WFIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1980, PAGE 17 onor clinie at Legion Hall, REV. JIM McCLURE MeClure moderator On September 9, the East Toronto Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Canada elected Rev. Jim McClure, of Whitby's St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, as their moderator for the year 1980-81. East Toronto Presbytery is the largest in Canada. McClure, a minister for 29 years, has been at St. An- drew's for 19 years. Before coming to Whîtby he served in, churches in Northern Ireland and in the Stratford, Ontario area. Members of his congregation will assume of his local duties while he is carrying out his new respon- sibilities. In Whitby on Wednesday September 24, there will be a blood donor clinie at the Legion Hall, Byron Street South. Thte hours wil be from2 to 8p.m. You can be a blood donor from your l7th to your 66th birthday. Seventeen year olds must bring to the clinie a note of permission from a parent. At the Whitby clinic, Joyce Cox, the local. blood donor chairman, will present ten faithful doriors with special awards. These certificates and pins corne from the Canadian Red Cross and are signed by Edward Schreyer, Canada's governor- General, and by both the, national comimissioner and the national chairman 0f the Red Cross. For 50 donations, W. Van- dermeulen of- Brooklln and Bradley of Harris St.,. will get recognition. For 35 donations, Mrs. E.J. (Liz) Tedford of Newman Cres., Mr. R. G. Matthews ofViega Crt, T.W. Shearer, Byron St. N., Jim Barter of Donovan Cres.,- H. Cartwright of Brooklin, B. Guthrie of R.R. 2 Whitby, W.F. Hoffman, Flemington Crt and T. H. Humphris of Mary St. E. Will receive their cer- tificates. You can give blood safely once every 91 days, that is 4 times a year. It would take at least 13 years to gi t-) donations. If you have ne. e been a dono-r, now is the t ime to start. Less than an hour of your time, in a friendly atmosphere, is ail it takes to give the gift of life. Blood collected mu Whitby goes to Toronto for processing and is then distributed as needed to 85 area hospiLals. At leaý .(00 the Toronto Blood Centre each day. Whitby's objec- tive for September 24 is 300 units. At the June clinic, blood donations from only 299 peuple were accepted. Fifty-five other people came porarily unacceptable as donors. The need for blood is always with us. Don't rely on someone else's donation to save your life. Be a blood donor in Whitby on Wed- nesday September 24. 17,585 jobless in August The numnber of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centres in Ajax, Whitby andI Oshawa for the month of August totalled 17,5U, consisting of 8,442 female and 9,143 male clien- ts. This figure includes 6,700 students. Placements in the three offices totalled 886 for the month, which'compares to a total of 1,146 placements during July. The majority of clients were registered in material-handling and related; construction trades; product fabricating; assembling and repairing; machining and related; sales; service; clerical; and related and students. Durhing August, the greatest employment oppor- tunities existed in accom- modation and food services:; personal services, retail trade. In August, there were 17 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- You know your businesS.. Our business is to put everybody else mn the know dustrial Training Program. As a result, 18 people will benefit frorn both training and employment in the Region of Durham. At the end of August, there were 118 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 55 people receilâig academie upgrading at Durham College. Employers are en- couraged to list their casual vacancies with the Canada Employmellt Centres. We have qualified and capable individuals registered at thp Centres who are eager to ac- cept casual employmerit. Hooked rugs topie of society meeting The next meeting of the Whitby Historical. Society will take place at 8 p.m. on September 23 at the Whitby Public Library. The guest speaker for the evening will be Simon Waegemakers, and his topic will be Canadian hooked rugs. Waegemaker is the direc- tor of a textile museum in Toronto and a commentator on CBC Radio. 1w *divison of ~I% J0G. CA"' Eftepre t4ik~je lBuress6 t ? reePrs .1 BCr St.o ..., isy51-eC eSUlts .r f tiie tt% editLo 5ed fo, tie p.3s, anld ,,ceeded 5_al ,Ls .<ouC uv once aai nes 3 C: 4C j~SO~ioPI~4S~ la 1, 4I 1sO * y I : . # 6ôo% * 000if you want to be known, cali the Whitby Free Press AdvertisingDep't. 668-6111 I ê *,W llgSp*cli.'o e t wo hIe u o S t Jqst2510'J -, InO