PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 11, 198M, WHITBY FREE PRESS0 __________________Fenneli gays m ireport.... I MORTrGAGE $1million for rush hour GO rai extension If you've been waltin.g for mortgage rates to tali , now ?s the time to move. Aiter hitting record high levels, mortgage rates have failen drasticalty at V&G. You and your famiiy can feel COmfo rtabie about making the move Into that new home you've been walin g for. Cali of fce ... Chec k our rates. You'Ii be happy you dld. rCall us NOW. I! iWCTORIA AND GREY iTRUST Since 1844 contact us in Whtby at: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 The GO train service can b e extended east ai Pickering wthaut building an ad- ditianal rail lino according ta, Ontario Ridlng MP Scott Fenneli. In a wrltton statement releaeed last woek, Fennel sald that "the needs ai com- mutera living oet ai Pickering can be mc- comodated by exletlng rail linos."1 Hie statement was the conciusiong ai a report that ho had preparod for Federai Minister ai Transport Jean- Luc Pepin and the House of Cammons. Fennoli had aiea made the Issue a strang point ln the last ioderai election camn- paign says that "ls was economlcaliy practical to ex- ton GO Transit rail services to Oshawa." ln order ta mako use ai the GO train service, commnuters tram Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa muet use a cannec- ting bus iinkwlth the Pickering statian. Fenneil said that the ex- tension has been lgnored because ai "the mare than $50 millian cost estimated, without study, by CN" and the "1polîticai concern that easier access ta Tarantowilli help make Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa 'bedroam cam- munities'. In hie report, Fenneil said that the capital coat of the praject could be reduced ta, $1 million, If the service beyond Pickering was ln- troduced only during the rush hour periode <(Le. between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m. and bet- ween 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.) "As for the politicai op- position ta extend GO rail, 1 fael It le dwlndling," Fennel said. "IRising energy caste have made apposition ta ur- ban transît faalish." 61i don't buy the agruement that we shouid prevent Ajax; Whitby and Oshavwtram becomlng bedraom com- mnunîties. To a major oxtent, they airoady are. Besîdes, It shauldfl't be the raie ai government ta provent or on- courage that sort ai thlng. "'Theee cammunfities provide aifordable housIng ior people- empioyed ln Toront." Fenneil aiea lndicated that there hae been some reluc- tance ta promate the exten- sion ln Oshawa because ai the passible etfect an the auto lndustry. In hie repart, Fenneil did not actdress this concern saying that, "evon Ed Braad- bont (MP fr Oshawa) le promotIng eastern GO rail. Ho wante ta extend the ser- vice ta Bowmanville or even further." "A decade ega, a etrong lobby group ln Oshawa, run by Oshawa plaza owners, did Ite beet ta prevont GO from moving oet," ho said. "They SHAD SALEwere concernod about got- SHADEffSALE tIng a viable enterprise ait 20% 0ft Ailthe ground with an assured Heeshade Custom cîlentele." Deslgned Shades Ho indicated that this laen langeraà cause for cancern. %IIIIV14111118Fennell's report ad- ÀfkTher's nover beon a vocates the use of existing XIIf)botter Urne ta lot us rail lines with what was 4~L ~heip yau croate a described as somne minar custom wIndaw tresîment diversions af freight trains tram aur wide arrmy ta make way for clear corn- YUl> ai eades wavn wodsmuter rail. vertical and horizontal blinde. 1I'm not pretending that this is an absalute answer," Cali Fenneil said. "What I arn 668-0231 presenting is a new option, a new direction for our future for a f ree GO Transit discussions." in-home consultation WIB OE SNACK BAR THE D APEP 50UIQUEUnder New Management BUFFET SPECIAL PoueaunerLag H0"ýcEVERY DAY 216 arySt.E.,Whity, ntastMON'- FR1. 11:30- 2:OOpm Store Hours lam-1 lpm MON -SAT ---- - WATEIR BEDS UJNLIMUTED -- --i lWholesale & Retail Distribution of Waterbeds & Accessories $239.95 %-~.r Discount 1 B For AIL rosidents in the Durham Region I A . on preseitation of this ad As hown. tchesterfield andchair setI C ssoplet Folds out to Queen Be. Other Models avulubie 1. BCompiete package as shown lnclud- gterting et $220.00 In 4yermtges uarêntee. $ 9 A L Y pedestal, liner and liner Iock. '39 9 iLA YT Toronto, 2124 Bloor St. W. 7694396 ViS Brampton, 239 Qusen St. 437-5984 ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------