ýPj AUTOMOBILES FOR =SALE 76 AMC QREMLIN 6 cylindor 3 apeod standard, mag whoels, headers, 4 barrai, mIni condition..Aaking $3200 or boul of fer. Calil 68-727 alter 5 p.m. Ap 16, 80 COLLECTOR'S ITEM - one owner 74 Road Runner 318. AMFM 8 irack stereo. T sun-roof, radiais, mag whoeiu, immaculate ihroughotit. Cur- tif led asklng $3,5013. Cali 576-2032 durlng the day and 728-700 tienings. Apr. 16, 80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON mochanicaiiy sound. Body fair, may be certIfied, askIng $700. 683052 aler 6 p.m. Apr. 16, 80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automatIc on floor, tiger carpet on In- aide, mage, very quick, rune good, $500. Auk for John ai 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HOND#A, new tires, brakes, mutý fier,. $1 ,200 firm. Cali 723-5489 after 5 p.m. 2,80 CUsTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromod headers, new tiras 50 and 80 series, buckot seats, hearet 4 upeod. AskIng $2,000. Coli 66&881 Ji9,80 1970 VOLVO 144S - 4 speed standa A-i mechanicaiiy, A-1iinterlar, new exhausi sysiem, brakes & tir-,ut ted rear quarter (repairabie), no rusi - $425 or besi allfer - 668-4637 evr-nings. May 2880 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engine. good gas mleage, $2500. Cali 668-7965 Junt 11,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON- 316BV8 gaad condition $500, Calil663-3472 June 6.80 1976 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyl. com- pact, only 27400 miles, now Paint, tires, automatic, radio, white wals, wheei disks, fender fiapu, body ide modinga. Silver with red trlm, Ilke new and wIli cetIly. Prîco $2540. Cali 868-3243 i9,80 70 BUICK SKYLARK, 350 cu ln, runs great, needa body work $295. Cati 668-7438 day or evenIng. June 12,80 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORT,Biack White Interiar, 350 iwo barrei, 3 speed on the flbar, posey irack rearend, $2000 or bout oafl. 7236967 June 1i1.bJt FOR SALE 72 0000E 'h TON PICK-UP, 318 aulomTati c goad ronfler. asking $900. Cal 6554410 aveni ngs and weeken- 77 FORD 'h TON PICK-UP 38,000 miles, 3 speed standard, AMIFM 8 irack sierso, sun roof, captains chairs, mag wheis, plus mare. Cer- tif led asking $3800. Cali 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 evefhige. Apr. 16,80 EELLLANEUS. SOFA- in <siclloni condition) $30 and iwo apholisrod chairs for sale $50 each. A rosi good buy for somneono siartlng oui. 668-2002 June 11, CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 plece, red and grey $200. Phono ailer 6:00. 655- 3804. May 14, 80 AIR.CONDITIONIER 8000 TU, good condition. Asking $195. Cati 668- 1576 i9,80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - table and six chairs. $125 or bout offer. Good condition. 66-1587 or 668-3244. May 7,80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO tape recorder $150; 4 newiy upholsiered ln vinyl swivel kitchen chairs $85; 579-929 excepi Frlday nlghi and Saiurday. f1.9,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9' x 5') picture win- dow with centre lghi & outelde single hung alumlnum screens & siorm windows included, al n workableg condition - $1 75.00, -V bed t rame (48" x 72") wiih headboards - $25 - cail 668- 8675. June 4,84> DRESS FORM $75; sîze 12, adjusiabie (unIqueiy you). 688-0341. Apr. 30,80 6 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY. CABINET $165 and 4 seaier chester- fieid and matching chair $100; Phono 372-9732. Apr. 9,80 Have a set of loiti brand golf clubs, balls, glove, tees, and cari. AIl items 3 years old and are ln good condition. My prîce lu $90 for 3 woods and 5 Irons, modern style and sisel shaf lu. Cal 725-3845 il 9,80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCM, sîlver grey crushed velvet. Excellent for rec. room. $60. Please cal888-1075. May 21,80 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed with pad $10; rocking horse $12; carniage seat for ioddler $10; hlgh chair $8; waiker $2; umbroler $8; 688- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 SIMPLICITY GAS DRYER. excellent condition $100 or besi affer; 1 Wat gas space heater $100 or besi aller. 683-5946. April 16,80 ONE BOYS 20"1 BICYCLE $20; 1 boys 3 epeed 20" bicycle $35; 1 Lloyd babystrolilr Si5; 576-1364. Apr. 9,80 GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG - 1 set of litîelîsi lte lOO*s R. Hand, 3 vwoods 13.5) & 9girons used one year, woods retinîshed, 1 Ram Ares carry bag îîcver used) wiih head cavers. Casi gw$550, asking $400 firm. Cali 666- 1030 or 668-6421. June 18,80 ONE - 6x 10' BOX TRAILER equlpped with eiectrlc brakas, 6,000 lb axis and equippéd wih equalizer hiich, asking, $1000; 2 coverod snowmobilo traitera 7 x 10', used $300 each. Phono 655- 3477. Apr, 9, 80 1-3 Plac Ch.sotfiold Ste, very good condition. Muit-coîoured valvot $150. 688-1438 cail aftor 5:30. June 11, 80 ONE CASCADE 40 watsr heater, idoal for Cottage use, good condition $50. Cali 688-7371 TWO NEW WINGS, long dark brown and siraight $70 or besi aller. Blond short and curly $20 f irm. Cali 688- 6119.Ji28 TRUCK CAP- 42" rear door, oniy used 2 wseku - $500; Swîmmîflg Pool pumnpi Fluoer with mator, and iliers 25 thoussfld gallons a day - $350, 683- 8043 lune 11,60 ONE BLACK WROUGHT IRON 5 ight chandelier with 5' chain $55; 1 blue shag 12 X 8 wlih underpadding $50; 2 bronze table lampe, 3 lghis wiih white silk shade, 31" hlgh $25 es; An- tique mavie projector, warking con- dition, 2 baby car sais, used 1 year $25e. Calil868-6294. Apr. 1,80 BLACK< & DECKER electric lewn- mawer, needs new motar. $15, Cali 668-1063 June 18,80 GIRLS BEDSPREAD - purpie floral, -single bed size, gaod condition, $15 - cail 668-9379. MqV 2RlRn BATHROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square test plus 20 foot of black irim $40; complets toilsi set and balhroom slnk $15; 2 Inside doors 1 - 24 x 80,1 - 22 x 80, $10 each. Appiy 711 Burns St. W. or phono RRLR-3495. Apr. 16,80 AIR CONDITIONER, PHILCO, 1 tan, 240 volts $100; large ion drawer chesi, A-i condition, commercial qualiiy $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30, 80 SPEARI-Gun, asking $40. Ona SMITH- CORONA TYPEWRITER, manuel with hard-sheiiSd case, asking $75. Cali 688-0827 June 23,80 MORSES FOR SALE, exc.ellent riding harses, very gaad n.nnnered. il year aid Palamnina $700, 4 year aid Pinta $800; aiso 3 saddle ; and tack $1000; i hars trailer, ýavallo, hydrollc brakea $2000 - o beel affer or ail. Cali afier 6p.m. 6 5-4627. May 7, 80 7' RUST CHESTERFIELD, Coniem- porary etyllng. Goad condition $120. 668-9562. May 7, 80 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs, $50; Five-rawoîi wardrabo, $75; beige and brown pliiow choaierfleid and chair, $75. Cali 683457 i.9,80 BOY'S 3 SPEED RACER BICYCLE 19" trame 24" tires, kick stand, chain guard - in éxcellent condition. $50 multiple rosi ta rosi sierso tape recorder $150; 4 newiy upholsiered ln vInyi swivei kitchen chairs $65; 579- 6929 excepi Friday night and Satur- day. Apr. 9, 80 SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cylin- der 1 h.p., 120 ibs pressure. Like now $200. Phono 576-2032 during the day and 728-700 eveninge. LONG HORN WESTERN SADDLE, dark brown, Isather complots wiih suade trim, excellent condition. Asking $35. Cali aller 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 now $80flrm. Cal668-8178 JI 2,80 Y SOLID WOOD dlnlng roomn chairs, $35 a Place, two styles, cail 655-4847 May 14,80 AIR CONDITIONER, doluxo G.E. 6,000 B.T.U., execellept condition, used 4 summers,- $175. Cal l WhItby 723- 2781 afier 5 p.m. June 13,80 A ROLLAWAY BED, $12, CAI 868- 9605 Ju' e 11,80 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER good condition c/w 9' X 12', zip on lent, $350, Cali 683-3472 J une 6,80 SETof Black FIREPLACE TOOLS- $10.00;, Set of Brase f replace tools $20; Cail 668-1063 June 18,80 TWO SKYLINE <AUSTRIAN) 10 SPEED BICYCLES (26 Inch), one man's one woman's, Ilke new $75 each. ONE 20-INCH MTD Lawnfîîghi Lawnmower 3W/ horsepower, Brlggs and Siraiton Englne--2 season aid wlth grass bag, $100. 4 CHRYSLER- PRODUCT RALLYE WHEELSwiIh centras and trim rings 4½ Inch boit circle $100. 4 BRAND NEW MICHELIN tires ZX 4European desing) 165-70-SR13 radiale mounted and balanced on 4 brand new Omni or Horizon rallye wheeiu $350. 4 AUNGER aluminium wire style wheels 15 X7 widths, 41h Inch boit circle $150. Cali 855-3266 June 13,80 ANTIQUE PIANO inlaid carved red mohagany. Circa 1896. $1500. Phone 668-8271. GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- Steel 7' X 18'. Good condition $125, c1w Har- dware, Cail 683-3472 June 6,80 th aPaTLI" fwpaU laffJ@ TRJM ATREE 0F HOPE, Plase send cheque or Smoney order along with *namne and address to: * Suite 318 , Help the Aged *88 Eglinton Ave. E., *Toronto, Ont. M4P IC7 *TeIe: 14161489-1146 *The charity is registered I Sin CanadaI 1 1Reg. No.04 5 Off 9 131I *and ail donations are N *deductible for income tax I purpo-'v. When the advertised Item is soid, disposed 0f, or unavailable for wha lever reason, the item wiii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii bç charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated below, regardless If price is stated with "best off er". If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 wili appiy. Ail advertisementS must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not soid. RATES [if article is soldi: 5% of advertised price up ta $400,00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertlsed for $120.00 . commissioncdue $6.00 1 minimum charge is $3.001 Private adlvertising only! Please notif y us if you find a retailer iisted as a private advertiSer. Picase notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item Is Soid Sa that we may delete it tram the toliowing Issues. Ail, ads not ftitting the Em-p%.rium guidelines wili be treated andi charged per week as regular classifîed ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothlng, real estate, and personai message type ads, or-ads mot quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. -%Il ada wiii go ln ctaatfied section unlema oUserwtse speclllad. If in doubt, cali 668-611 FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whilby, LIN 551 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIOAY PREVIOUS-TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 year Rpa aid. has had aitltls needies. $65.6855- R pa 4224. May 7,80 MORSES BOARDED,3 box stalle avallabie, excellent location, care, and facililies. Daily turn-oui, hay and beddlng supplied. Good pasture, shade, and separate training aree. - $65 a month. Cali ln persan Sundays at 334 Gerrard Rd., R R 1 Whtby or phono Monday- Saturday et 8:30 p.m.- il p.m. 728-3370 J28 Seek the Lord (~ Seek - ye the Lord while he may be found,ý cati ye upon him while he is near: Hîstorîc Decoration El 1 w 1 n à 0" l'" If% M urxtl-, LI il% À Ni Il fi %Ir " 1 ('%0(»% illi il-rn-.i r7n rm- nnîýcc AJL 20, WtUINtELAY, J ULY 9,1980U, WtIJIiTY FitL -KREE________________PRESS______________________ Free PressEmoriur EmoimAds wilI oni b acceDte sbject to th Iolowing Conditin.- I.> ____ ____ __ _ ____ ___1_ BUACC DCAft 13,80 June