb stands, secretarys desk, buggy iantern and pictures. Plus Fridgidaire fridge, cbesterfield and chair, recliners, chest of drswers, hardwood chairs, flter qusen and boover vacuums. dining table and chairs, carpet, drapes, roof rack, tools, dishes and many more worthwbIie items. John Pearce Auction Service 985-7492. EOESFOR SALE 3 BEDROOPA HOMAE - double garage, famiiy room, awimmlng pool - backs onto psrk ln Wbltby. Phone 68-&7555. BUESS OTUNRTNTES EARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOME, good psy, easy work, no experience necessary. Send for application to G. f<rtcand, 250 Taunton Rd., West, Oshawa. L1G 3T3. 668-6901 I ABLE ANTEN NA 513 Perry St. Whitby, Ont. SERVICE MARCH WIND SPECIAL USED COLOR T.V. OVER STOCKED 25 to choose f rom $1 49.00 up ta $399.00 CONSUL COLOUR T.V. 60 day warranty OPEN 10-5 DAILY. Frrank Vetere's Pizzeria "OPEN HOUSE" 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE IN RESTAU.RANT MANAGEMENT Get ln on the ground f loor with a dynamic Management Team and become INVOLVED with the most progressive Food Chain In Canada. WE OFFER: -Excellent Salaries -ComprehensiverTraining Programs -Rapid Promotion Opportunities -An Unbeaten Track Record -Enviable Benef it Package YOU OFFER: *Desire for SuCCess *Wllingness to Work Hard *Good OId Common Sense *Preferably You have Hotel, Food Service or Retail *Management Experience Phono or drop ln tao se Mr. Marvin Walnberg Employment Manager (416) 571-1300 Frank Vetero's - Oshawa 299 King St. W. (at Park Rd.) Thurs. March 20 - il a.m. - 1 p.m. or 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. I cured my high blood pressure. Baloney! If you have hcgh biood pressure. youli probably have i for the rest o? your life necause if cant be cured. But if doesn*t have Io 1w a probem--you can controlif and bring if down. See a do<-tor and take your medication every day. High Blood Pressure Treat it ...and live. Q DAY CARE BIMBO DAY NURSERIES WE ARE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR CHILDREN 6 WKS 5 YRS CA LL 668-531 1 293 MICHAEL BLVD. WHITBY