26 SIDWA% SLEBROCK STREET SOUTH (Hwy 2 to Coiborne) Best Legs Contest (1:00pm) 'High Test' trio'(1:OOpm - 2:30pm) (featurlng John Magee, Bront Elchart & Frank Woodcock) Have your photo taken wlth on@ of the ARGO SUNSMUNE GIRLS (1:00 pa..- 3:00 p.m.), Durham Stage Band (3:00 - 5:OOpm) Brooklin Squares Exhibition (3:15. 4pm) 'High Test' (5:00 - 7:OOpm) FREE BODY PAINTING BROCK STREET NORTH (Hwy 2 to Mary) 'Alabama' (12 noon to 1 Pm) with Buster Fykes and Bob Woodmnan Inta Leja dance demonstration (1:00.- 2:OOpm) Wrist wrestling registration (11:OOpm) Toronto Historicol York Rangers (Gui suufe8 befre cdi @vent> SPONSORED BY THE BUSINESSES 0F THE DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT AREA