WI-IITBY FREE PRESS. WEI)NESL~AY .NkPRIL 9, 1980, PAGE 21 I~II~..\ '. -~ ~ £1 1~ \JNN N \N.. SEVES EIIELLANEOUS * MANDERS RATTAN - for quliiîy BROOKLIN TOOL CO. *wicker cnd rattan producte. 6684551, M 35 Brock St. N, Whilby, Ont. 1051 SPECIAL SAL E M South of Canadien Tire. Ail air tools. Haîf price on al miCrometers, socket & wrench set, vices, jacks, drill sets, drill press, 3 ton hoist, hydrollo garage f ioor jack, 1i'h ton CapaClty $19500 and other tools for mechanics. AIl Items fuiiy guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jeweiery, dishes, furniture, crocks, o11, paintings and- sealers. FRI EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywail, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Calil668-4686 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phono 66&8264. OLY'S PAINTING à DECORATINO - f ree estimetes, reasonabie rates; ahlngiing and carpentor work aiso. 666-3185. TYPINO ANOD OOICKEEPING ln My home. Whtby 668-0874. AUOMOLES FOR SALE 79 FIREBIRD ESPRIT. automatic V-8, AMIFM tereo, deluxe trIm, raiiy wheeia. eiectric rear def rost. 668- 9634. 1977 PONTIAC SAFARI WAGON, A-i condition, automatic, power ateering, ruf proolIng, 2 way roar door. On. owner. $3650. Cati 725-3444. 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wth or wilhout CB radio. Beat off or. Phone 728-7790. E RCRAONAL 1908 TR.AILER, 1972 GMC bus, beat offtor. Cati afler 5 p.m. 725-4086. 78 PT 500 VAMAHA - like new. Aaking $1300. Cati 655-3149. 1978 IT 400 YAMAHA. good con- dition., manuals and apares. Phono 668-0865 1977 DORAL 14 foot run-aboxat wth sasyloader trailar. 55 h.p. Evinrude. iiced 2 seacons. excellent conbdition. 666-5105 afier 6 p.m. 4 MàULTl-COLOtJREO KITTENS 10 give srway. Fuify trained. Cati 668 061. SWIMMING POOLS Manufacturer has an Inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. Complote with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, watk- around patio, fencing. Reguiarty $2.295.00, now $144400. Cali collect 1-519423-4351 for furthor details. WALNUT CHINA CABINET and aide board ram the 193'a $85 or beat of - for. Cati 576-34m. RIFLE - 22 cal. 10 sh01 repeater, new condition, complote with new woaver 4 power scope and mount $89 (rifle oniy $49) 655-4686. RUST VELVET SWIVEL ROCKER CHAIR - new condition $150; 2 chaise lounge chairs and pada. $10 each. 6684062. PALMISTRY AND CARD READING, privateOor Party readinga. For appoin- trmont 683-5575. SELLINO OR BUYING A USED BOAT? Cal Bob et Lakeview Marina - for fIraeWii appraise. London - Win- dsor - Deroit. (519>473-2400. AMIFM STEREO wth cassait dock, record player and 2 speakers $120; 2 size 15 snow tires aimoaf new $30; goid and brown sectionai couch In good condition inctudes corner bar and 3 tables $150; dresser wth 6 drawers In good condition $25. 688- 8595. DîNETTE SET- Mediterranoan style, A-i Condition. $140. 6A"8.272. ô PIECE DINING ROOM SUITfE, toak, buffet, round table and 4 chairs. Good conditionS2W0. 6209., ART à CRAFT SHOW SALE Sunday, April 13, 10 am. - 5 p.m., Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coibourne St. W., Oshawa. Admission $1.00 FAST SERVICE - Attention businesament Super magnotil signa for sale. Spring speciai 7 x 24, $1 7.50 each; il x 24, $2200 each; 20 x 24, $W.00 each; Phono 723-6894. FOR SALE SPRUCE, CEDAR MAPLE, $2.00 & Up Also pine, Oak, larCh, liiaC, rubarb, horseraddish, peony roots, red-Coat strawberry plants, ail very reasonabiy priced. For more Infor- mation 655-4525. DARAE DAY CARE IN MY HOME May 1 10 Auguat 31. Full E.C.E. Nursery Progrsm. Green River. Cali 294-3421 after6. WHITBY - Nanny or motheras heiper wanted ta provide a ioving and f irmr environment for lhree boys. Both parents work. Weekends off. Ex- cellent enumreration and reforences. HELPj WANTED Career oriented sales per- son for lumber and building supplies Companly. Lumber Cff hardware experlence preferred but not neCessary. Apply to: Sales Person, Box 206, Whltby, Ontario Li N 5S1 - WANTED 2 PERSONS with wood- workIng etperience for Plexi-glasa Fab Shop. 281-.9312. FORNET RENT A POOL cS-Imming pool manufac- turer wIII lease and Instal new 1980 famlly-slzed ýpoocl Complete wlth walkway, sun deck and fenCing, on a ren- tai basis with optiôn to buy. Your CholCe of style. Try before you buyl CalliM- PERIAL POOLS toil f ree 1- 800-268-5970. SINGLE WOMAN HAS 3 BEDROOM HOUSE TO SHARE with same. Close ta bus and shopping. Simcoe, Rossiand ares. 579-7914. SUB.LET 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $243month. Utilties inIudod. Avalable May 1sf or June lei. Cati 723-3293. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - ton-piox, cabie TV inciuded. $260 monthiy plus hydro. No chiîdron, no pts - Oshawa. 723-2462 or 723-1610. E MESFOR SALj 848.90 WHITBY, 2 bedroom bîingalow, garage, lot 69 x 142. Prefer cash but wiiI take back mortgage. Cati 668-7486. ARE vou HOOKED ON BOOKS? LET US SUPPORT VOUR HABIT. WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 6882097. H-UNDREDS 0F BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE TAKE TRADE-INS. LSTRIKE OUT LUNO DISJEAS E support your local Lung AssocIation 723-3151 *SERVICES l, ws t .ý L WHITBY MALL CHECKER'S VARIETY TAX TI ME SAVES GOLDEN CORN FLAKES BREAD 3 cups Corn Flikes cereal 11½ cups regular ali-purpose four 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon sait 3 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 1½ cup unsalted butter, softened 1 cup miIk Crush measure together1 sait andi Corn Flakes cereai to 1 cup. Set aside. Stir four, baking powder, sugar. Set aside. Inl large mixing bowl, beat eggs until foamy. Add crushed cereal and butter. Beat weII. Stir in milk. Add flour mixture, mixing only until combined. Spread batter evenly in greased 9 x 9 x 2-inch baldng pan. Bake in oven at 400F about 30 min- utes or until golden brown and woodea pick inserted near cen- ter cornes out clean. Cnt into squares and serve warm. Yield: 9 servlngs. be sure to cali Phone 728-2103". 225 Brock St. N., Whltby 686171 or 668-172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOUI W. need a few good sales people. If you vaeIntorested ln settIng your own achievemnent goals regarding Income, we now offer you an exclusive audiovisuul training programme, ao, we'i encourage you toward reaching your goals. Vou can be Infisted with the rectt we cai hlp you sttcin. Vou cati be happy worktng ln e profeesonal atmosphère which landa lself ta of ficie" yand pleacant worlcing conditions. Whther you vae quaiifled aI presant or currsntly taklng or considsrtng the govemmetit prs4-îcancîng coursewe want ta " ta yaut1 For a confidentil personai IntarVlw ccii TONY KLOMPMAKER BOOEEEER 136OKKEEPER - offoring experlon- ced bookkeoplng services, pick-up and doiivory 68-1012. B AED IN DIVIDIJAL FEEDINO. daily lurnoul. Weil beded box stalle, %½ mile race track. Reasonable rates. 8526778. We can't help without your help, ABILITY FOND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complete with waikaround deck, patio, fenclng, pump, motor and filiter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Cail IMPERIAL POOLS toil free 1-800-268- 5970. ALLAN FISHER Barrister, Solicitor announces the relocation of hie office f rom Oshawa Io Suite 506 Pickering Corpore Centre 1305 Sheridan Mail Parkway Pickering, Ontarlo. Phonoe66-i 119 VOLU NTEERS NEEDED To Work With People Under Emotionai Stress Training & Supervision Provided INTERESTED? Next training starts April 29 Corne ln and f111 out an application Aprill10O-April 25 WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE St. Bernard's School 220 Dunrdas St. W. 668-6223 Pine- Ridge Rai iroaders (MODEL RÂILROAD SHOW Su n\, April 13, eydenshore 1980 Povil11ion 12 6 noon- p.m. Water St. Whitby- Amission: Adu its 1.00 Children $.,50 under 14 m E Hey boys & girls, Carriers are needed for delivery of the WHTBY FREE PRESS Wednesdays only! For information cail Whitby Free Press Circulation Department. 668M6 111