PAGE .22, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS wflitby free press,. Real Estate NEWS Home renewal program m jeopardy The Ontario Home Renewal Program has been in existence in Whitby since 1976 providing loW or no- interest boans to bring homes up to minimum stan- dards but ail this may be changing because of budget limitations according to town treasurer AI Claringbold. The program was set up to aid senior citizens and those on low-income budgets in making home repairs to meet the town's minimum standard bylaw. Claringbold fears that the town will likely only receive $40,000 of the $145,000 requested from the province regardless of the project's success. "This is a popular program for the Ministry and they only have so much money to divide up," he said. No applicant has ever been refused aid if he qualified for assistance and this wil continue regardless of the money problems said Claringbold. To qualify, one must be a. homeowner, with a family', earning less than $12,500 a year. The maximum léan available under t.his program is $7,5W0. THe per- son who earns less than $6,000 a year can receive up to $4,000 as a f9rgivable boan. The rest 0f the loans are paid back at four to eight per cent interest. Currently 21 applicants are on file and since the program began the town has loaned out $M3,611 of the province's money to 61 homeowners. "lIt's a great programn for people who don't have a sub- stantial income," said Claringbold. The money is most often used for repairing roofs, -3idings and wiring. Fence and outbuilding repairs are not covered by the loans. Anyone wishing to apply for a boan should get in con- tact with Claringbold at the Whitby Municipal Building. Euclid Place Apartments (Euclid & Dundas Sts., Whitby) ideally located close to downtown Whltby centre core, this new building Is within steps of shopping and bus route. Suitable for business or retired couples. Suites ln- clude Individuai heating and air-condltioning units, fridge, stove, & broadloom. Laundry facilities ln the building. Parking included. June l5th. occupancy. Cali Jack Fudge 668.5868, ros. 668-3077 for f urthor Information. D. W. MVcQuay, Realtor. - i Whitby teacher learns environmental studies Special Education Teachers Lesley Little (right) of Whitby and Karen Higgins-Biss learn how to conduct environmental studies with bin-d children at the Ontario Ministry of the En- vironment's third annual Special Education Workshop. Over 75 teachers attended the conference held at the Bolton Outdoor Edlication Centre in Bolton, Ontario May 9-llth. The purpose of the workshop is to introduce special education teachers to a variety of environmnentab activities that wibl benefit physically and mentally handicapped, deaf and blind youngsters t;' oz fQroperiq 11 nag9emeni APARTMENT RENTALS e 14 Locations e Reasonable Rents e Managed Locolly e Avoulable immediately Cail: 579-1626 576-6956 Evenings: 579-1629 'Ai i!- Ili