PAG;E 16. WFUNESL)AY, APRIL 2, 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS LACAC's jb to preserveheritage By EUGENE HENRY The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committe for Whitby (LACAC) was established via a Town of Whitby by-law in 1978 with a mandate to assist council in conser- vation inatters generally under the Ontario Heritage Act and more particularly to identify and describe the heritage type buildings of this area, those with historical significance and architectural menit. Since then, Whitby's henitage committee has not only developed the first real inventory of early Ontario buildings in this area but a companion list of structures that are endangered, because they can not meet 1980 building codes or because they are in conflict with proposed plans for the land where they are located. Several buildings on the Whitby inventory list are eliglible for designation as "historic sites" and the Old County Court House has already been designated by council after receiving a recommendation from the loc§l heritage committee to take such action. Several other buildings. are currently under review, with researchers using a newly developed evaluation formula for this appraisal process, aimed at deter- mining the structure's heritage value to the Whitby PERSONAL GROWTH OPPORTUN ITI ES! CHALLENGING & VARIED PROGRAMS NEED VOLUNTEERS: - to teach mentally retarded aduits & children. - to seil in pottery &handicraft boutique. - to mend & alter clothing - ta becomne mem bers of Vol unteer Assoc iation Days - Evenings - Weekends Apply Now! Cail Durham Centre for the Developmnentally Handicapped 668- 7745 Ext. 435 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. TRAINING PROVIDED. ( FREEDAYCARE. Ontario community. Chairman of the commit- tee Eugene Henry says. that his conservation group wili be developing dloser ties with the regional education system. in the months that lie ahead in 1980. Using pamphlets on subjects such as "Whitby harbour in pre- confederation imes" to make local history more in- teresting and meaningful for those of student age in the Whitby community. Whitby citizens serving on the heritage committee at the present ime are: Eugene M. Henry, chair- man; Eric Laycock; Catherine Schell; Sheila Cormack; Ruth Bodolay; Roger Adams; Ron Hender- son; and Graham Field. Councillor Barry Evans is the Mayor's designate member and planner Bruce Hunt acts as secretary for the conservation committee. CHARTER DINNER There is a very special evening in store for anyone who would like to attend the Whitby Toastmistress Club Charter Dinner on Saturday, April 12'at 6:30 p.m. for cocktails - 7:30 for dinner. This is an opportunity to meet the club members as well as local dignit.aries. The ladies are invited to bring an escort to add to the sociability of the evening. The meeting will be held at Cedricks Banquet Hall, Brock Street North, Whitby. Cost is $9.50 per person, Reservations can be made by calling Carol Davis 668- 0438 or Lilian North 668-7479. WAGER COACH UNES LUMUTED 268 Newburgh Road Box 294 Napanee, Ontarlo Phone (613) 354-3842 WHEELING- Jamboree ln the His - JuIy l8th - 21 at Get the "Wheeling Feeling" - the greatest outdoor music show in America - for further Information cali Wagar Coach Tours 1-800-267-0944 Priced from $1 75.00