PAGE 24, WEL)NESDAY SEIPIEMBER 17, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Our Reg. Price 2.38 Ibn Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Dominion Trim ShortRFib '5 Roast .2 b.difference Ibn a- Retumabie Bottie Plus Deposit Doino Ginger Aie. Our Reg. Price .43I ai O differen Ce 7W mi boMl Cul From Canada Grad "A" 1eef Dominion Trlm. Blade Steakb 1.31. Ou1Rg.Prc Cul From Canada G rade "A" Boef Dominion TrImn Cross Rib Roasts lb. 1.40 Our Reg. Prise 2.68 lb. Fresh from th. Tropios Ciquit Bananas SPECIA Lt no.- mme E Tomato Heinz Ketchup 32 bd. 1a49 Our Reg. Prise 1.89 .32 ilidifference .82 i difference .40 differencel Cul From Canada Grade "A" Beef Mapi. Leaf ~ Dominion TrIm, Bonelese Sweet Pickled Alil Purpose Grlnd Cote Stewing Cottage Chase& Beef .Roll Sanborn b. bag 1.90.088 3. 29 Our Reg. Pris. 2.18 lb. Our Reg. Prise 1.98 lb. Our Reg. Price .3.99 .22 ifferenoe .30 a differenole .70 difference the world is our garden Product of Canada Ontarlo Grown Nol 1grade Potatoes 2m88 SPE-CIA L! 20lb. bag No. 1 Grade Ceilo Carrots a.88 SPECIAL!1 Produci of Canada Product of Canada Produot of Canada NoliGrade Noi1Grade Pepper Celery Cucumbers Squash Stalks w48 31R99 31w99 SPECIAL! > SPECIAL! SPECIALI Produci of Canada Produet ai Canada No 1 Grade Product of Canada Noli Grade Nol1 Grade re Bartieti RutabagasCbGre Pears abg w49 21n98 31m9.9 LSPECIAL! SPECIAL!1 SPECIALI eni..eonoaoo e~~sAaaoded Colours LsLU3 -W I nwolndWhib « or n Bdel borCweMint or Red Close-Up N Con ai Dolaooryrwebedo 9«O Hom HaIvs v erSusame Toothpaste Shreddies Ba*hrom iasUeOrange Juice [349 1.29 1.19 iol1.1O 1.49 1î189 Ouar Ree Prise &99 lb. Our R.g. Pris. 1.78 lb. Our Reg. Prie 1.59 Our Reg. Price 1.39 Our Reg. Prise 1.71 Our Reg. PrIse 1.87 5 0a difference . 9iL ditference .40 difference .20 difference .22 difference .18 dlfferec Sumo' Pffleof C»Mad c~l Regtie.OIy, For Spaghetti Caoten SpaghettiSpagWlo r c< ulld Phntc Dnner Hama Olb"eut m Agre. Shampoo Meat Sauce catelli Pasta Geba Bags 2.43 lJI98pg 2n39co t1.29t 1.49pkg .79of Our Mae P e27sM u e. Prie*e2lb. Our Reg. R.Price .8 Our Reg. Price 1.78 Our Reg. Prie 1.97 Our Reg. Pris..99 .30 a, difernce s5i diffrence .50 difference so diffrence [30 differenceOi .20 dif eW Fwe m owFronAasrt$d Valdus FihBdNom r Oe Bolaon SmmPoech PhdMowc Cod Stea Fish Steaks Cake Mixes 1.99. 1.S. .5 3 oz. Our e. p e 2-a b. Outr m.Prim l. OuirOtt*. Pris..67 .69. a ifeece«9 ifeece .0dfeec ADefinite Difference 0 0 Fommiion WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAI4TITIES. DOMINION STORES LimrTED. 8-- 1 1 1 1 1