WIIITB\I FREE IPRI -SS Wl ONt SDAN AU(USI 27,1IQSOPAGI 17 Fi9ht Thiem Al gp CONSUMER BEAT Buying a house (Part 4) Do you need to use the services of a Iawyer when buying a house? No. There's no law that says you have to, but real estate transactions are com- plicated and a mistake could cause the deal to fail through or cost thousands of dollars to correct. If you do decide to hire a iawyer, it is his responsibility to arrange to pay the land transfer tax; to search the house's titie; to calculate how much is owing the seller for prepaid expenses such as taxes and utilities and to organize the financial details of the 'mortgage. Legal fecs can be a per- centage of the selling price or a fiat fec. The average cost D J AVAILABLE For any occasion Reasonable price Call 579-4818 is about SI ,OOO (legal fee plus disbursenents) but this is negotiable and should be discussed when empîoying your îawyer. Be prepared to pay the legal fees on or near the closing day of the sale. Depending on the finan- cial arrangements, the lawyer wilI contact you a few days before closing day and ask for a, certified cheque to cover the rest of the down CONT'D ON PAGE 18 SUPERIOR HOME- excellent decor throughout thîs char- ming ranch bungalow, wlth 2 car att. garage. Large pine kit- chen is a gourmet's delight, spaclous living room, natural brick f ireplace, full suite dlning room, main floor family room with entrance to huge redwood deck nestled on 90' x 125' lot in prestige area. Cail 668-4088. $51900.00 OSHAWA- Spat.ious 2 bedroomn brick bungalow, det. garage, compaçi kitchen, complete with stove and fridge, dining area, fui: unfinished basement. Located on large lot desirable resîiential area. Immnediate possession. Caîl Nan- cy Dair 668-4AW. ir 668-6726. CALI 668-4088 h WANTED! 4MOTHERS & FATHERS LOOKIING> FOR BARGAINS CHILDRENS 4e~ REWARD Clothes & toys ln excellent condition for sale 4Good selection of Snow Suits 4 Just arrlved 4Excellent selectlon of dresses, pants Shirts for Back-to-School SlzesO0-14 4 ~Layaway with depositChre 4Master Charge hre CHILDREN'FS WORLD 4 44 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 4 571-m2066 LSTORE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:30 - 5:30. Fridav 9:30 - 8.00, Sat rday 10: 00 - 5: 00J .qw w-3- mu -wO w w wfl w w w- - CLAY PIT CERAMIOS RE-OPENING SPECIAL 1 FREE PIECE 0F GREENWARE with any class registration. bef ore September 5th Classes beginning Sept. 8th Dscounts for seniors & groups of ten or more. NEW LOCATION 609 PALACE ST. WHITBY' 668a5001