PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free PressEmip orium EmoimAds willoII be accepted subject to the following Conditions. j AUTOMOBILES UFCOIR S A LE 73 NOVA, 250 angine, runnlng con- dition, neadasama body work, $30. Cati 68.7107 JI 23,80 1966 PONTIAC, 8 cyl, standard tran- smission, 48,000 miles, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or basi offer. Cati 655-3011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automatic on floor, tiger carpet on ln- aida, mags, very quick, runs good, $50. Ask for John ai 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, braKes, muf- fier,. $1,200 f lrm. Cati 723-5489 alter 5 p.m. 28 1970 VOLVO 144S5 - 4 speed standa A-i mechanicatiy, A-1iintarior, new exhaust system, braites & tir?-., de.- ted rear quarter (repairabie), no ruaI - $425 or beat of fer - 668-4837 eveninga. Mav 28/80 1975 HORNET, 6 cyl, AMC, automatic, 29,000 mles, new con- dition, with roof carrier, 4 dorra. $2500 or beut aller. Cati 655-3011.- JI 23,80 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new angine, goad gas mleage, $2500, Cati 668-7965 Junt 180 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON- 318 V8 good condition $500, Cati 683-3472 June 6.80 1976 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyt. com- pact, oniy 27400 miles, naw Pint, tires, automatic, radio, white walia, wheei dIaka, fonder fiapa, body ide moding. Siver with red trtmn,Ilike new and wiii certtfy. PrIce $2540. Cati 68&3243 i9,8c 70 B'JICi<SKYLARK, 350Cu ln, rune greai, needa body work $295. Cati 668-7438 day or evoning. Jn 28 1W9li CAMERO SUPER SPORT,Biack Whte Interlor, 350 Iwo barrot, 3 spead on the flbar, poaey track rearand. S2000 or beat Off.« 723-6967 June 11.8u> 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mochan-sound, body fair, may be cor- tified, asking $400. Cati 668.3052 af- ter 6:00 p.m. i 68 1978 DATSUN 510 HATCHDACK, 5 speed, spotteas, ilie new. 30,000 mniles AM-FM cassette. il has super gas mileage .36 mpg. Asking 84,350. Cati 571-3131 i 88 JTR16,8 FOR SALE FISH -N' CHIP TRUCK, 24 fi. mobile van with aiuminum body. Fuity equipped, large grill, new fryer, potato peeler and dhipper and existlng stock. Asking $86,500 or beat aller. Cati ln Lindsay 705-324-6285 or ln Whitby 68-1318. JI 23,80 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION for 1974 Toyota about 35000 miles, $200, also wheels and rear-end, $50. Cati 655 3006 June 11,80 RECAEION VEHLES CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers, new tires 5o and 80 sertes, bucket seats, hearat 4 speed. Asking $2000. Cati 666-3681 i9,80 MISCLA EU PRINCESS BED - 3 drawers. Ex- cellent condition. White French Provincial. AskIng $200. Cati 688. 0718 JI 23,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9' x 5') pIcture win- dow with centre ight & outalde single hung aiumInumn screens & storm windows Included, aitl n workabies condition - $175-00, 3/ bed trame (48" x 72") with headboards - $25 - cati 668- 8675. June 4,80 DRESS FORM $75; size 12, adjustabto uniqueiy you). 668-0341. Apr. 30,80 Have a set of left brand golf clubs, balla, glove, tees, and carl. AIl items 3 years oid and are ln good condition. My price la $90 for 3 woods and 5 irons, modemn style and steel shafîs. Catil 725-3845 i9,80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, silver grey crushed velvet. Excellent for rec. room. $60. Mlase Cati 668-1075. May 21,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadian made, begInner with bench and books, very good condition. $50 or beat offer. 10 galion aquarium $10. Cati 655-3011 JI 23,80 AIR-CONDiTIONER 8000 BTU, gaad condition. Asking $195. Cati 668- 1576 i9,80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - table and six chairs. $125 or best offer. Good condition. 666-1567 or 668-3244. May 7, 80 GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG - 1 set af titllisI lite 100's R. Hand, 3 waods (1,3,5) & 9 irons used one year, woods refiniahed, i Ram Arias carry bag Inevor usedi with head cavera. Coat iuw $550, asking $400 f irm. Cati 666- 1030 or 668-64 21. June 18,80 TWO HEAD BOARDS, vInyl finish, white with gotd trim $10 Pr or $5 each, 3-drawer chest with mîrror, wood naturel finish, 34VV" X 701" X 341h"- for $35; Taîbe % wooden legs, top white enamet 26" X 23Wh" X 301h" for $15. The above Items are In goad condition. Cati 683-7538 morning or evening after June 16,60 2 FILTER PUMPS for above-ground pool, $10 & $25, Cati 868-4032 June 25,80 ENGLISH SADDLE made ln Argentina leather, camplete with suade trim- ming, A-i conditian, muaI be sean. Asklng $500. Cati afler 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 June 20.80 1-3 Plece Cheeterlteid Suite. very good condition. muiti-cotourad vaivet $150. 681436 cati afller 5:30. June 11, 80 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs, $50; Five-drawer wardrobe, $75; beige and brown piiiow chesterfietd and chair, $75. Cati8666-3457 i, 9,80 LONG HORN WESTERN SADOLE, dark brown, leather complote with suade trlm, excellent condition. AskIng $350. Cali af 1er 5 p.m. et 655- 4121 June 20,80 Airconditioner, Kenmors, 6000 BTU. Oniy used for 2 months. $185 f lrm. Calil728-2800 JI 23,80 Air-conditioner, Gênerai Electric carry cool, 5000 BTU, $125. 3M 061 portable Photocopier, $125. Calil868- 9430 JI 23,80 KENMORE FROST Free Frldge and Siove with contInuaus dlean oven. Avocado colour. Excellent condition, $500. Please cail 668-8455. JI 23,80 Zenith Biack à. White TV, 20" for $30, Brass FIre acreen 30"X 23', $40. Bird cage stand, crome $12. Uphoistery materiai for large cushion size pleces ai $4.00 a Plece. Wooden ciothes dryer stand, $5.00. Cati 668-2258. JI 23,80 AIR CONDîTIONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volts $100; large ten drawer chest, A-i condition, commercial quaiity $125;:655-4107. Apr. 30,80 SPEA14GuIi, askIng $40. One SMITH- CORONA TYPEWRITER, manual with hard-aheiied case, asking $75. Oelil 668-0827 June 23,80 HORSES FOR SALE, excellent riding horses, very good mannered. il year aid Palamino $700; 4 year aid Pinto $800; aiso 3 saddies and lack $1000; 1 har se traiter, C0avatio, hydroiic brakes $2000 - o- besl offer for ail. Cati aller 6p.m. 635-4627. May 7,80 7' RUST CH-ESTERFIELD, Contem-. porary styiing. Good condition $120. 668-9562. May 7,80 LAWNMOWER-G. E. Etectric, Ilke new $80 fIrm. Cati 668-8178 JI 2,80 7 SOLID WOOD dining room chairs, $35 a plece, two styles, cati1655-4847 May 14,80 AIR CONDITIONER, detuxe G.E. 6,000 B.T.U., execetient condition, used 4 summera, $175. Cati ln Whitby 723- 2781 af ter 5 p.m. June 13,80 21 cu t FREEZER, Asking $50. Cati 668-585 i16,80 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER good condition c/we 9 X 12, zip on lent, $350, Cati 683-3472 June 6,8f SETof Back FIREPLACE TOOLS- $10.00; Set af Brasa firepiabe tbols $20; Cati 668-1063 June 18,80 TWO NEW WIGS, long dark brown and straigth, $70 or besi offer. Blon- de short and curty $20 f irm. Cati 668. 6119 i16,80 SOLID CHERRY. French Provincial DInIng Room Suite, table, 5 side and 1 armed chair, buffet and china cabinet. Asking $1,800 or best aller. Cal 68-1168 i16,80 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30" a $120. Screen avattabte, $10. Onty used a few limes. Cati 655-3977. Ji 23,80 GILSON 22 cu fi CHEST FREEZER, A- l condition, $200. Cati 668-0552 days, and afler 6 p.m. calil 66-2215. i16,80 -CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- collent condition. 4 years aid, scuip- turad veivet, ruat and brawn damask print. ortginaity $1200 askIng $400. Catil 576-4992 i16,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge H.O., 4' X 8' beautif utiy iandscaped, Inciuding angines and rottIng stock. $175. Cati 655-3961 i16,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCINO, 65 foot high approximatety 100 feot, $75. Used abavo ground Swimming Pool 12 fI X 3 Itlin dapth, with pump, iadder and a plastic caver, $75. Cati 668-4744 i16,80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 place, red and gray $200. Phono aller 6:00. 655- 3604. May 14,80 SOFA- ln (excellent condition> $300 and two aphaistered chairs for saale $50 each. A reai good buy for sameane starttng, ouI. 6682602 June 11. 8 ANTIQUE PIANO InIaid carvod rad mohogany. Circa 1896,$81500. Phono 668-8271. i4,80 Two Pair fuily ine living room and dinfing mom drapes tn green and goid tonas 15 fI & 191filwIdths, $100.; One pair lina goid antique satInd drapes 90" X 84", $10; One palin lina floral print drapes 95" X 84", $10; Two double b.d aize b.d apreada $5 and $12; One wtndow btInd wtth fr Itta 54" wide, $5; Table iamp $10; New chan- delier $10; Stero component stand $5; Consaid colt ee table $15; Wooden 4- drawer desit wtth chair $30; New AM car radia $15; drum stool $5; Oid remtngton typewrtter $7; Snow tires Ilke new, size G78-15, $20; Pool f boat $3; Tow decoratIve swords mounted an a watt ptack $10. Cati 666-2510 JI 23,89 NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOIjR NEW GOMMUNI1Y? Cail Phone 668-9168 Our hostess MilI bring gifis and greetings, alorig wîth heipful comnty information. PLEASE READ When the advertised item Is soid, dlsposed of, or unavaitabie for whatever reason, the item wilt be deemed fa have been sold and a commission wiil bç charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated beiow, regardtess il price is stated i wth " best ofler".1 if the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wilt appty. Alit advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai teast one month If not soid. RATES [if article is solW]: 50a of advertised price up ta $400,00 2?% af balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertisad for $120.00 commission due $6.00 lminîmum charge is $3.00] Private advertising ontyl Please notily us il you llnd a retailer listed as a private advertlser. Plc,îse notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item iS soid sa that we may deete if fromn the fliowing issues.* Ait ads not lifting the Ernp.,rium guidetines witi be treated ancI charged per week as regufar ciassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reat esiate, and personat messagje type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under apprapriate headings. Ail adls wtII go hIclaaaîfîed section unies. otherwlae apeffled. 'i in doubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL AODS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brack St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIOAY PREVîOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. W 'VX. ~PETS PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, i Year. " o\'. ldHas had allitltanoodies. $65. 655- 4224. May 7,80 We -can't help without your help. ABILITY FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. Carry passengers to and $$$ and gas. To the Unfit If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit. frorn work, and you can al save Mintstry of Trantsportation and ( 5 ComnmuntCaofls Ontario Energy Ontario