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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1980, p. 20

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r - ,- %A IZ.l'%Cl'%A ' /A ffl! I I tI ITRV IUIE PUI.Çý Free PressEmlp oruum EmpoiumAds illonl be ccetedsubject to the following Condb*tions. AUTOMOBILES F OR S A LE 1174 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISEII STATION WAGON 9 seater. air coqdtloang, powerasteelnt, brakes, windows, seata. AM/FM sterea radio, power door locks with a trailer htch. Wil sel! $1600. Cal! Barry 668-645 Feb. 6, 80 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS, PIB, 9 passenger. 351 Auto, 65000 miles. Re-built motor and tran- smission. $700 or besi of for. 668- 7607. Fob. 27,80 73 VALIANT, 4 foor, power steering, sient 6; IlTWonow -.body, motor, power train, tires, brakos, and front end. One driver. Certlfied $1400. Phono 66l- 8952 evonInga and weekends. Mar. 12, 80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or best offer, Phono 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 1155 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan, Good for restoring. M50 Phone 725- 6106. Jan. 30,80 CLASSIC CAR - Oneo f a KInd - 65 Chevy Il. Excellent condition has juat had $1300 worth of mochanicai work dons. Phono 668-3164. WiIi tako any roasonablo offer. Feb. 27, 80 2 - 1972 FIRENZA, 39,000 miles; 1 runs good, but needa a ciutch In- stlied; the other la for parts. Both for $200. Phono 668-0621. Mer. 19,80 1971 METEOR 2 door hardtop, high mleago, new ires and battory, has beon certif led. (papers to prove). Asking $500 f irm. Phono 668-4754. Mar, 19, 80 1969i BARRACUDA 318 V-8. good in- tenlon, running condition $500, 655. 3411, Apr. 2, 80 1968 FIREBîRD - 350 automatic Pîo, A-i shape, new pint. $1600 certif lad. 8668-919 after 5 p.m. Feb. 13,80 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Good runnlng condition. $250 or basf offer. Cali anytIme 668-0073. Fab. 27,80 1- 68I CORVET CONV LE with 2 full barrai carburators,>&adora. aide pipes. Body cusiomIzod $5500 firm; 1 . 66 Oids Torinada $1,200; 1- 69 Cadiilac Sedan DevIllo $50. Cali 723- 8915. Mer. 26, 80 1947 CHRYSLER NEWPOR'1' engine and body in good condition. Power windows. Snow tires in- cluded. Interior immactulate $3o or best offer. Cafl 668-2263. Feb. 6,80 Ml COS, 2 door, good mach., ruaty $125. 725-0636 Apr. 2, 80 FOR SALE Asking $300 uncert 263 atr6 Prm Apr. 2, 80 y )Pr~k RTIRETON1 VELES w61 O85 - needa wvIrIng $450 as la, fImm. Cali 6868-4074. Mer. 19.80 BOAT FOR SALE - 1974 SIdewinder blue and gray moeal file, with 1974, 70 h.p. Evinrude. Aiso comes wth T ski ber, ski rope, ski boit. 8 track bulit ln stereo, and speakers. AskIng $4200. 668k5949. Apr. 9, 80 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN eQuippec. with fridga, atove a water. 6 cyl. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As le but con be certif led. $1.500. Phonoe6553008. Mar. 12. 80 1978 STEURY 16 foot deep V ibregiasa boat, wlth a 115 Johnson motor, 2,000 lb. traiter, convertible top, plus many oxîras, asking $7000 - muai sai immedialely. 668-3052 after 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 ELLAL LNEOUS KITCHEN SET'- table and 4 chairs $50 or boat offer; 1 amailibike - 2 wheeler 10", training wheeis avalabie $10 or besi off or. 668-9947, Apr. 2, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS ln good condition $75 or boat offeor '368- 4760. Apr. 2,80 GAF-CHINON sound movie caornra, brand now, nover ised with ail availablo options. $350 or boat offor. 668-0621. Mar. 19,80 RECTANGULAR DININO ROOM SET - velour uphoiaiered chairs- smokod glass top and chromo table. Excellent co',dition $200; a couch and chair - good queiity but needa cieaning. Good for roc room or cottage $75* amail round kitchen table and 4 chairs - now condition $75; portable apartmont sized humidifier $40. Phone 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 HOOVER, noariy new, vacuum cloaner $60. 668-0488. Apr. 9, 80 ô FOOT PLATE GLASS ISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 seater chester- fiaid and matching chair $100; Phono 372-9732. Apr. 9,80 OVAL SHAPEO DINING ROOM TABLE wth 4 swivel chairs. matching buffet and hutch wif h ongraved glass siiding doors $300; 30" Westinghouse tovo, harveat goid colour, seif-cieaning needa minor repair $50; storeo and speaker stand and record rack (Il unit) $15. 655-3961. Mer. 5, 80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gaugo HO., 4' x 8', beautifuiiy landscapod, ln- cluding engines and roiiing stock. $175.855-3961. Mar. 5, 80 40" X 40" MESH PLAYPEN in good dlean condition $25. Calil 68-5234. Apr. 9, 80 2 SINGLE BEOS wth mattrasses and mtching cheat of drawers $235; fridgo, Klvinalor, no frost, 2 door, green, $250; alovo, natural gas, Han- lwick, green $135; dishwesher, Ad- mirai, automnatic. green $135; washar, Kenmoro. 7 prograrns. heavy duty, soif cleaning fltor, $225; sofa bed, king sizo, excellent condition, $175-; humidifier $35; stove fan, avocado, neyer usod. $35; car rampa, brand new $22; mnisc, corner tables $30 e. color TV, Toshiba, 14", like new, $275;, misc. originel paintings. $80 ea.; henci woven rings, varying sizes $800 ea; colfee table. $20. Phone 839-3114 evenings & weekonda, Jan. 16, 80 APPROXIM.ATELY 40 SU. YARDS white shag carpeting $150. Cali aller 500 668-127. Mar. 19, 80 PLEASE READ When the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavaîlabie for wha lever reason, the item wiii be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiIl be charged based on TH4E ADVERTI SED PRICE as ilustrated beiow, regardiess if price is sfated wlth "best offer" if the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiIi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiil appiy. All advertisemerts must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WVHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if not sold. RATES [if article is soîdi: 5% of advertised price up to $400,00 2% of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $120.00 .commission due $6.00 i minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer lisfcd as a private advertiser. P;e.dse notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy whé item is soid so that we may delete ilf from the foliowing issues. Ail ads not fitting the E,-rpurium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such asý services, helpwanted, ciothing, real estate, and personai nilcssacîe type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Pnivale ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. t in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., W h ifby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIOAY PREVIOUS TO CUSTOM BUîLT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wiii 9011 for $800; 54" box apringa, good condition, $50. Car 8 track stereo $40; sot of pots and pans $15; 40 channol mobile CB with aerial $80; wiii take any reasonabie offor. Cail 668-3164. Fob. 27, 80 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE - Fren- ch Provincial - Includos 4 sealer chesterfieid, sofa chair, coffee table & 2 end tables, al n excellent con- dition. Asking $650 - oesa thon 1h2 the cosi. Cail 655-4925 aller 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23,80 7' CHESTERFIELD - recentiy uPhoistored ln ruaI tonos. $15000. Phono 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 PORTABLE* AIR KING HUMIDIFIER $20. Phono 668-1227. Mer. 26,80 1 BEIGE Il' x 12' RUG (3 mos. oid) $90; 1 green 9' x Il' excellent con- dition $50; 1 beige oval 6' x 9' siightiy soliad $50. Phono 668-4795. Mer. 12,80 CAPE COD STYLE orange ruile polyester shoors. Includes 3 valen- ces, 5 pairs tiers & lie backs. 56" wido x 30" long. New $51. Asking $30. Phono 728-8601. Jan. 1,680 1 PAIR MOSS GREEN DRAPES each panel approx. 901, x 106"' $50; plaie glass mirror 4' x 2'6" $50; 1 wine decanter $10. Phono 668-2780. Feb. 27, 80 26" R.CA. REMOTE CONTROL colour TV. 4 montha oid, $800. Phono 668-9298 aller 5:00. Feb. 27, 80 JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE.(whila) $40; carpat 9 x 12 (pattern) $30; carpal runner (orange) 25 IL. $20; rouler skates $5; Phono 576-3065. Mar. 26. 80 DRYER - MAYTAG MINI, apartmont sizo, harvesi goid. excellant con- dition $70; baby sirolior, front awivei wheeis, with shopping basket, ad- lustabie seat back, vinyl floral prini. Excellent condition $20. Phonoe68- 0137. Mar. 12, 80 RANGE brand new Westinghouse with black glass door $350 and mat- ching frost-free refrigerator $275. F'ranklin fi-eplace and aIl ac- cessories $125. Buggy harnes $75. Cal! Jack 66&-3» Jan. 30,80 PUBLICATION AT NOON. WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan, 30,80 FRIDGE & STOVE, green $400; bodroom suite, 9 drawer dresser and mirror and 1 drosser with 4 drawers and bod $250; 3 adding machines, 2 working $50; Electrolux polisher and rug shampooor, like new $150; 668- 1105. Mar,80 DRYER, GENERAL ELECTRIC $100. Stove Kenmore hydro $75. Al n ex- cellent condition. Calil668-9738. Mer. 12,80 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, white $150. Cali 668-7012. Mar. 5, 80 HAGSTRUM iIl SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR, case and ioud speaker. Like new - $275. Cali 725-3218 anytIme. Fab. 20,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 monthes old; F.M., cassette under dash. Asking $110,00, Cal! 668-6593. Jan, 30,80 1 TOSHIBA TUNER and 2 Toshiba speakers and BSR turntable $160 coniplete. Phone 725-5753 after 5: 00, Feb. 6,80 THOMAS ORGAN MODEL 1151 - many extras. Excellent condition; newiy luned. $1.095 with music. 728- 4797. Mar. 5, 80 LIOHT OROAN. Homobuli n 2 birch boxes with separate centrai box. Boxes 2' x 4' each wilh 14 Iighta. Great for aspiring or current Disc Jockey. $125. Phone 65ý-3-411. Mer. 12,80 CONN ORGAN - church & strummor rhythm unit - 2 leslie speakers, owner's manuel and complote begin- ners instructions. Welnui colour and bench inciuded. Price $150000. Phono 623-2769. Jan. 23, 80 ANTIQUE PIANO iniaid carved red mohogeny. Circe 1896. $1500. Phono 668-271 Apr. 2, 80 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT age 10.14 years $25, 10 speed bike $30 lhone 668-5060. Fei.20, 80 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS - 2 monsa medium, navy blue $24 sa., 1 childs size 12 - mauve $15 - aitlilke new, 3 weii rugS, 2 siza 4'x 6' $25 e, 1 sîze 2' s 3' $12; 1 girls wintor coat pure wool dar1k green size 9-12 $20. 1 alec- lrïc broom, new $25. Phone 6686294 Feb 20. 80 3 - 5 GALLON OAS CANS $5 ea; i plumbers wrenchea $25; 1 torcan car heater $5; 1-8 track player $15; 1 record player stereo $25; 3 galions of body fMI $5 ea; 1 cof f.. table and end table with 2 lampe $10; 668-0193. Mar. 5,80 2 STEEL HIGIt BEAM 12" in height 32' long. In good condition.- like new $725 for 2. Beat offer, worth $1450 new. Cali1728-227 after 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 3 POSITIONAL LOUNGE CHAIR.- like new $85. Phone 7237240. Mar. 12,80 A SOLID PINE BAR - 4Y' long and 3'l10" high - 2 bar stools $30. Smnal arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50.00 Cal! 723-877 Jan. 30,80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professionai model. Hydrauiic moisi stand, sIghting scope, 5 assorted lonses. Barlow Ion- se moon and sun ilters, sun screen. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- plete. Phono 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 ITALIAN PERRIAGE PRAM, navy ex. terlor wllh white interior, Includes package rack, mesh net, plastic storage container, matching navy detachabie diaper bag. Al In ex- cellent condition. Retaif $325, asking $175; Gendron convertible piggyback strolier, blue fiower design, heavy duty suspension, excellent condition, rotail $125, asking $50. Cail aller 6 p.m. 668-1862. Apr. 2,80 BABY ITEMS - Gerdon cardage -Ilike new, windup swing; bottie warmer, sterilizer, rocking horse, wash basin, 2 gales, ciothes. Package deai. $135. A15o iwo toyota tires and rima A-78-13 white waii. $30. Phono 576-1122 aftor 4:30. Mar. 12, 80 MATTRESS PERMAFOAM AM- BASSADOR OrthopedIc king sizo (shop pice $360) Condition as new $120. Phono 655-3272. K..ar. 26, 80 STOVE $150,Fridge $200 (both avocado>; Konmore washer $150; Kenmoro dryer $100; Bell upright piano In good condition $350. 68- 6128. Apr. 2,80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure has 2 gauges - as new $75. Phono 668-4521. Jan. 30, 80 ONE - 5 x 10' BOX TRAILER equipped with electric brakes, 6,000 lb axIe and equlpped with equalizer hitch, asking $1000; 2 covered snowmobiie trailers 7 x 10', used $300 each. Phono 655- 3477. Apr, 9, 80 GIRL'S 3 SPEED BICYCLE 19" frame 20" tires with high rise handie bars, banana seat, chrome fondera, chain guard, kick stand, wooven basket, Ilke new condition $50; boys 3 speed racer bicycle 19" frame 24" tires, kick stand, chain guard - In excellent con- dition $50; multiple reel f0 reel storeo tape recorder $150; 4 newly uphoistered In vinyl swivei kitchen chairs $65; 579-6929 axcept Friday night and Saturday. Apr. 9, 80 ONE BOY'S 20" BICYCLE $20; 1 boys 3 speed 20" bicycle $35; 1 Lloyd AU ARTS 1 6-CYLINDER 4BARREL MANIFOLD. Rare Item titis overhoad cam Pontiac and Chevy 6 cylinders $25. Phono 655-3411. Marc 12, 80 1 AUTO!»AR TIRE JR7O.15, 100 miles $30. 668-7065. Apr. 2, 80 Worklng wlth people who are helplng themselves Send Vour TaxOaeductibIs Contribution To OXFAM-CANADA Box 18.0m0BOX 12,O0 TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHN'S VANCOUVER NEW IN TOWN? tEl US PUT DUT THE MAT FOR YOU! gOMEWA L Phone728 210 3 Ontario

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