WVIITBY 'FR11' PRES-S. WF)NESIAY. AU(GUST 27, 1980, IPAGE 15 ree Press Emp orium. CaII 6 .68-m61 11l Emporium Ads wiII only b. acceted subict to the followini Conditions. 1M0 PONTIAC, ô cyl, standard tran. amniesion, 48,000 miles, A doors, very good condition. 111000 or bail ofléir. Oaelo5-01 il 23,80 1970 PLYMOUJTH DUSTER, 340 iutomiltic on f loor, tiger'carpet on in- aide. mags. very quick, runs good, $500. Asir for John ati6837538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, muffler, $1,200 f Irm. Cal 723-5489 af ter 5 p.m. - July 2,80 1976 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engine, good gas mîleage, $2,500 Cali 668- 7965. June 11,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON 318 V-8, good con- dition $500. Cal'I'683-3472. J une 6,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plaid aeats. Engine A-1 $450 fîrm. Perigo carrnage (Itallan) mint condition, converti into car bed. $130 Cai 668-066. *Aug 6,80 70 BICI SKYLARK, 350 cu in. runs greal, needs body work $295. Caii 688-7438 day or evening. June 12,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-sound, body fair, may be cer- tif led, asking $400. Caii66-3052 al- ter :00 p.m. J16,80 1976 DATSUN 510 HATCHBACK, 5 speed, spoIeus, like new, 30,000 miles AM-FM cassette. Itfias super gis miteage -36 mpg. Asking *4,350. Cali 571-3131 i16,80 1972 Oldemoble '88 good body and molor $89. 1901 Ford Econolina Van 10w mleage. perfect condition, certified $1 200. Phone 5764722 or >725-3052. Aug. 13,80 1976CHIEV with 283 automnatic $150. Phone 668l-5735, Juiy 30,80 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORT, black, white ln- te.rlor, 350 2-barrel, 3 speed on the f loor, posi-track rearend, $2000. or best Of- fer, Cali 723-6967. June 11,80 72 DODOE V% TON PICK-UP. 318 automnatic, good runner, asking $M0. Cali 855-4410 evenings and weaken- ds. June 25,80 TRUCKC CAP, lairly gond condition. $75. One only approximatly, 12 fi. aluminum îwning $100. Cali 7255753 aller 5 p.m. July 23.80 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION for 1974 Toyota. About 35,000 miles, $200 also wheels and rearend, $50. Calîl 655-3006. J une 11,80 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA 4 dr, 6 cyl, pis. radio, auto. good rumninagcon- COLLECTOR8 TMI 1 bwner, 1974 Pymouth Roaèdrunner, 318 automallc, 25 miles par gallon, PIS, P/fl, AMFM 8tereo, T-eun roof, radiaIs, meg . Sali. 52,S00 origInal tmles, flot divan ln wnter. lmm#lulat e con- dit ion. Certif led. &Asklng 2500. Phone days 578-2032, evanîngu 7284700. Aug. 13,90 CUSTOM*1 DUNE BUGGY, crc>med headers, new tires 50 and 60 serles, bucket seats, hearat 4, speed. Asking $2,000. Cal 666- 3681. JuIy 9,80 1909 DODGE DART, good for parts, new transmission, naw radialor, engin. ln good condition, Asking $200. Cal 661461f. Aug. 13,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dit ion 58,000 mles $200. or best offer. Phone 868-8368. Aug. 13,80 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2-Dr, vinyl roof, PIS. PIB, radio, good shape, new paint. $700 f lrm. Cal 6687573. Aug. 27,80 lm78YAMANA MM 1Excellent &4ffl. 3,000 km. Aaklng 81,380. Phone 855-3310. Aug.20,S0 ONE a, oVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR complote with hardware. $5. 1019 Centre Si. S. Phone 888-3941. Aug.27,80 on* pair floral print drapes 95" x 84"' $10. Two double bed size bed spreads $5and $12. Console cof tee table-$15. New AM car radio $15. Drum stool $5. Cali 666&2510. Juiy 23,80 ENGLISH SADOLE made ln Argentna teather, complete with suade trim- ming, A-i condition, muet be seen. Asking $500. Caii allter 5 p.m. et 655- 4121 June 20,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECI< with Dolby and three tape attings. Ex- cllent condition, Asking Fi50. 32 gallon aquarium with custom stand and many accessories, in- ciudlng f ish. Asking $150. Phone 655- 3821.Aug. 13,80 GILSON 22 Cu. ItL CHEST FREEZER, A-i condition, $200. Cali 668-0552 days and at ter 6 p.m. cali1666-2215. JuIy 16,80 ONE CASCADE 40 waler heateg idea. , for Collage use, ipiud ('c'"iilr$5 Cati 688-7371 June BLACK & OECKER eleclric lawn- mowker, neads new mnotor. $15, Cali 668-1063 June 18,80 1.3 place CNoit.rf lid Suite, vary good condition. multi-coioured velvet $150. 68-1436 cit ah.,r 5:30. June 11, 80 TRUCK< CAP- 42" rear door. on'y used 2 weaks - $500; Swmmlng Pool Pump& Piller with motor. and fillers 25 thousafd galions a day $350. 68n 8043 lune 11,80 wOODS SOFT TOP CAMPEAR~ >oc 'on c/w 9' X 12 oirer,'W si 'l aII 683 3472 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs $50; five-drawer war- drobe, $75.; beige and brown pilIow chesterfieid and chair $75. Cali 666-3457. JuIy 9,60 AIR ;ONDIIONER, deuxe GE 6000 u r u execetient conditiorn, useil 4 summers, $175 Ca" "i .Wtiîtby I23- .181 aller 5Sp r' June 1180 PLEASE READ Whwn the advertise Item Is soîd, dispoeed of, or unavallabte for whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemaed to haue been sold end a commlsichf will be charge based on THE! AOVERTISED PMÀCE m illustrated beiow, regardiesaff price la stated with "beet ofler". It the Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed 0f, the ad wiIl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will appiy. Ail advertlsements must be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieastone month If flot sold. RATES (if article la sold): 5% of advertleed prîce up to 5400.00 2% of balance over 540.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsed for $1 20.00 commission due $800 (minimum charge la $3.00> Private 'advertîsîng onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immediately when Item ls sold so that we may delete it f rom the foilowing Issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines wilI be treated anid charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basîs such as: services, help wanted, cîothlng, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Prîvate classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. Al &de wlllggain clessliad section unîes olhrwi.e ep.lfled. If In doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Li N 5S1 OR DELIVER0TO 131 BrockStN. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Ar-condtloner, Geinerai Electnic carry cool,'5000 BTU, $125. 3M 051 portable Photocopier, $125. Gal 868- 9430 JI 23,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN. Canadien made, beqinner witfl bench and books, vary good condition. $50 or best offer.' 10 gallon aquarium $10. Cail 655-3011 JI 23,80 Zenith Black & White TV, 20" for $30. Brase ire acreen 30" X 23", $40. Bird cage stand. crome $12. Uphoistery material for large cushion size places ai $4.00 a plece. Wooden clothea dryer stand, $5.00. Caii 668-2258. b JI 23,80 TIME CLOCK in good condition. coite $450 naw salting for $200. Cal 686-3868. JuIy 30,80 GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- Seel'TX 16' Good condition $125. cîw Har- dware, Caii863-3472 June 6,80 ARMY BUNK BEDS and mattresses $75. Call 668-9585. Aug. 13,80 COLOR T.V. ADMIRAL 20" por- table, very gond condition $200 or best offer. Phone 666-107 1. Aug.6,80 USEO GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCINO, 65 feet high approximitely 100 feet, $75. Used above ground Swîrnimlng Pool 12 it X 3 i in depth. ,vïth pump, tadder andi a plastic cover. $75. Caii 668-4744 J1,80 SPEAR GUN, asking$40. One Smith CORONA TYPEWRITER manual with haro shelîed case, asking $75. Calîl 668-0827. June 23,80 LONG HORN WESTERN SADOLE, dartI brown, leather complet. wiih suade lri, excellent conditiîon. Askng $350 Caii afler 5 p.m ai 655- 4121 June 20,80 ORGAN- GALANTI DELUXE X300, 2-37 key manuals, 13 pedals. iutomaiic rythym. Excellent con- dition. $750 Cati 668-M90 wESTINGHOUSE DRYER. excellent condiïlion $110 . li6231534 Aug 27.80 RUNABOUT WITH CABIN AND HEAD,needs some work, f ree storage for the summer $400. or besi olfer. Cal 668-7573. July 30,80 ONE 20-INCH MTD LAWNFLIGHT LAWNMOWER3'/2 h.p., Briggs and Stratton Engine--2 season oid with grass bag, $100. 4 Cfrysier product Rallye Wheeis wilh centres andi trim rings 4½o inch boit circle, $100. 4 brand new michelin- tires ZX(European design) 165-70-SR13 radiais mounled and balanceti on 4 branti new Omni or Horizon raliy wheels $350. 4 Aunger aiuminum wIre style wheeis 15 x 7 widths, 41/z nch boit circie $150. Calil655-3266. June 13,80 GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG 1 set of titelîst lite 100's. R. Hand, 3 woods (11,3,5) & 9 irons used one year, woods refinished, 1 Ram Aries carry bag (never used) with head covers. Cost new $550. asking $400 firm. Cali 666-1030or 668- 6421. June 18,80 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30' a $120. Screen availabte, $10. OnIy used a lew times. Ciii 655-3977. i23,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- cellent condition. 4 years olti. scuIP- turOti veivet 'ust andi browrl damask lrirnt rgîndilly $1200 asking $400 Gall -.49Y.ý S16,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge HO., 4' X1 8'beauttutly iandscaped, inciuding engînes anti roltîng stock. $175. Cati 655-,1961 J16,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9'X 5') picture window with centre light & outsîde single hung aluminurtisCreens &storm Windows inCîuded, ail in workable condition -$175.; 3/ bed f rame (48" x 72") with headboards- $25. Cali 668-8675. J une 4,80 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE. Tracker trucks, kryplonic wheeis. WEE WILLY WINKLE BOARD $40 Oelil 668-5227. Aug,27.80 MATTRESS. EXTRA FlAN, qusan size ambassdor, 3 yeme old, excellent condttion. $60. Cati 009111"113. July 30,80 FIOE-FROBT FREE $100., DIsh- waslte, builtin $22M, Stormn door 80 x 32885. CiOl0001. 1 Aug. 13M9 WANEX CUSTOU ELECTAIO GUITAR wilh casa $35. Sîbra eccowselle gultar without case $75.Coel 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 TWO TWIN SIZE 39" head boards, vinyl finish, white wllh gold trlm $10 pr. or $5 each. Table withf wooden legs, top white enamel 26" x 231ha" x 30'" for $15. The above Items an iln good condition. Caeil 683-753P mer- ning or evenlng atter 6 p.m. June 18,80 CHILDS, 2 WI-EELER bicycle, suits 4 year old, good condition. $20. Celi ME àIZE 074-14, glas. belted, littia used. A bargain et juif $15. Phona DRESSMýAKING iâ TÉRAIONMS DO Phone 668-2864. ww«!M Omo 0 0 on sale, i1$) avAe grould Pools, complote WNh j»90, motor, pump, wellcaround Pet10, Isoolsg. RegullY 82,395. roduced tIo ~ls et 81,471k POW atonlIf"am140>. HUGHEST PRICES PaId for Gold and Sîl ver coins, oîd guns, cloc.ks, Jeweiery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, palntings and Aug.27,80 sealers. 1 MARKET 725-9783 Aug. 23J0KIN G ST. W., TWO NEW WIGS, long dirir brown and striigth, $S0 or bes# 0f fer. Blon- de short and curiy $20 I irm. Ciii 668- 6119 i18.80 SOLID CHERRY, French Provincial Dining Room Suite, table, 5 side and 1 armed chair,' buffet and china cabinet. Asking $1,800 or best of 1er. Caii 666-118 i16,80 WEBSTER DIAPHRAM COM- PRESSORModeI 10.3 with f050 and gun $60. Coli 655-4381 ._ Aug. 13,80 1974, 360 HONDA, quarter fehring, good condition $800. Cati 655-4046. Aug.27,80 CHILDS TRICYCLE $10., Baby car seat, "G.M. Love Seat" $15., Gertdron baby carniage & stroller $25., B.d chesterfieid $35., Chesterfield suite $100., Kitchen suite $45, AUI tems ln good condition. Caii 655-808. Aug.27,80 SOFA, in excellent condition $300. A ral good buy for someone starting oui. Ciii 668-2602. Junell1,80 22" COLOR T.V 225. Cali 623-1534. Aug.27,80 gai dryer, excellent condition asking $125. Caii868-8115. Aug. 13,80 HAVE SOMINO FOR EVERYONE CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceram *iC Tili ng, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar DeCks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 SWiMMING POOL CLOSEOLJTS lanufacturar ha new 1960 pools ogutar prica oI $2790 now et end of amBon spacial of $1,488. Pools iqulppad with -pump, moto(.rle enclng, patio and welk around dack >il IMPERIAL POOLS tolitIres 1I MANUFACTURER Dverstockad. Muat close out al1lm w"oels and sizes. H'uge sîvings ou ibovo ground andIn ground pools 0 steel and alumlInumn. No monthîl peyments untli 1981. Cii IMPERIAI POOLS loifree 1-800-288-5970. CAIRNS "Property Services "Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-532 TRACTOR TRAILOR TRAINING fOR Class A &ÇD loense cal "PARTICIPATION" 416-363-8031 dby, eve. & Sat. courses BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Hait price on ail miCrometers, socket wrenCh set vices. jaCi%. drili sets. drill press, 3 toi. hoist hydroiic garage floor jack'. 1 1/2 ton capacity $195.00 and sand blaster and other tools for meChanics. Ail items f ully guaranteed. Made in U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILIERS OR Straight Trucks CaOU lb. Canadian Instituts of Tractor trailer Training Ltd. 416-8649381 Estabiished ln 1971 FOR MORE CI.ASSIFIED AI)S PLL-ASL SI;E PCIX;-16 ~LF 1 ma4xffl. 'N~