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Whitby Free Press, 10 Sep 1980, p. 24

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1980, WVITBY FRE E PRESS________________ Free Press, Emporiumn CoII1668-6111 rcMmL 19U0 PONTIAC., 8cyi, standard tran- smission, 46,000 miles, 4 doors, vory good condition. $1000 or boat offor. Calii855-3011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH OUSTER, 340 autommtic on floor, tigor carpet on ln- side, mage, vory quick, runs good, $500. Ask for John ai 6837538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, muffler, $1,200 f Irm. Cali 723-5489 af ter 5 p.m. JuIy 2,80 1969 0105, 20R. hard top, PIB, PIS, air, auto, 350 V4, cmn b. cort. $500. Can be soon at 309 Dundas St. W. Whitby, or cli 723-5810. Aug.27,80 1969 GREY ASTRE, 2 door, 55,000 miles, littie rust. Good condition. Tmke ovor remaining paYments Of $124.1 month for 10 months 986-4716. Cmn be soon by appt. ln Whitby. Sept. 3,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plaid aati. Engine A-i $450 firm. Perigo carrnage (Itallan) mint condition, converti Into car bed. $130 Cali 668-0661. Aug 6,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-sound, body f air, may be cer- tif led, asking $400. Cali 668-3052 ai- ter 6:00 pâ.i1,8 1978 DATSUN 510 iIATCHBACK, 5 speod, spotiesa, 1km new, 30,000 miles AM-FM cassette. if has super gas mileago -36 mpg. Asking $4350. Cali 571-3131 i 68 1972 Oldamobile '88 good body and motor $895. 1949 Ford Econoline Van low mloeago, pertec-t condition, certif led $1200. Phono 576.722 or 725-3052- Aug. 13,80 COLLECT ORS iTEMI 1 owner, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunnor, 318 autommtic, 25 miles per galion, PIS, PIB, AMIFM itteoe, T-sun roof, radiais, mag . ýeI 52,000 original miles, not drivon ln winter. immaculate con- dition. Certified. Asking $3500. Phono days 5762032, ovoninge 728-700. Aug. 13,80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers, new tires 50 andi 60 serles, buCket seats, hearst 4 speed. ASking $2,000. Cal 666- 3681.July 9,80 1975 HORNET, 8 vyl, ANC. autommtic, 29,000 miles, new condition, with roof cmrrier. 4 doors. $2000) or boast offer. Cali655-011,Juiy 23,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dition 58,000 Miles $200- Or bost offeor. Phone 684M. Aug. 13,80 196 DODOE DART, good for parla. now transmission, new radiator, engine ln good condition, Asking $20. Caii 668-11461. WALNUT CONSOLE stereo $250. Solid oak swivei office rocker $15. Phono 66&-1372. Sept. 3,80 WINTER COATS, Ladies, white whooi size 7, wom twIce $50. Men's'bimck loather, size 36 Ilke new $50. Storm Dorr- aluminum 2" tri'ight brown, excellent condition-$100. Phono 668- 4006. Sept 3,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN Electrohomne) with bench, perfect for beginner. Very good condition. Cmli 7236798. Sept 10,80 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE, Trackor trucks, kryptonic wheels, WEE WILLY WINKLE BOARD $40. Cali 868-5227. Aug.27,80 TIRE SIZE G78-14, glass beited, littie used. A bargain at just $15. Phono 668-1060. Aug. 20,80 1976 YAMAHA SR500. Excellent shape. 3,000 km. Asklng $1.350. Phono 855-3310. Aug. 20,80 STEEL PIPE FOR OUTDOOR SIGN 4l x 21'-g" with 1 l'"x 51-V" Hangar pipe $80. Phono 6553534 ONE a' OVERHEAD GARAGE -DOOR complote with hardware. $50. 1019 Centre St. S. Phone 868-3941. Aug.27,80 one pair floral print drapes 95" x 84"' $10. Two double bed size bod spremds $5 and $12. Console coffea table $15. New AM car radio $15. Drum stool $5. Cali6866-2510. Juiy 23,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCINO, 5 foot hlgh approximateiy 100 foot, $75. CalII868-4744 i16,80 ARMY BUNK BEOS and mattressos $75. Caii 8619585. Aug. 13,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK with Dolby and threo tape sttings. Ex- cellent condition, Asking $150. 32 galion aquarium with custom stand and many accossorios, ln- cluding fleh. Asking $150. Phono 655- 3821. Aug. 13,80 Approxîmately OIX61 PICTIJRE WIN- DOW SCREEN and storm wlndow ln- ciudod, in good condition, $160. ¾/bed trame 48X72, $25. Quebec wood stove $110. Cmlii 86-8675 Sept 5,80 LARGE OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, antique, asking $200. Chest liko suit- case $9. Table iamps, old silver $45 m pair. 'Matait cabinet with siiding doors $20. Ironging board $500. Cmii 683-68MSept 5,80 17 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, windshioid, soats, tirat ciasa condition $600or best offert Phono 655-3011 alter 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 4 ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORS$20. emch, Firepflace $100. Floor polisher m à PLEASE READ Whçn the advertîsed Item la sold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wlll be deemed to have been sold and a commission wIll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustratedi below, regardiese If price la stated wîth "best offer". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wIlI be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiIl apply. Ail advertlsements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month If not sold. RATES (If article lu sold>: 5% of advertled prîce up to $M0.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $12000 -commission due $600 (minimum charge la $3.00> Private advertîsing onlyl Please notîfy the Whitby Free PresImmediately when Item ls sold so that we may delete It f rom the fol iowing Issues. AIl ads not fIttIng the Emporium guidelines wilI be treated and charged per week as regular Classified ada on a pre paid basis suCh as: services, help wanted, Clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting prIce or quantIty: PrIvate classlfiled ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. Ail &de wtli go ln clamait led section unies@ otherwIsee pecI lied. I f 1In dou bt, cali1668-6111 MAIL A DS TO: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. P.O. Box 206, Whîtby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 5SI1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Air-conditianer, Gênerai Electrlc RUNABOUT WiTH CA! arrycodo500 , $125. 3M 051i porrtabcooo pier T, $125. CMii0568 potbe9 htcoir3$2.Cai68 JI 23,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadien made, bogInner wth bonch and books, very good.condition. $50 or boat offor. 10 galion aquarium $10. Cmii 655-3011 JI 23,80 TIME CLOCK ln good condition, cosis $450 new soiiing for $200. Cmlii 666-3868. Juiy 30,80 REDISHIBROWN, crushod voivet sofa, 2 chairs & ottoman $155. Cmii af- ter 6 p.m. 655-3497. Sept.3,80 LIVING ROOMIDEN SET. Sofa, 1 swIvei rocker, 1 swivei chair & ot- toman. Off white with brown pattern. $350. Whitby 668-6650 afiter 4 p.m. Sept. ,80 ORGAN - GALANTI DELLIXE X300, 2-37 key manuels, 13 pedals, utomnatic rythymn. Excellent con- dition. $750. Cli 668-9902. WESTINGH-OUSE DRYER, excellent condition $110. Cmii 623-1534. Aug.27,80 22"1 COLOR TV. $225. Cmii 623-1534. Aug.27,80 que dryer, excellent condition sklng $125. Caii1668-8115. Aug. 13,80 1974, 360 HONDA, quarter fohring, good condition $80. Cmii 655-4046. Aug.27,80 Zenith Stock à Whte TV, 20" for $30. Brase Fire scroon 30" X 23",%$40. Bird cage stand, crome $12. Uphoisery materimi for largo cushion size places et $4.00 a place. Woodon clothos dryor stand, $5.00. Caii 688-2258. JI 23,80 WEBSTER DIAPHRAM COM- PRESSORModei 10-3 with hose and gun $60. Cmii 655-4361. u.1. SQUASH RACKET, brand new, nover used. duniop $15. Cali 668-6563. sept. 5.80 HEAD,needs some work, tra for the summor $400. or i Calii 668-7573. ONE <Flghl Line) his and aider on wheeis. Sizo 22' plus Ilke new aide pockets, Phono 655-4014 CHESTERFIELD AND C collent condition, 4 yoars turod voivet, ruai and bro% print. Originaiiy $1200 asl Cmii 576-4993. SOLIO CHERRY, FrenchF Dining Room Suite, table, 5 - armod chair, buffet an cabinet. Asklng $1,800 orbi Cali 666-1168 GENDRON BABY CAR strolior $25. ChesterfieldE Kitchen suite $45. Ail lier condition. Cati 655-8084. B3ABY CRIB for sale. Fou and in good condition $60 2687 atternoon and evenini TWO NEW WIGS, long dE and straigth, $70 or beat of de short and curly $20 f irm. 6119 AQUARIUM, 200 gai, 1" 91 piote with stand, flet i Aqumrium, 100 gai, lW' 9 plote with stand, fish, etc. 6554089atter5 p.m. CHILDS, 2 WHEELER bldy yoar aid, good condition 668-0084. Two TWIN SIZE 39"1 hm vinyl finish, white with go Pr. or $5 each. Tmble wi legs, top white enamnel 26* 30"' for $15. The above it good condition. CaliiW3 ning or ovening mfter 8 p.rr 31N AND se Morage oest otter. Juiy 30,80 id hors soit !'X22"X12". S. $50 firm. Sept. 5,80 CHAIR, ex- 3oid, scuip- wn damask sking $400. Sept )>80 Provincial aide and 1 nd china est of for. i 16,80 RRIAGE& suite $100. ýms ln good Aug. 27,80 ur years oid a. Cmli 668: igs. Sept. 5,80 lark brown ifer. Bion- i.Cmii 668- i16,80 lises, com- oic. $30. piasse, com- SM20. Cali Sept. 3,80 îcio. suite 4 in. $20. Cli Aug.27,80 iMd bomrrds, ld trtm $10 ith wooden S., x 23w-' itms re ln 37538 mor- in. Juno 18,80 MA1TRESS, EXTRA FIRM, quoen size ambassador, 3 yemrs oid, excellent condition. $80. Cali 668-9113. July 30,80 FRIDGE-FROST FREE $100., Dish- waser, bult-in $225., Storm door 80 x 32 $85. Cali 668-0341. Aug. 13,80 liANEX CUSTOM ELECTRIC GUITAR with case $35. Sibre accoustic guitar without case $75. Caii 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 A~ MI.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BRO CKSTREET NORTH WHITBY - 668-6111 Mon - Wed 9 arn - 16 piin. Thurs. Fri, 9 ain - 8prn, Sat 10O arn - 5 ýpin. WE QFFER TOP QUALITY FILM P'ROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES - AND THAT'S VALUE! BUSI NESS- STATIONERVe MAIL ORDER lh. Canadian movement for personsi ftness. 4 )ntarïo Be safe ... not sorry! Mînistry of Transportation and Communications a a ---.M Emporium Ads wiII only be aîccepted subject to the following Conditions. 1 qbq~

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