PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2. 1980, WHITBY Corridor N ~Ju Capers By MARY MCEACH4ERN K-MART PLAZA AND RESTAURANT Thanks Joe! The residents in the area would like to thank Joe Drumm for making sure no relief is in sight from traffic, garbage, odours and noise-even on Sundays. Joe seems to feel that Corridor residents are capable of trouncing him on the old noggin. Tut, tut, Joe, you have every right to your morally rights and your morally dishonests, whatever they may be. If you choose to trust all developers and believe they can do no wrong, thats your problem. When you create undo hardships for our neighbours, that something else. Don't let your contempt for C.B.C. distort your usual collective reasoning. Just to show you we still love you Joe, I've dashed off a little ditty. Sorry, the time element would not permit more than a few lines. Maybe you're lucky! TO JOE, OUR EAST WARD COUNCILLOR Kicking councillors in the head Joe, Is just not our style. But we'll generate an idea, You might consider worthwhile. There's a place far more fitting, Slightly south of your crown. The ideal location for kicking, Would be about-one meter down. Sitting on your morals may hurt, But it won't be a Corridor elf. 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY The Planning Act NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN-OF WHITBYTO REGULATE LAND USE PURSUANT TO SECTION 35OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law 966-80 on the tenth day of March, 1980, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act. The following Schedules are attached hereto: 1. Schedule 1, being a copy of By-law 966-80. 2. Schedule 2, consisting of the following: 1. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by- law. il. A key map which shows the location of the lands to which the by-law aoDlIes where there is no key map an explanation as to why a key map is not in- c1uded). 3. Schedule 3, not required in the Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. Schedule 4, being a statement of the chief planning officer of the Regional Municipality of Durham in which the land to which the by-law applies is situate. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one days after the date of malling, personal service or publication of this notice, file with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of an objection to the approval of the said By- law or part thereof together with the details of ail or that portion of the By-law to which there is objection and detalled reasons thereof. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for ap- proval of the by-law may, within twenty-one days after the date of the maillng, personal service or publication of this notice, file with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of support of the application for approval of the said by-law. If no notice of objection has been flIed with the clerk of the munlcipality within the time provided, the by-law thereupon comes into effect and does not require the ap- proval of the Ontario Municipal Board. If a notice of objection has been filed with the clerk of the munlcipality within the time provided, the by-law shall be submitted to the Ontarlo Municipal Board and the by-law does not come into effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS IS APRIL 17, 1980. THE OBJECTION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. DATED at the Town of Whitby this twenty-sixth day of March, 1980. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Who's caused you such pain Joe, You've done that job yourself. We':l now turn the column over to Marion Buchanan with more local news. DR. ROBERT THORNTON SCIHOOL The teachers and students have had challenge games of basketball and volleyball to help raise some of the money needed for the exchange trip to Quebec. The students won both games. Now that the ski season is over, we would like to express our appreciation to Miss Edmunds and the other teachers who give their own time to take a bus load of students every week skiing. ANDERSON C.V.I. Congratulations to the Anderson chess team who just won the local tournament and the best of luck in the regionals. WESTMINSTER UNITED There will be a service on Good Friday at il a.m., on Easter Sunday there will be two services. The first at 7:30 a.m. followed by breakfast and the regular service at il a.m. with all the special music appropriate for the day. Would anyone wishing to share their flowering plants for the Sunday services please call Shirley Wallis or Jean Senko, or bring them with you to add joy and beauty to the church that day. Daies to keep in mind: Sunday April 20 - 8 p.m. The young people and the young acýults from Cannington will present a musical on the Life of Christ. It is sponsored by Westminster and St. Marks. - More later. Tuesday April 22 - 8 p.m. Annual night of cards. Prizes and refreshments. Help - everyone likes to read about someone they know. If you have any information that you would like in the column please let me know. Ill need all the help I can get until Mary gets back from the 'sunny south'. Marion Buchanan 579-0878. Schedule1 The following is a copy of By-law 966-80 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER 966-80 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1784 AS-~AMEliflED WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable to amend By-law Num- ber 1784 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof as follows:- (1) That Section 11(a) (vil) of By-law 1784 Is hereby amended to read as follows:- Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of sub- section (a) any lot which was on April 27, 1971 held under distinct and separate ownership from abutting lands as shown by a registered conveyance in the records of the Registry Office for the Land Titles Office may be used for the purpose of one single family dwelling unrelated to farming provided: (1) that such lot was used for such purpose as of April 27, 1971, or (Il) that such lot was on April 27, 1971 vacant of all buildings except such buildings that under the inter- pretation provisions of Section 2 (a) could be properly considered appropriate accessory building to the use of the lot as a single family detached dwelling and are in- tended to be used by the owner for such purpose. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 10TH DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1980. SCHEDULE2 1. The purpose and effect of By-law 966-80is to 1) recognize as legal conforming uses single family dwellings located in an agricultural zone on lots of distin- ct and separate ownership on or before April 27,1971. il) permit the construction of a single family dwelling on a lot having distinct and separate ownership on or before April 27, 1971 provided that the existing buildings are ac- cessory to the residential use. 2. The key map showing the location of lands affected by By-law 966-80 is not necessary because this by-law is for a change to the text of By-law 1784 and will affect proper- ties throughout the municipality. Schedule 4 STATEMENT OF CONFORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 1, Mofeed Michael, the Chief Planning Officer of The Regional Municipality of Durham, have reviewed By-law 966180 of The Town of Whitby and I am of the opinion that the said By-law is in conformity with the Off icial Plan of the Region of Durham Planning Area as amended; and the Of- ficial Plan of the former Town of Whitby Planning Area; as amended. Dated this 17th day of March, 1980. Dr. M. Michael Commissioner of Planning Emm seeks legal advise on plaza By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff One Whitby councillor is upset about council's decision to allow the expan- sion of the K-Mart Plaza at the corner of Kendalwood Road and Dundas Street East. Specifically, Regional Councillor Gerry Emm is concerned about the restaurant for the proposed scheme. Emm said that "the of- ficial plan (for the area) doesn't allow for a free stan- ding building." He said that when the plaza was built, provision was made for the two present buildings to be ex- panded but not for another free standing building to be constructed. "I'm opposed to a restaurant of that type when it breaks the official plan and I'm seeking legal advise from the regional solicitor," Emm said pointing out that the plan must now go to regional council for its ap- proval. Emm also pointed out that the original approval was given for a plaza, not for a shopping centre and such a change would require an of- ficial plan amendment. He is concerned about the location of the historical cairn commemorating the site of the original church founded by Dr. Robert Thor- ton. "It's an insult to the cairn to have it (the restaurant) so' close," Emm said adding that it has been moved once before to accommodate the plaza. He also said that the plaza should "add to, not take away from this monument." Emm said that he is also against the identification sign that the developer plans to put up and suggested that it is not in accordance with present town regulations. The sign, according to Emm, will be 32 feet or four stories high and he is sure that this breaks the bylaw. While Emm says that he does "endorse signs on business property in the town" the planning board has "reversed" its position in this case from previous recommendations. "They been against signs" of this type in the past," he said. Emm said that he has taken the only course of ac- tion open. to him at the moment in approaching the Region of Durham's legal- experts for their opinion although he said he will take up the matter again should it come before regional coun- cil as an official plan amen- dment. BRIAN DEMGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD PLACE MALL 683-6074 1 FREE PRESS