PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 30, 1980, WHITBY FREF PRESS Seven per cent in 1981 Regional councillorsvotefor pay hike By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff In a 17 to il recorded vote, members of Durham Regional Council voted to give themselves a seven per cent increase in salary effective Januar 1, 1981. The recommendation was brought in by council's managemnent committee, chaired by Whitby Mayor Jim Gar- tshore, and received stif and vocal opposition from il members of coundil. Oshawa Regional Councillor Ed Kolodzie told his colleagues that giving themsehes a raise in the light of industrial troubles at Firestone in Whitby, Houdaille in Oshawa and Chrysier in Ajax was unfair to those regional taxpayers who had just lost their jobs. And since the pay raise must be ratified by next years council, Kolodzie also said that it should not even be discussed. It is rather ludic-rous that we are recommending a raise for next year's council," he said adding that the salary increase "Stpn Ring &ýr1 should not be coming from the region, in any case. "The increase should corne from the local council not from the regional council, " Kolodzie said. Gartshore told council that the "management committee was required to bring in a recommendat ion before September on councillors' salary. " He also reminded council that the pay increase is flot effective immediately.1 "Nobody gets a raise because its a recommendation to the next council, " he said. Ariuther Oshawa couneillor, Bruce McArthur also said that the pay recommendation should be the decision of the incoming council, af ter the November 10 election. "Let the next council decide, " he said. McArthur was also critical 0f those councillors who did not work for their municipalities on a full time basis saying that they were hypocritical on voting for the recommendation in the light of their second income. However, McArthur also said that "the majority have been MAYOR JAMES C. GARISHORE ...bis committee recornrended pay inicrease loyal and decicated to the job that they were elected for. " Supporting the pay increase was Oshawa Regional Councillor Alan Dewer who told council that Durham's elected officiais have always received modest salary increases usually lower than the Consumer Price Index and the settlements given to their unionized employees. "Our salary increases have always been lower than the CPI, lower than the settlements, lower than everything," Dewer said adding that there was no appropriate political time to argue the issue. "There's no good time," Dewer said adding that there were d'no good arguements on both sides , they're both valid. " Should the move be accepted by next year's council, a coun- cillor's salary will increase by about $900 a year from its present level of about $12,900. Regional councillors also receive an addtional stipend for ser- ving on their local council. 'Y' fights dropoutrate The annual dropout rate from Durham schools is ap- proximately five per cent. Many of these youths range from 16-22 years of age. Fur- thermore they lack the skills necessary to obtain and, or retain employment. The Youth Employ-.nent Service (Y.E.S.) was established in Toronto In 1969 by the Toronto Rotary Club. Over the years, this program has enjoyed suc- cess rate in excess of 70 per cent. Last year over 1,800 youths were referred to Y.E.S. by more than 200 agencies. Those youths who enroil in the Y.E.S. pre- employment training program are extremely sur- cessful in securing jobs. On- ce the youths obtain em- ployment, the counsellors do follow-ups to ensure that the individuals perform well in their new duties. Many institutions feel that there is a need for a Y.E.S. program to serve the Durham Region. To that end, a feasibility study is currently being conducted. If you would like further information on this projeet please caîl the Durham YMCA at 668-686 and ask for Bryson Boright. SPECIA L r----------- 1 ALL TVI SERVICE CALL WITHI THISAD ONLY7 FALCON TV 426 SinceSt S. 723-0011 CLDSED SATUR DAY DURING .iULY AND AUGUST