WHITBY FREE PRESS4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1980, PAGE 3 Brokln iithrdand fial phase By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff The raging controversy over the expansion of Brooklin may draw to -a close in a couple of months after nearly six years of constant debate as the special study enters its final phase. The project will now enter what planners refer to as "phase III" where the amenciment to tbe town's This year's Twinning Committee consisting of Councillor Joe Bugeili, Couneillor Joe Drumm. andi Councilor Gerry Emm are in the process of reviewing arrangements for the 12th rwlnning Exchange bet- ween tbe Town of Whitby andi the Cty of Lonigueil. T7his year's exchange visit to Longueuil will take place on June 13 t June 15 inclusive. The Twinning Committee Is pursulng sucb matters as accommodation *andi 'travel arrangements for up to sixty persons. A meeting is 1 Â GERRY EMM proposed for Tuesday, May 6, 1960 at the Whitby Municipal Building starting at 7:30 p.m. and ail- in- teresteci citizens are urgeci to attend this meeting. Emmn, chairman of the twinnÎng committee aciviseci that a special effort shoulci be made this year for the visit tW Longueuil tW indicate to the people of Longueuil, Quebec our continuing sup- port for the Twinning association between tbe zitizens of our two com- rnunities. Emm aise saici that it is possibly more essenltial than ever i the year 1980 that the citizens of Witby express their strong desire in a and to the region's officiaI plans are prepareci. In the first step in this process will be a meeting of the administrative commit- tee to consider public com- ments that were receiveci at tbe recently belci public meeting on tbe matter in Brooklin. That meeting wiIl be helci on April 21 at 7:30 p.m. in committee room one in this municipal building on Rossland Roaci East. meaningful way to continue our cultural ties with Longueul, "The need for a continuing dialogue bas neyer been greater andi as Canadians, the people of Whitby who are able to participate in the twinning exchange can in an active mariner contribute towards a better understan- Committee chairman, Centre Ward Councillor Barry Evans was quick to point out in a recent inter- view that the meeting bas "got notbing to do witb whether Brooklin goes aheac." Evans said that some con- fusion bas been createci over the last few weeks because the town is following a parallel course of preparing both the official plan amen- ciment andi a development ding between English and reCh speaking Canadiaris, " he saici. Aciditional information regarding the program is expected to be receiveci in the near future from the Twinning Commnittee of Longueuil and wiil be presenteci at the May 6 m~eeting. If you operate a business in Ontario and create new jobs betwcen May 5 and October 26, 1980 you may apply fo the Ontario Youth Employment Program for a grant of S1.25 an hour (u p to a maximum of S 50.00 a wcck) towards the wagcs of each cligiblc youth you hire f or those jobs. Here's how OYEI' can'help. OYEP was dcsigncd both for you and young people who want to work. t enables you to hire youni people between thu ages of 15 anc 24 4to do extra work for you while we hclp to pay their salaries. The maximum grant allows you up to 6,000 man houirs of hclp at each location where- application for employment bas been made. For example, you could hire 10 yourig people for 15 weeks each, or 15 young people for 10 wecks each.You must hire each young Serson for an average of 25 ours of supcscemp1oyment pcr weck for at lcast six weeks. Eligi bicem-ployers. You may bc an cigible employer if you have been actively engaged in business in Ontario for at least one ycar prior to May 5,1 98OThis agreemTent. (The official plan amen- ciment is being prepareci by town planning director Bob Short andi bis staff while the developmeflt agreement is being prepared by the BARRY EVANS town's legal counsel, Hugb McNichol andi bis staff.) The fresbnian councillor was also quick to say that development agreement will not be signeci andi executeci by - the town andi the developer until the officail plan amenciment is ready to be submitted to Durham is a rccluircrnn for cach location where you wotld lik<e to hire. Eligi bic empIoyees. The young pcoplc y ou would like to hire must bc lctween thc ages of 15 and 24.They miust reside and bc cigible to work in 0Ontario. Thcy must flot bie rclated to the emnployer as dcfincd in thc Ontario Youth EmploymnntAct. OYIEP works for ail of us. O William Davis Premier Province of Ontario Regional Council for its ap- proval. Evans saici that amongst the issues to be ciscussed was the debate over the Pearl Street boundary for the downtown commercial area for the hamlet andi the desire of some presently commercially zoned landi owners outside of the area who want to retain their status. He also admitteci that he has not seen all of the public comments received although he heard most of the arguments at the March 5 public meeting. Evans acideci "I haven't seen all the staff comments" Afillobs mnust be new To bc eligible for funding, a posi- tion created must be in addition to regular and seasonal emporent normally provided durin&Îhe 25 week program period.ThI-s may mean speeial projeets in the office, gencrai repairs, research and so on. Apply 'larit. d Grant funds aree Dcadline date for applications is Jufly 2 1980, or earlier if Ai funds have 1'een allocated. Submit your appication as soon as possible. Before you hire, make sure you have written approval. Need more information? For complete program guidelines or more informatin cail or write. We'I1beegacfto help. Miriistry of Intergovern- Smental Affairs, S ubsidies Branch, Queen's Park, Toronto M7A 2R8. 1-800-268-7592 Toil Fre In MetroToronto, telephone 965-0570. In Northern O ntario (807 caliing area) telephone 1416) 965-0570 Colleet. saying that the report is ex- pecteci sometime later tbis week. Despite being in the final phase of the study Evans pointed out that the process is far from being over. "At this point we've left open the number of sub- division agreements we will have," he said. No residential construc- tion can begin until such art agreement is made andi signed. After nearly six years Of discussion, the process is rapidly coming to the con- clusion after which it will be the region's turn to debate the issue. Enm preparing for this year' s twi*nng event MARGARET A. FIDLER D.D.S. wlshes to announce the relocation of her practice f rom Whitby Professional Building to Royal insu rance Building 292 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontario by appointment phone (416> 576-4621 effectIve April 1, 1980 If you can rovde new jobisfor Onri'syouth, Ontanîo wffill help pay their saladeés.