PAGII2., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST -17, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Seniors lose $110 pensioners tx credi By MICHEAL KNELL Free Press Staff The government of On- tario's rent and property tax rebate for senior citizens may be another example of what gavernment gives with one hand, it takes away with the other. In his column that ap- peared in the Whitby Free Press last week, Gecrge Ashe, Progressive Conser- vative MPP for Durham West, told senior citizens in his constituency of the new plan that the governrnent recently introduced. According ta a local ac- 'tintant, who is an expert in the tax problems seniur cîizens face, what Ashe told seniors is accuraft but not complete. Stanley Claytoh, 51, said that whiat senior citizens don't realize is that under the new prograrn, they will no longer receive the $110 pensioner tax credit. Instead they will receive 20 per cent of their rent or property tax up to a minimum of $500. For example, a senior citizen paying $1,000 a year in property tax will receive a grant of $200. However, a senior who pays $2,5W0 a year in rent wilI receive the maximum grant of $500. Clayton says that the har- dest hit under the program are those seniors who reside with members of the family and do flot pay rent or property tax. Under the new system, they will only receive the $50 provincial sales tax credit for the 1980 tax year as op- posed to the $150 they received in the 1979 tax year when the pensioner tax credit was still in force. "'They're going to get a sales tax credit, but not the pensianer tax credit," Clayton said. Ashe, however, did say that the new program of grants "do replace the previous Ontario Tax credits for seniors. " Unfortunately, according ta, Clayton, Ashe did not ex- plain the situation fully. " &They don't know (they've lost the pensioners tax credit), and I arn concerned that they do know about it." Claytan offers his assistance in filling out in- carne tax forrns free of charge ta Whitby senior citizens every year. Claytan also charges that " a lot of poor senior citizens will not be getting their rnoney back." What the problem is , he said, is that "this fact has not been brought ta anyone's GEORGE ASHE, MPP attention. " Claytan criticized Ashe's calumn because it "Idoesn't corne out and tell thern that they're not going ta get the (pensioners credit). " "They should tell the whole truth, damn it, it's aur money," Clayton said. "Ashe tald the truth, but nat the whole truth."1 Ashe could not be reached for comment. Police bust gambling operatieon After a three month in- vestigation, police have cracked a major gambling ring operating in the Durham Regian. According ta Durharn Regional Police Deputy Chief Ken Young, a total of 41 persans were arrested and charges with book- rnaking and other related of- fences. One 0f the arrested per- sans is Raymnond Herstead of Henry Street, Whitby. The others were from Oshawa as well as from Brooklin and Port Perry. The arrests were made during raids canducted by bath the Durharn force and the -Ontario Provincial Police last Thursday night and Friday rnorning. Herstead and his co- accused are scheduled -ta, appear in Oshawa provincial court an September 5. 214 Dundes St. E., Whitby 668-7797 HO URS: Mon. - Sut. & Evenings By Appointment Only