WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1980, PAitE 21 Ener gy s aving home is good ivestmn Wbiîe any home is a valuable inflation hedge an energy-efficient home is a gilt-edged investnient, say residential experts at A. E. LePage Limited. In the facae of today's runaway, apparently uncon- trollable, energy prices, say the LePage experts, making your home more energy ef- ficient is not only an effec- tive way' to combat burgeoning fuel bis, but is also an attractive selling points sbould you decide to move. In our increasingly uncer- tain economic environument, consumers, particularly homebuyers, are demanding maximum value for their dollar. Modern consumers know- that bouses which squander energy are no bargain. They know the signs of energy wastefulness. Your home is your biggest investment and any money spent impr'oving its energy efficiency serves to directly enchance its yield. Canadians traditionally tend to get energy conscious as wînter approaches. That puts an unusually heavy demand on the supply of tradesmen and materials available in the fali and prices of both inevitably rise. Because of the huge energy saving to be realized, improving your honp's energy-efficiency can be profitably done at any time of the year. There are many ways to improve your bouse, which will minimize yow- energy conswnption. Simple things like fixing the leaky bot water tap or turming off un- necessary lights. but by far the most important step towards achieving improved energy efficiency and thus, incrvasing its re-sale value, is to ensure that your home is adequately insulated. Walls, atties, basements, crawl spaces and other areas can be major sources of heat loss. In winter, the temperature of an unin- sulated Wall can be 4 to 8 degrees Celcius ( 8 to 14F) cooler tban an insulated wall. These same cold sur- faces will cause frafts and make your bome uncomfor- table in the coldest weather. Prospective buyers are on the watcb for exactly this k ind of weakîess. Ceilings are among tbe worst heat loss offenders as warm air naturally rises and seeks to escape. Proper ceiling insulation alone can mean as mucb as a 30 per CONT'D ON PC. 22 u I It's a fact that more than 9 out of every 10 people looking for a home recogrilze the familiar brown and gold CENTURY 211» slgn. It is s0 widely recognlzed that every day over 1.600 homes are sold by CENTURY 21 people fromn coast to coast. In 1979 alone. that resulted in a staggering 579,000 closings. WNouldn't you rather llst your house w1th the organization that more people have put their trust in? Just oeil your CENTURY 21 Neighborhood Professiona1'" And let our stop O rdu sign start working for you. c"~ At CENTURY 21, =We'I Give Our lydrle WrdToYo u" Gold Jacket ReallIty Ltd. 824 Brook Street, North. Whitby 668-6221 We'ligiveworwoid tDym Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty Ltd. Across from the Curling ÇIub. REALirOR