Mayor dedi*ca tes three new courts Mayor Jini Gartshore officially dedicated three newly resurfaced tennis courts at Iroquois Park Thursday night in a short ceremony. The tennis courts have been given to the Whitby Tennis Club for their use. Beside Mayor Gartshore is Bert Bickneil president of the WTC. The ceremony was atten- ded by about 50 memnbers of the WTC. -Free Press Staff Photo ~NO*IS ME TIM REPAIR THAT ZFOR FAST EFFIC SREPAIRS AT CO .., -VI Wanda&T T THE-COMPLETE1 mi &a n ns n YA %ubLIrRv WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1980, PAGE 15 Jr. firefighters course Best attendance hm eight years This year's junior fire fighting program held by the Wbitby fire department had te turn away 40 ap- plicants according to Deputy Chief Tony VanDoleweed giving them the best atten- dance record for the sum- mer program in its eight year history. The course, which i-uns for the four weeks of July gives kids 11-13 years of age the opportunity to see the inside workings of the fire depar- tment, first hand. "A lot of kids think that we just sit around ail day waiting for an alarm but this program gives some of them an opportunity to get inside knowledge on how we ac- tuaily run the station," said VanDoleweed. In the four weeks there are three two week classes con- sisting of about 40 kids giving a total of 160 kids the chance to get involved. The morning session i-uns from 9 a.m. until 11: 45 a.m. and the af ternoon session starts up again at 1: 15 and runs until 3:30 p.m. During that time the pupils are taught proper safety precautions for around the home and in case of an accident. They work with fire fighting equipment around the station learning it's proper usage. Ineluded in the program are films on safety which are shown at various times during the day. These in- clude topics like electrical safety, explosive materials and potential fire hazards. "lWe try to mix some #MENT )MPETITIVE PRICES ISITI1 7ony Martin atLJ HARDWARE STORE WHUTSy i319 BRGCK ST. S. 668-3540 SUMMER SPECIALS Speclals ln effect from June 30-JuIy 31,1980 Monday to Thursday OnIy Ladies, Gentlemen & Chrldreri Ladies &Mon ALL PERMS reg. $29.50 up te 950.00 NOW $10.00 Off LADIES WASH, CUT & STYLE WASH & STYLE COLOURING reg. $1200 NOW $10-00 reg. 98.00 NOW $6.00 reg. $15.00 NOW $9.50 H ENNA TREAIMENT reg $21.00 NOW $1 2.00 WASH, CUT & STYLE reg. SI10.00 NOW 98.00 MENS BRAIDS reg. Si15.00 NOW 98.00 SHORT CUTS reg $5.00 NOW $350 CJIILDREN CUT & STYLE CUT reg. $7.00 NOW $5.00 reg. $5.00 NOW $2.50 MON DAY - SATURDAY ONLY Senior Citizens SPrice Including Fre Rinse PERMS CUT, WASH & SET reg. 929.50 up to $50.00 NOW % PRICE reg $12.00 NOW $6.00 ROLLER SET COLOURING reg $6.50 NOW $275 reg $15.OONOW $7.50 AppointmOflt fot always necessary 1%Oà 60'8-5441 BLAR ArnRP LMLD% I1 U education on home safety, and fire prevention with some fun," said Van- Doleweed. "The program is not like school but it is informative and it does quite a job." the program was started eight years ago by Chief Ed Crouch and is the only one of it's kind running in the region to VanDolweed's knowledge. The program is being funi- ded by the Whitby Town Council. At t.he end of each session a water bail fight is held at Peel Park on the final Thur- sday. Ail the parents of the pupils are invited along to watch. The winning water bal team is awarded trophies I '4 and every kid who took the course is presented wlth a "Busy Beaver" T-shirt and a certificiate of par- ticipation for completing the coarse. "Even if just one kid out of 160 is ever in the position to do resusitation, prevent a fire or save a life then the whole thing has been worth while, " said VanDoleweed. THE 'tiAJiBEýR 0F CC invites you to 1 BIR THDA Y PAR TY! to celebrate Whitby,s 125th Anniversary and the 25th year of the Peter Perry Award ~"WEDNESDAYJULY23- 51980- ý o HEYDENSHORE PAVILION Cocktails 6:030 p.m. Dinner 7:030 o LIVE BAND Tickets $1 5.00 per person O AVAl LABLE AT THE CHAMBER OFFICE 668-4506 416 CENTRE STREET SOUTH' WHITBY <DANCE ON LY - 9 pain. -$5 COUPLE, $3 PERSON, AVAILABLE AT rJOORO o O O O O O O OD m -A j air,4týýîinq 0% OU a An A