WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2), 1980, PAGE 7 Brek1 lin B Blines ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCII FHOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES Maundy-Thursday - 7:30 p.m. at the Brooklin United Church - joint communion service with the St. Thomas Anglican Chur- ch. The Preacher is Reverend Ted Stevens. Good Friday - United Church Service at 10:00 a.m. at St. Thomas' Anglican Church. The Preacher is Reverend Boyce Elliott. Easter Sunday. Services - St. Thomas' Anglican Church - 8:30 a. m. and 10: 30 a. m. AMAZING COUNTRY PERFORMERS Due to their performance being snowed out the Amnazing Country Performers from Janetville have agreed to try again on April 10. t will be an enjoyable evening of music, drama and dance at the Myrtle United Church. Tickets which are $2 for aduits and $1 for children are available by calling 655-4284. ASHBURN COMMUNITY DANCE The Ashburn Dance will he held at the Thunderbird on April 12 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $15 per couple (19 years and older) Refreshmen ts, bar, prizes and disc jockey. For tickets or further information cail Sharyn Emm 655- 3945, Marion Slater 655-4028, Grace Hopkins 655-3486 and Mary Watts 655-4254. BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Keep this date in mind April 12. More information to follow. PUBLIC MEETING Approximately haîf of our tàx dollars go towards education. As taxpayers weshould ask: Are our children getting a quality education in return? A meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Concept Centre in Brooklin. Ail concerned citizens from Brooklin, Ashburn, Myrtie and area are invited. Parental input is vital in developing and maintaining a good and active relationship amongst parents, teachers, principal and the students - our children. Come and express your suggestions, opinions, beliefs and complaints. Refreshments will be served. CYSTIC FIBROSIS DANCE-A-THON The Brooklin and District Kinette Club held their second an- nual Danceathon on Saturday, March 8 at the Brooklin Com- munity Centre. By the end of the event, which lasted for 16 hours, the kids were tired but satisfied with the time spend raising money for this worthwhile cause. 668-0727 There were many door prizes as weIl as cash awards for Uhe most money a sponsorship turned in by the required date. The winners of these awards were: First prize of $50 - Laurie Or- mston, and two tied for second prize of $20 each - Ken Lynde and Gerald Gregg. ICongratulations kids! Many thanks to ail of you who par- t icipated as well as the parents and sponsors supporting them. IRemaining sponsorship money can be turned in to myself, to Jane Baron or at the April 12 Teen Dance. In LARGE SELEUHION 0F - FLOWERING PLANTS AND GIlTS FOR EASIER FRESH & SI11K FLOWERS TOWNE FLOWERS !-.5 601 Dundas St. W. Whitby Town Plaza FTD COLD CUT CENTRE 128 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-9931 Parking At Rear Easter Special Black Forest Hams Store sliced or in a piece. Reg. $3.89 Ham Koibassa (coll) Reg. $3.29 2a99 2n99 PoIish Sausage, (coul) 1.49 Reg. $1.99 Wholesale Division K.H. Kurz Foods Ine. Hwy. 12 Myrtie Station 655-3692 Cold Cut Centre & Quality Meats 178 Queen St. Port Perry 985-2818 PÀM WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Brooklin Women's Institute was organized in 1910. The farmers wives were Ionely for each other as their husbands were meeting regularly. The Women's Institute is an organization of rural women from farms, villages and towns. It is non-sectarian, non- partisan and non-social. Its aims (1) Encouraging better home making practises (2) Helping develop happier and more useful citizens (3) Discovering and stimulating leadership (4) To help develop better informed citizens and keep them abreast of current events and up-to-date knowledge. Its motto "Home and Country" The programns are planned around the activities of Standing Committees, Convenors of Agriculture andl Canadian In- dustries Citizenship and World affairs, Education and cultural activities, family and consumers affairs and resolutions, In- ternational affairs. Mll Women's Institute were federated in 1919 to form the Federated Women's Institutes in Ontario. Ail members support the International organization of the Associated County Women of the World branches being in every country in the world. The Queen, Queen Mother and Princess Margaret are ail members taking their turn being hostess. District annuals are held each year and area conventions every faîl - this district at Royal York. Junior Institutes are girls and young women age 16-29. Programs are planned for this age group. Brooklin's Lad and Jr. Institute. The Junior Farmers are still active. 4 H. Homemaking clubs are for girls 12-26 years being spon- sored by W.I. The Club programming is supervised by County Home Economist of Home Economics branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, includes projects in food, clothing, housefurnishing, hospitality, gardening and home defence. Home Economics Branch of Ontario Agriculture and Food courses are available in food nutrition, clothing and textiles, home furnishings, home crafts, health, education, cultural activities. The W.I. was founded in Stoney Creek Ontario in 1897. Any ladies from age 18 are welcome. The last meeting was held at home of Mrs. Sonley. The rol caîl was my first teacher and school. Current events was given by Mrs. L. Arksey. Mrs. Sonley displayed the Twiedmuir History books and told history of Brooklin. Brooklin had 7 churches at one time. MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Mt. Brooklin 655-4991 Continously vented. Fits any soffit width. Appiy directiy to framing or over oid soffit. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. E. Croxall's on April 16 at 2: 00 p.m. The new officers will be inst.alled. Mrs. John Hall is president, Miss Alice Arnold is sec-treasurer. FASHION SIIOW The Brooklin & District Kinette Club presents "Rainbow of the B's" Fashion Show on Wednesday, April 16 at 8:00 p.m. Fashions from Fashions 126 and Agnes Disney and shoes by Kameka Footware will be shown at Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Whitby. $500 ELIMINATION DRAW The Brooklin & District Kinsmen are sponsoring an Elimination Draw of $500 with proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis. There will be a prize for every lOth ticket drawn, tickets are to be drawn at the Kinsmen Monte Carlo Dance on Saturday, April 19, 1980 from 1: 00 p.m. to 1: 00 a.m. at the Brooklin Com- munity Centre. Tickets, which are $5 may be obtained from Don Vipond at 655-4953. Susan Smith 655-3932 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) I Spring is horel Lightweight. Cut.s with ha nd saw. FUMI Imm%- Z mtie building centre 1 WE INSTALL CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE