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Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1980, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE1DNESDAY MARCFI 26, 1980, PAGE 21 LERCES BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Hait price on ail micrometers, socket & wrench set, vices, jacks, drill sets, drill press. 3 ton hoist, hydroiic garage floor jack, 1½ ton capacity $19500 and other tools for mechanIcs. Ail Items fuily guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 IjIGH EST PRICES Paid for Goid and Silver coins, oid guns, ciocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAI RS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caili668-4686 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DON E. Phono0828M4. AUTMILES FOR SALE 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 - 2 door, blua. Seiiing for $1600, cor- tifted. Muet aoi, im movtng. Phono 68-&7642 between 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 73 VALIANT. 4 door, power teering, alant 8;Ilike new - body, motor, power train, tires, brakea, and front end. One driver. Certif ied $1400. Phono 868- 8952 eveninga and woekenda. Mar. 12, 80 1972 FORD ITO WAGON with or wthoui CB radio. Beat offer. Phono 728-7790. ECA PATS WRECKING 1960 MUSTANG for par- ts Cali John 88-204. E H E LP j BOOKI<EEPER, RECEPTIONIST requlred, Phono 686-1545 for Inter- view. EFCR ETJ RENT A POOL swimming pool manufac- turer wiil bease and instail new 1980 family-sizod Pool complote wlth walkway, sun dock and fenclng, on a ren- tai basis with optioin to buy. Vour choice of stylo. Try beforo you buy! CallIiM- PERIAL POOLS toilif ree 1- 800-268-5970. MICELANEOU MANDERS RATTAN - for quaiity wicker and rattan prOducts, 668-551, 305 Brock St. N., Whiiby, Ont. juat south ot Canadian Tire. SWIMMING POOLS Manufacturer has an inventory ot 1979 above ground pools to cloar. Complote wth filter. motor, akimmer, pump, waik- around patio, fencing. Roguiariy $2,295.00, now $1444.00. Cai coiioct 1-519-623-4351 for further detaits. AZTEC ALL STEEL BUILDINGS, vartous sizea, reasonabie pricea, beat the Aprîti ncreaso. Cati 1-800268- 4939. 1 YEAR OLD VIKING 2 speed washor and heavy duty Konmore dryer. Phono 985-3498. A MANS DIAMONO RING appraisod vaue $1,250, asking $800 2 miniature o11 lampa - ruff led butte oye and cran- berry - asking $3M for pair. 668-4052. ANITQUE BAUS UPRIGHT PIANO. Excoelent condition. Naturai wood finish. Asking $700 or besi offer. Phono 668-4896 alter 5 and ask for Pte. DULUXE FRIDGE AND STOVE and air conditioner. Sot of 3 wali plaques and ottior items. 868-5647. MOVINO muai soit househoid fur- nitura. Living roomn suite, kitchen suite, and 7 pioce bedroom suite. Phono 6834931. 5 PIECE MEDITERRANEAN DININO ROOM SUITE - oval table, 2 extra leats. Good condition. 986-5414. 3 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR apar- imant or houso. Cai Mrs. Ketle 686- 2866. RERTONAL ý LEHIL 79 TRAVEL TRAILER 27'.Emn- maculate condition. Many oxtras. Cai 668-4283. We can*t help without your help. WOPKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS Ail persons heving cisima againat the Estete of Alice Mary RaY, faie Of Sunnycreat Nursing Homo, Whtby, Ontario, W1do., deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day 0f Jsnuary. 1978. muai hile thoir ciaim with the solicitors for the undersigned Ad- ministref ors On Or bfotre the let day 0f April. 1980; t hreafier the under- signed wilii distributa tho estaie having regard Oniy to the dlaimIs thon f lied. Dated the 41h day 0f March, 1960 DONALD B, HART and MARIBETH BRIGHAM, Adt'initrators, by Hughes. Amys. 390 eiy Stret, Suite 2800. Tornto, Ontario, MSH 2Z3, ther soicitors herin. LiDYCRE 1 WILLING TO DO DAY CARE IN MY HOME. Any age. Phono 728-5689. HOMEMAKER WITH RED CROSS TRAINING wanis chiidren any ag0 10 look alter nr nwn home, mornings f0 6 p.m. Nurishing moata provided, beave your worrios to me. Centraiiy iocaied n Whiiby 668-1524. DAY CARE IN MY HOME at Burns West and Annes, Calit 684504 anytime. nEEIENCED U2OKEEPE3 BOO1<KEEPER - offerIng experien- ced bookkeopIng services, pick-up and deiivory 668-1012. E ORDA VACATION CLEARWATER FLORIDA - six, 3 bedroom, furished mobile per- manent) homes. Pools, tennis, shuf- fioboard, air, guif, beachos, Dtsney World, Chiidren weicome. 683-5503- SERVICES AccI-JPATE WHITBY MALL CHECKER'S VARIET TAX TIME SAVES ARE YOU HOOKED ON BOOKS? LET US SUPPORT YOUR HABIT. WHITOY BOOK< EXCHANGE 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 88-2097. HUNDREOS 0F 800OKS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE TAKE TRADE-INS. WILL PAY CASH (15% ofIliai price> for westerns, acience fiction, biographies and gothic romances. Paperbacks onty. ALSO WANTED - USED COMICS <wi pay 20% of ltsi price>. Muet be in excellent condition. WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE. 120 DUNDAS ST:- W. 668-2097. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ANLNCEMENT COLLEEN AYLWARD TO ALEX KEHOE on May 17, 1980 at St. John The Evangeliat Church ait 2:30 p.m. CANADA Worklng wlth people who are helplng lhemsîves Send Vour TaxODoductible Contribution 10ý OXFAM.CANADA Box 18.000 Box 12,000 TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHNS VANCOUVER Ontar i I~1io oe nent Bil ingir The foiiowing contractors have successfuily prequalified to tender on this proJect. 1. Tom Jones & Sons Ltd. P.O. Box 2446, THUNDER BAY, Ontario 2. Vanbots Construction Company 759 Warden Ave., SCARBOROUGH, Ontario 3. P. Barnett Construction 200 James Street South, HAMILTON, Ontario 4. Fou ndation Company 0f Canada 1 Yonge Street, TORONTO, Ontarlo 5. Inducon 250 Consu mers Road, WILLOWDALE, Ontario 6. West York Construction Ltd. 270 Toryork Drive, WESTON, Ontario 7. George Wimpey Canada Ltd. 80 North Queen Street, TORONTO, Ontario Sub-contractors desirous of submitting quotations to the prequaiifiled tenderers may obtain tender documents from: Ministry of Government Services Custodian of Plans and Specif icat ions Room NW-1167 11lth Fioor, Ferguson Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2G3 Telephone (416) 965-1270 A deposit of $300.00 certified cheque or money order is required. Seaied tenders f rom the prequallfied tenderers wiii be received until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, May 8, 1980, at which time they wIi be opened in public at: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario Please quote Project No. GS-84229. Ministry of Government Services Ontario IFIREWOODi Ontario Fbrk 225 Brock St. N ., Whîtby 668-6171 or 668-172 ARE INTERESTED INVYOUI Wo need a few good sales people. If you vaeInterested In setting your own achievemnent goals r.garding Incomne, we now off or you an exclusive audiovisual training programme, ausa, we'Il encourage you toward reachlng your goals. You can be lnfiated wtth the mocuit& we cen help you attain. You cen be hemp workng In a professional elmosphore which iends Itseif tao ff icienu.y and pieasant worktng conditions. Whther y*u are qualifled ai present or currently taking or consldertng the govemment pre-iconclng coume-we want to tak to youi For a confidentil personai Interview celi TONY KLOMPMAKER 688&6171 ALL HARDWOOD FILL YOUR TRUCK OR DELIVERED 1-649-3100 ABLE ANTEN NA L BUSINIESS EARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOME, good pay, easy work, no experiOnce necessary. Send for application to G. Kirkiand, 250 Taunton Rd., West. Oshawa. L1G 3T3. L UCIN AUCTION SALE GOOD FRIDAY, Aprii 4, 11 a.m, ai Brougham Hall No. 7 Hwy. and Brock Road, Sais of househoid furniture, antiques, dishos and coilectabies Inciuding mohogany dining room suite wiih Ouncan Fife style table <Good), 3 plece wainui bedroom suite, double brase bed, double spool bed, dlocks <2 echoot, beehivo, gingerbread> 3 dressera, achool boit, pressed back rockers, oit lampe, piaffera round old pedestal table, set of 6 pressed back chairs, curlo cabinet, oak hall seat rack, buggy wheeis, decoys, wooden planes, Ice tonga, brasa fîrepiace doga, ceat fire basket, buffet, waah stands, 2 beaver sealere, wooden but- ter bowi, number of odd presaed back chairs, piano stoot, mirrors, oak chur- ch pew, wooden wali telephone, chaste of drawors, corner whaf-not, crocke, Viking humidifier, eiectrlc can oponor, fondue soi, Underwood typewriier and deek set, set of 6 pine seat chaire, mtlk botties, copper bolier, dishes, plus numerous other articles. Terme cash, no roservo. John Annis auctioneer 655-4663, SATURDAY APRIL 5. Il a.m., an- tiques and furniture. Auction sale the property 0f Mrs. Joan Hunier of Scar- borough to be hoid ai the Prince Albert Hell n the village Of Prince Albert, 1 mite south 0f Port Perry. A large sale featuring a round oak fable, buffet and chairs, ruga, refrIgerator, colour TV and a largo collection 0f an- tiques and dishes f0 be auctionod by Murray Jackson 985-2459. You too can measure Up SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complote with Walkaround deCk, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filiter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toli f ree 1-800-268- 5970. WANTED Canadian and American silver coins. Sterling pieces, gotd rings and wat- ches. 728.4455 513 Perry St. Whitby, Ont. 1~ 668-6901 SERVICE MARCH WIND SPECIAL USED COLOR T.V. OVER STOCKED 25 to Choose f rom $1 49.00 Up to $399.00 CONSUL COLOUR T.V. 60 day warranty OPEN 10-5 DAILY. m annumumoffl mmmi f >Mm w 'ED TO N T - M-

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