WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNIiSDAY, MAY 21, 1980. PAGE 3' Whitby core offersýmuch say s Evains le The center core of Whitby is flot dying. In fact, it is coming back to lie accor- ding to Councillor Barry Evans. Evans, who represents the center ward, stresses the fact that much is being done to rejuvenate the downtown area, making it more attrac- tive to shoppers. "The downtown core is vital to the town," said Evans. Efforts so far include the renovation operations which many businesses have taken to help give the town a face 1f t. Evans praised these merchants highly for the initiative they displayed un- dertaking the projeet. "I've talked to a lot of downtown people who have or are planning to renovate their stores," he said. The downtown core will surely receive a shot in the arm with the final approval given to the plans for the municipal bus service in Whitby by the Ontario Municipal Board. The service is scheduled to start June 2. Another advantage that Evans feels the core has is the wide variety of items available in the numerous small stores. These smnall stores, accor- ding to Evans, have corn- petitive prices and a more personal atmosphere about them. "It's nice to have someone know you when you walk in- Management's $19,000 contracted to set up budget ($9,000 of it lef t over "6professional looking" from last year). This budget street planters downtown. will also help pay for a gar- Evans said that they are due den nursery which has been to be set up soon. BARRY EVANS Town couneil cornes out and supports Ruddy Whitby Town Council bas joined in the protest against a proposai that would see the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital become the basis of the redevelopment of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. That proposaI originally was presented in a discussion paper prepared by the consulting firm of Peat, Marwick and Partners for the Durham Region District Health Council. The discussion paper was on the roles of the region's seven hospitals and alter- natives for their im- provement. That report suggested the Munimy robber jailed The curse of the mummy has been lifted from Whitby. Robert John Herbert, 26, of 12 Nelson St., Ajax was sentenced to 7½ years in a federal penitentiary Monday in county court. Herbert, known as "the muinmy robber" because of his wearing a mask of gauze during the robberies, was found guilty on March 18 following a jury trial before Judge Donald Lawson. On September 24 Herbert made off with $2,000 ob- tained during an armed rot» bery of a milk store in Whit- by. He later pleaded guilty to holding up 10 people at gunpoint during a function in Ajax on Feb. 4 and to an April 7 Whitby break-in. lHe also pleaded guilty to possession of a loaded weapon. YARD SALE The Whitby Co-operating Senior Citizens Club are holding a yard sale on Saturday, May 31 from il a.m. to 1 p.m. at 201 Centre Street North. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and donuts wiIl be served. change in Ruddy's role and since then it bas corne under heavy fire from politicians, members of the public and of Ruddy's 'board of gover- fors. The redevelopment of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is an already promised provincial project, however, no plans or definite start-up dates have been announced. In an effort to help main- tain the hospital's current role, West Ward Councillor Joe Bugelli introduced an approved motion that would see council meet with the hospital board to discuss the problems and find ways. of making their joint concerns known to the health council. In introducing the motion, Bugell said that it was time that council "went on the record and made a statement" on the proposal. "This council should take the initiative," he said. Councl's representative on the hospital's board, Nor- th Ward Councillor Bob Car- son told his fellow members that there was a "lot of strong feelings in this town" that the hospital should con- tinue to be a medical facility. Carson said that it was planned as a general hospital and that many area residents made con- tributions towards it. This month marks the hospital's tenth anniver- sary. The district health council will make no recommen- dation to the Minister of Health until the reactions from the various hospitals are in and until the con- sultants' final report is sub- mitted. Any change in the hospital's role can only be done by the Minister's order. Roy MacCauley's I. REFRIGERATOR 55 Features: 5 5 Fresh food section, Freezer Section, Foamed ln place lnsuittoi, nofa roni operutton, optionai automattc Ice maker, 2 Ica cube irmys, Ice tray rack, 2 bull wldih adjustable #halvas, 2 crispera, Removable ment pan, Opilonat roil outi wheels. Door *tope, ban off switch, 5 b Ixed door aholves, 2 Ift oui egg trmys, Butter litCheese compartmaflia, Scuiptured waînui door handies, Cotor. white. 30 7M8"x27 318" x 8 118" high. jî '7.geu<de4e S p<4 1.4 RANG E39500 Features. Auiomatil oven timer, dlock, minute timer, Infinie he@i controia, 1 normi appliance outiet, 28"; 24"1 piug oui elemenis, Contlnuous dlean oven, op tional rotitserie, Covsred oven Iîght, "Mini-Broil" baklng system, oven wlndow, porcetaîn broil pan à rock, sculptured wainut door handle, Automai "oven.on" lighi, Broil rab lector, Siorage drawer, Color~ white. 3o- x 2r, x 48" high. SCU4ce 309 Brock St. S. Whitby Shopping Plaza Estabilshe 1952 WHITBY 668-2081 "OUR AIM US TO SATISFY"- ~ 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Town of Whitby proudly presents the lOth Annual "Recognition of Achievement Night"' On June 18, 1980 - 7:30 p.m. ai Heydenshore Pavillon Anyone knowlng an Individual or group who may be worthy of recognit ion by the Town is cordialiy asked to forward any such names to the Recreation Department of the Town of Whitby, on or bef ore J une 6, 1980. Thank you for your co-operation in this regard. Our telephone number Is 668&5803, ext. 33. & i