PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Region asks for subsidy to aid Fairview Durhamn Regional Council will apply for a provincial subsidy to establish a satellite facility for Whitby's Fairview Lodge Home for the Aged at the Ballycliffe Nursing Home in Ajax. The recommendation was made by the social servies committee in an attempt to reduce the immense waiting list for admittance to the three regionally operated homes for the aged.' The satellite home, when completed, will hold 25 residents when the programn begîns on January l' Council was assured by Social Services Com- missioner Doug Johns that the opening of the satellite home will flot put any kind of dent in the region's coffers. The cost for each of the beds at the Ajax facility will be $19 a day per resident. The present cost at Fairview is approximately $23 per day per resident, on the average. Committee chairman, Regional Councillor John DeHart of Oshawa told council that Ballycliffe is "6one of the finest run nur- sing homes anywhere." In order to accomodate the scheme, the management of Ballycliffe are building an additional wing to the facility although DeHart also told council that the region will not bear any of the cost. "We wil just pay for what we use up to 25 beds, " he said. Upon learning this, Whit- by Mayor Jim Gartshore ocka naln.-t"i TE' U ,irt going to cost you any money, why not go ahead now? " DeHart replied that the region would have to receive provincial government ap- proval before undertaking the project and that the facilities to accommodate the people are not ready. DeHart also agreed with Gartshore's statement that "what your telling us isn't going to cost us anyt.hing. " However, DeHart also said that this project does not eliminate the need for another home," DeHart said adding that Ballycliffe will be used for "emergency cases." Oshawa Regional Coun- cillor Bruce McArthur wan- ted to know why the depar- tment had not decided to use ,ynnnthnqnit2l hb'dk tn carry some of the extra pressure being put on the homes. DeHart replied that the committee wanted to keep control of the homes for the aged program through the use of their own staff as well as the fact that no agreement could be reached with the Oshawa General Hospital. He also said that it "would cost a lot more money" to use hospital facilities and that the idea was simply "not feasible. " "I'd be very reluctant to put people wbo are mobile in hospitals,"' DeHart said. The 'program was scheduled to begin on Janurary 1, 1981 or whenever beds are available Davis to vis it August 7 Ontario Premier William Davis will be in Whitby to address a special luncheon meeting of the Whitby Rotary Club on August 7. The Rotary Club is sp on- soring the Premier's ad- dress as part of their celebrations of the Town of Whitby's 125th Anniversary. Tickets for the even art $15 per person and may be ob- tained by calling Pat John- son at 668-3375; Harry Town at 688-3410; or Eve DeHart at 579-1822. The luncheon begins at noon and will be held at the Haydenshore Pavilion. No pay raise fo cairman A clerical error brought an end to discussion about a pay increase for the chair- man of Durham Regional Council at their regular meeting last Wednesday. The management commit- tee recommended that as of January 1, 1981, the regional chairman receive a seven per cent pay increase to about $38,000 a pay plus a pension and other benefits. However, the recommen- dation was withdrawn because the region's per- sonnel department advised that the chairman was not entitled to a pension because he is not an "employee" of the region. Whitby Mayor Jim Gar- tshore, chairman of the management committee told council that in order for the recommendation to be legal it should have read a pay increase exclusive of any benefits. Chairman Walter Beath's present salary is $35,528 a year with benefits that in- clude the use of a car. Should this council ap- prove the pay increase, it must be ratified by the 1981 council. TUESDAY Is PERM DAY SCISSORS AIL PERMS 1/2 PRUCE " Rdkon Perm ..$50 TUESDAY ... $25 " Henna Prm .. . $40 TUESDAY... 120 e Zotos Perm .. . $45 TUESDAY..125 0 Wollo Balsam Perm ........ $35 TUESDAY..17 e Schwarzkope Perm.- $30 TUESDAY... 115 668.MO 601 Dundcus St. We 668-1WHITBY TOWN PLAZA