PAG~E 14, W4lENESDAY. APRIL 2, 1980, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS OPSEU recommends counsellors rejeet offer SHOREF HAZAPMS " Do You Plan To Purchase Shore Property? " Are '<ou Already A Shore Property Owner? -Are '<ou lnterested In Shore Property Management? Property damage caused by severe shoreline erosion and flooding can be dsastrous unless you take appropriate safeguards. For more information on how to avoid costly erosion and flooding damage. write or phone for the followîng publications: 1. Coplng With The Great Lakes 2. Shore Property Hazards 3. Not Ours To Control 4. The Role of Vegetation In Shoreline Management - 5. What You Always Wanted To Know About Great Lakes Water Levels Informaion services Branch maine inormation Centire Ontario Mnsiry of Naturai Resources Canada Cenre for Iniand Waers 99 Welesley Street West, Iorontoý 867 Lakeshore Road, PO Box 5050 Ontario M7A iW3 Burinton. Ontario L7R4A6 Teepflone (416) 9652756 Telepirone (,16) 637-4337 I*Envlronmnt Fislseres and Canacla Oceans canada Their union leader will advise the 90 counsellors at the Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicap- ped to reject a tenative con- tract agreement with the province - an offer which in- cludes wage increases of up to 24.3 per cent over the next two years. Peter Dashfield, represen- ting the centre's counsellors, said last week that he will recommend that the tenative agreement between 'lie Ontario Public Service Employees Union and the provincial government be rejected. "Personally, 1 don't think the offer is large enough and I will be recommending to niy members they rejeet it," Dashfield said adding "I don't think it is a large enough step up the ladder yet. " The province's offer affec- ts 6,200 counsellors, child care workers and nursing assistants at psychiatric hospitals and homes for the mentally retarded across Ontario and was reached during a recent weekend session and will be voted on by OPSEU members before April 10. 10:00Pa.m. hr: it is lfrisd110 .mCrs soisten Pore 1 1 : 0 0h e l B v d )9 -4 a .i. S u n d a y S c h o o l 6 3 . n ' a n o i t r ' F m l o i COME, E PAR 0F OR WARAFELLWSHIf y B WVANT E I PEOPLEFun-lovinq and otherwise, To enter a 4-peirson team comprised of persons from a business, club, organization, household or other such social group in the lst ever CHOO-kIN CHILI COOk-OFF IN AID 0F CYSTIC FI BROSIS TO BE HIELD: SATURDAY, MAY 24th, 1980 at SWISS CHALET PARK in Greenwood, Ontario. REWARD A TRIP FOR 2: To view the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI COOK-OFF in TEXAS, U.S.A. For the winning team. ENTRY: Can be made by sendinq the $25.00 Entry Fee and the coupon below to: CHOO-KIN CHI LI, C/O CHOO RADIO0, 97 McMaster Ave. Ajax, Ontario LiS 2E6 EACH TEAM ENTERED RECEIVES: HEAD COOKS NAME: -4 Officiai CHOO-KIN CHILI buttons -2 OfficiaI CHOO-KIN T-shirts -Rules, regulations and onle true Chili Recipe. -4 Free Memberships in the CA' TE XAS ADDR ESS:. TE LEPHON E: No. 0F TEAM MEMBERS Limît 4 I2 T-SHIRT SIZES S,ML. ENTRY DEADUINE MAY lst, 1980 COUNTRYpD,0.14 For More Information Phone 683-4131 or 831-1310 Durîng regular business hours. The province has of fered a 24.3 per cent wage increase over two years for coun- sellors and a 19.4 per cent increase for other workers which will by the end of the contract term increase their wages by an average of $3,000. Under the agreement, the first increase of 50 cents an hours would be paid retroac- tively to January 1 and the second increase of 10 cent.s would corne into effect at the beginning of this month. The third increase of 1.7 per cent would be given on July 1 with an additional two per cent on October 1.- At the beginning of 1981, they would receive an ad- ditional eight per cent with a final hike of 1.25 per cent. in April of that year. *'We'rc really not ending up with very much," t)ash- field said. "My meinbers share the same concerfi and they will probably reflect tha t in the vote. " He said that «'a lot of people" are unhappy with the government's offer because they dlaim that it does not reflect the training involved in the job. Fred Upshaw, who represents 200 OPSEU members working at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital said that he was pleased the governînent "made a sub- stantial move" froni its original offer of five per cent and 4.5 per cent of two years. "I would personally dlaim a victory for the union in terms of public relations campaign," Upshaw said, adding that he did flot think that a strike vote would be needed. "However, if they vote it down, that will likely in. dicate a strike vote" he said. Inspired by traffic deat h.... Snowmobi*tles banned on town owned roads In a unanimous vote, Whitby Town Council has adopted a bylaw banning the use of snowmobiles on town owned roads south of Rossland Road. The proposal was in- troduced by Centre Ward Councillor Barry Evans af- ter an accident involvîng snowmobiles killed a 15 year old Whitby girl. Despite the concensus, some councillors expressed their doubts that such a bylaw could be enforced. >West Ward Councillor Joe Bugelli said that "it is easy enough to pass bylaws, but not so easy to enforce BARRY EVANS D. ýTHAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. E., Whîtby 668-7797 HOU RS: Mon..- Sat. & Evenings By Appomntment Only them." "The unfortunate point is that by the time you get a hold of the police and get themn down there, the offen- der is gone," he said. Regional Councillor and Durham Regional Police Commissioner Bob Atter- sley said that the police are equipped with snowmobiles and motorcycles and that "they will go in and enforce the bylaw. " Councillor Joe 'Drumm, representing the east ward, said that he had checked on the force's equipmnent and found that "they have two snowmobiles for aIl of Durham." "We have a bylaw on the books banning snowinobiles from parks, but it is hardly ever kept," Drumm said ad- ding "Since we haven't been able to enforce that one, how do we expect to enforce the new one." Under the new bylaw, any person convicted of operating a snowmobile on town owned roads will face a maximum fine of $1,000. In- taking this action, Whitby joins both Oshawa and Pickering who have also banned snowmobiles on local municipal roads, WHITEHOU-SE MOTORS 6&E4fgtf4a'bf 1973 Pontiac Grand Arn 1974 Pontiac Astre Automnatic, 8 cyl Air condltloning, P/W, Tilt steerlng, A./FM Stereo,8 track' Automnatic, 4 cyl One owner car. 29,000 Buoket, Console, Showroomn condition. miles. LIC: BPU667 LC:DZC 852. $ 99 .$1488. 1977 Honda Civic 1975 Plymouth Scamp 2-Dr. 4 cel Standard 28,000 miles. Lady driver. 318 automnatlc, Air cond., PIS, PIB, Clean LIC 1 1XJ 346. car. LIC: KUP543 $2990. $2188. 1974 Cougar XR7 1973 Camero 8 cyl Automatic, PIS, PIB, P/W Buckets, 350 automnatic, PIS, PIB AM stereo, 8 console, Sharp car. LIC: HXB 836 track. Z-28 option. LIC: ozh 187 $1495. Reffduced to $2008 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 146 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 666-1113