PAGE 1.4. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS or Fearmanîs, Whoie or Shank Portion Cooked Hams Our Rg. Price 1.281lb. ifference1 __________________________B Dominion Trlm, Short Cut Prime Rib Roast Our Reg. Price 2,,781lb. 4 I .50 b. difference _____________________________________________________________ E Ail Purpose Grind Coffee Chas & Sanborn 1 lb. bag Our Mm. Price 4.19 1.31 difference lU,i Deu**% a Oie 1tvNe mwc A Febirim01 - d Golden Bird Turkeys e 1.18 Ouor.Pies m1.48 lb. Seoood Orson orWsxsd hene. Crain style Cont, Psâ Cswts or fsncy pois. Del Monte Vegetables Our' Reg Pr. 49 New Largr Sin. Large lR«tongl Maplo LW dl@ios.SUcd Reynolds Brakfast Bacon Roaste 1.38 1LOI Or Re Prico .07 Our Reg. PMe 1.79 69 difference .10 difference 6 Io 10 K. Average4 Froa Ideul for Poullry Drssdng EvbtabmrtsdCanadaGrade-A- Mary Mmss Young Turkeys Sausage Meat Ouir Re a .g. bOur R.g. Price .» .40 iffeenc 12 difference v Canmed Maple Leaf Ham 24 oz. i 9.29 Our Re%. Price 4.49 Frozen Seil New Zealand S 1cli Legs lb 178 ' or Special Ali lBeef Maple Leaf 1ib i~ Wieners ,,l a 8 ' Mapie Leai Bokoga Mac&ChMe Pok and Baconoro'LuOchon Qo ai Cooked 175 g Meats pkg Regular, Thîck, Thîn Speclali or Alil Beef Schneider's _1Q Bologna kg ---- Assored Vanieties Speciali Scnnt4der's Sandwich Spre0 g7 Assoried Vanieies Speciail Schneiders Luncheon Snack 2%.89 Chubs cu Schneictees or Seil Maple Leat. Sliced Seil Cooked 175 g Ham 'gIa38 Produce of Hawaii Jet Fresh Pineapples 1.99... ISPECIAL!I Produce of USA New Cr"p Vlencla, 138's Sunkist Oranges m97 doz. 1 SPECIAL! 1 Florida Grown Produce of USA CelloR*adshesFresh Cell RadshesBunch Carrots 8ib. B%58bag 2bunches$ I I SPECIAL! IJSPECIAL! I Florida Grown Large Size Produce of USA 27's Indien River Ideal for Eaister dinner White Grapef ruit Yams 31$1 3 IbIU99 SPECIAL! JISPECIA L!I Frozen Seii Deep Dish Sell Gaisbrogh12 ilz Pie Shelis pkg Bght's Speclail Cocktail -Oz in.79 Asorted Varieties Speclal Gourmoet Tetlei- T ea Vags 4agpkg .99 Frozen Seil Dominion Deluxe Sell Whupin coi 1.a15 Frozen SpeclaIl Booth Sole 16o, .6 Fillet pg 2 6 Assortect Vanieties SpeclaIl Premiuni Ouality Seaitest 2/ 9 Llght 'N LveIy 2% Speclal Cottage 0gI O Cheese Slb1j9 Assorted Colours Speciali Paper Vîva fl Towels pg 10 Meter Alumnumn Speclall Acan ~ 1 0 Quikki Plastic Speciali Utiity pkg 9 Bagsof2 Dominion Speciali Prepared 24 .59 Alil Purpose Speclail Paxo 8eo0 Stuffing pg.7 Frozeri. Dominion Fancy Speclall Choice Wh1'lo Strawberries 2bS a3 Dominion Speiaif Blanched 3Cg 1 9 Peanuts 'ig1 1 Small Speclali Roen~ar ach 1. 9 Almond, Gold SO11 or Chocolate (Dust) Soli Dish or Dust Pan oechiA Regular or Toddlers Spoclali Bay Scott Disposable pkgO Diapers 24 2@49 Assorted Colours Speciafl Scotties Facial Tissue 100 .39 Baby Spoclal Wash 5 Cloths Pk, Fresh MinI or Soli Mild Mini Maclean's m00 99 Toothpaste 9 sSocali Baby Shampeo saor, 3013U Pheasants Values effective Until close of business Tuesday, April 8, 1980 only .3 dIfference J.47 differenoe.. 1.20 differencej 6Sgo 10h Avorag, Fmozn Rehm.îo poeor AssodedVarieties Evbcu§94 d~CuiachUtIty GradeIn Irs Own Juice Young Dinner Del Monte Turlkeys Roffis Pineapple pkg. of 122 .87 .59 2/99 OurR.g. P. 1.18 lb. Our Re. Prloe.68 »ch .31i. difference SPECIAL .37 dIfferencedn Wu From CanGr d ABWu Braising Ribe 1.18 >u r R* PrWlc.«88lb. .70 iixdifference- lq