PAGE 6t, Wl DNESI)AY. AUGUST 217. 1980, WIIITBY FRI3E PRESS Money and temporary help major issues.... Town employees may strike suon Un#**# an agreement con b. reached b.tween if, Trown of Whllby end ils Inside end outsld. workers, residents of the town could be wllhout garbaga col.c. lion enid othar service next month. At a mee tin filwés hem lest week the 74 mmbersof the Canaen Union of Public Employa@ (CUPE> Local 53 vol. by an M par cent marln t ers e pndlng lhe oulcome 0f the.present nagotlstuon. Local presdent David Sarookanlan sald t thelb tlite broke down on Auquel 11 when the union rejceld #»i town's Waest offer. Th. workarshave nol had a contracl s11unce lesi.t Onl yeer agreement expfl-. on Mach 31. A no.boad report has been fIiad by th. Ontario Mlnilry of Labor counciliabor, Serookani leed addng thal both sides areawalllngthe apponlueofeta medlor se' 11.1 trne tao cmcontkhua ilo the neut stage C UPE Local 53 represasoe -~ collelors, CNerea staff end publicwu*@s depa Iment employa.. 8acusa Il could endangar lb. unions bargaling position, Sarooklnlen did nect give any speciicO on wua lsas baln dlscusad. prnq maior Isaua, howavr, l. 1Ihe town's us. of tom. porey holp. "We've got a proem wll thavn (temporary help>," ho sald addlng It t W gettlng to the point hoir num- bers art growing lester thon fun linie paopie.," Tha union leader salso id thal the worker want i,. provemnenle ln wages and changes hln1h. town's pollcy of c@ntrectlng out work. Th. vote taken aest we.l clivs th. unions bagalng commlte b.power tb cata strike when lh. woIkW'5 Weili position 1to e.such action ha. been reached. Sarookanian sald that lb. date la not yet known but wlll probebdy bailn the f#Msipalt Of September. ~/j I