WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY NIARCH 26, 1980, PAGE 15 Liîmted damage icurred i storm By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff 'We were lucky," accor- ding to Sarj MaOiaru, the assistant director of public works for Oie Town of Whit- by. Matharu said Oiat the town incurred limited damage in Oie storm Oiat swept across souOiern On- tario late last week. He said that Oie town in- curred about $10,000 in extra expenditures during the weekend but it was mainly for overtime pay for their three public works crews. Matharu said that Oie Aslh Creek Enclosure - that was only completed a few weeks ago - did much to prevent any major flooding damage to Oie areas of town south of Dundas Street. "There was no flooding at al," lie said adding that "the investment in the Asti Creek Enclosure has pain off." Mlatharu said that while there were several reports of backyard flooding there ~vere no reports of basemnen- ta flooding except in the lower south-west corner of the West Lynde subdivision althougli Oie creek subsided the samne day and no great ainount of darnage was done. The major problem, Matharu said was that sorne McHappyDBayII McHappy Day III, Oie con- tinuation of Oie program which lias raised over one million dollars for cri*pled chiîdren in Canada, will be held Wednesday, March 26Oi, George A. Cohon, President of McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited, announced. For every Big Mac pur- chased at McDonald's today, Oie Company will donate 50t to Children 's Charities throughtout Canada. Total contributions for McHappy Day I and II amounted to over one million dollars, proving "Just liow willing Canadians are to get out and help such a worthwhile cause, while at Oie same time really en- joying themselves," Mr. Cohon said. "It was a total community effort in every way."t McHappy Day evolved from McDonald's annual "Store Day" during whicli ail office personnel left their desks and worked with the crew in various McDonald's Restaurants. But it was Mr. Cohon's idea to take that program a step further, and to involve celebrities, politicians, municipal of- ficiais, show business per- sonalities and sports figures for the express purpose of assisting Children's Charities across Canada. What it means is that on March 26th you are likely to see someone you recognize when you enter any, Me- Donald's Restaurant to pur- chase you Big Mac. It could be the mayor or the reeve, Oie police chief or the fire chief, the coach of Oie local hockey team, the editor of Oie newspaper, the television anchorman or the play-by-play radio announ- cer. In previous years, astonished customers were served by many of Canada's best-known celebrities: 'Vlayne and Shuster, Cathenriie McKinnon, Fred ]Davis, Peter Bavasi, Darryl Sittier and Oie Maple Leafs as well as members of the 'Toronto Argonaut' football team. Since members of Oie On- tario Cabinet can't leave Queen's Park to help, lMcHappy Day will corne to the Parliament Buildings. An "Ail Star" team, led by George Cohon, will provide the political leaders with a chance to help out by giving thein an opportunity to buy Big Macs for lunch. Mr. Cohon once again in- -vites ail Canadians to take a break for themselves and to give a break to some less fortunate children across the country, by visiting their inearby McDonald's ]Restaurant on McHappy Uay Ill, Mardi 26th. The Whitby McDonald's is Iocated at Oie Whitby Mail, Ewy. 2 and Thickson Road. and placirig îhem very close to one another. Since this operation will take time, it is good understandinig of your p-o blern is establishced with an experienced hairdresser before you decide wliat sho uld be done to make your baby fine hair look good. It can be doine. TlodlaS, mth ail the scientîiie ch- niq uesavlbl in salons, fine liair can be beautiful. Rene Vincent is executive director of'the Allied Beauty Association, a national, non- profit trade association formced by the professional beauty industry to improve the quality of haircare. o.. o oWITB ditches and culverts in the older parts of town were clogged up because of icing. Brooklin was flot hard hit although Oie Lynde Creek did overflow its banks causing a washout on the shoulders of Way Road. Way Road was closed for a short time but no great amount of damage was done to Oie road itself. Keith Middleton, main- tainence manager for the Region of Durham's public works department, said that no estimates. in damage were available from his department at press time. Middleton said that the major problemn for the region wasOie washing-out of about 800 feet of Victoria Street at Oie Eastbourne Swamp, just west of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. He said Oiat about 15 to 18 inches of Oie shoulder on the south side of the road was damaged considerably and will be subject to repair. Middleton said Oiat most of the problems were caused because of Oie weatlier con- ditions. Because the ground frost had not yet thawed, the storm water had not been absorbed and a run-off was experienced. The problem was "total runoff ," Middleton said. He also said that the situation "wasn't helped by Oie warmn weather" the area BY' RENE VINCENT Fine, slippery hair always hangs straight. It bas a ond- ert'ul sheen inimrediately aller shampooing but it also becornes duli and oîly rathier q uickl. It seenis unable to take a set and does not sceem ro hold o ne. Baby fine flair is often lighit brown or blond, rarely red or black. Usually, it is also verx' thin. As it becomes oily it sticks together making the coiffure Rat. To give this type of' hair body, bounce and lorm. a three-pronged approach should be used: e The oiliness should be controlled. a The dianeter of'the hair should be built up %vith pro- tein conditioners. e -Hie cuticle should bc rouglîenied by iiild process- ing (enier tinting or %vaving). T his last solutioni is the best one tfor slippery hair. Pernianient %%aving g iveS body to the hair as %vell as lhelping it to hold a set. Ho%- ever, baby fine hair is \,Cr\, resistant to %vaving lotions. If vou leave the waving lotion on t00 long, the resuit can be a frizzy. dry. drab mness. Large permanent %vaving rods siould be used. This process Învolves taking srnail strands of hair. winding them on as rnany rods as possible advisable to wind aIl the h-ait when wet and apply the pcr- mianent lotion only wlien al the hair is wound up. T'his will ensure that the waving lotion.is left tlhe sanfie length of* tine on every part of the head and give an uni- form amount of' curîs. Coloring baby fine hair is another solution. The alka- line substances contained in hair dryers will roughcn thc cuticle and *thercby miake il set and hold better. A shampoo-in color, a conven- tional hair dye or a frosting can be used with equal effect. Frosting may be the hest answer. Often, it will matchi the light browvn color of the hair, make it less oily and vvill also add highlights to hair that is dull and vaguely colored. Wirh proper condition ing F.Sai&9:0p. with proteini richi condition- ers, thin. slippery hiair cao j Children's Matinee enjov the best results and Sat. 1: 30 p.r. becomie imanageable. It is very imîportanît that a DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD PLACE MALL 683 -6O74 had experienced a few days pnior to Oie storm. The creeks throughout Oie Oshawa-whitby area had a water level "higher than normal," Middleton said. F/ r Roy MaCauley'fS SOLID PINE '7PC* DININGROOM SUITE BUFFET, HUTC, 44 IN. ROUND TABLE WIT 2 LEAVES 4 SODE CHAIRS SPRING CLEARANCE BRANDY FINIS ' n A NOT EXACTLY AS SIIOWN $119870.COMPLETE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SALE SAVE 25% QUANTIIES LIMITD 47,.,o e det S a selece When the tragedy in Port Hope is taken into con- sideration, Ohe residents of Whitby and the rest of Oie Durham Region can con- sider t.hemnselves fortunate. STEAK HOUSE %W a 1 r 918 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY RESERVATIONS - 66i&9369> INTRODUCING LIGHT LUNCHES FROM 12-3 Sunday thm Saturday ALI'S TENDERLOIN TIPS thlnly ellced filet of beef served wlth pappercorn sauce and rice. $4.95 CALF'S LIVER IN WINE SAUCE served wlth onlons or bacon $3.95 VEAL CUTLET ALI'S OMELE emotheredi In spanlah sauce plain, muahroom or chesse $3951$3.50 A130VE ORDERS INCLUDE: soup du jour or tomato julce, baked or pan frled potato, tee or coffee. BEA UTIFUL FOU Fine hair can be beautiful _i~1 Dw~ep _______ (7#d4)44 dcd. 309 Brock St. S. Whltby Shopping Plaza Establlshod 1952 WHITBY 668-2081 "OUR AIM US TO SATISFY"' MMMMM" \1 1