WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SFFrEMBER 24,1980, PAGE 17 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS a MPRO VEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Coramlc TIWg, Drywaii, Roc. Rooms, Codar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jeweîery, dishes, furniture, crocks, o11, palntings and sealers. FRIENDLY 'FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA BROOKLIN TOOL 00. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Half price on ail mîcromoters, sockot î wrench sot, vices, jack. drili sets, drili press, 3 ton hoist, hydrollo garage flbar jack, 1 'h ton capacity $195.00 and sand blaster and other tools for mechanics. Ail Items fully guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 5WIMMINQ POOLS Inventories must go on sale, 1980 above ground pools, complets wilh flfer, motor, pump, walkaround patio, fencing. Regulariy $2,395., rsduced f0 dlear et $1.479. Phone ftoitffree 1-800- 265-8543 for futher deislse. D&S SERVICE SmalI Movlng Jobs Free EstImates 686-1195 DRESSMAKING alterations dore. and Phone SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer ha& new 1960 pools, regular pice of $2.790 now ai end of 864son speciel ai $1488. Pools .qulpped wth pump, fliter, mofor, fenclng, patio and weik around dock. Oeil IMPERIAL POOLS toîlit re 1400- 22l"570. STORAGE FOR CAR TRAILER ETC. SOLID CONCRETE. MONTHLY CALL 866-3146 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER Oversockd. Muet close ouf aIl 1960 modela and atme. Hugo saVinge on above gnound and ln ground pools of steai and lumlnum. No monthly paymenf s until 1961. Cail IMPERIAL POl-S toit fis 1800-2118-W70. MALE LOOINU fot îr Lady companlon botwoon the ago of 60 to 70, compatible for 65 yoar old man. Apply ta 444 Brookiln, Ontarlo LOB TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D LîConso Cali PARTICIPATION 416-36341031 day, ove. & Satý.courses HOME GROWN TREES etc. FOR SALE $1.50 & Up Maples, cedars, apruco, other varleties. Peonles & red rhubarb roots, Cornet raspberry plants. Fresh corn, tomatoos, cucumbers. Ail very reasonably prlced. Cal 655-4525 for further ln- formation. PICK YOUR OWN APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday-Sunday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. (weather permit. tIng). Foaturing Macintosh, Cor- tland, and Macounes $471120 lb bag (1 'h bushol>. Con. tainers provided Location: North sicl o0f Hwy 2 botween Whîtby and Ajax. 668-3311 74 BUICK CENTURY, ANO, PIS, PB, AM-FM radio and mors options. 75.000 mles. Excellent shape $2000. Cali 728-4972 Is80 CHEVY CITATION, 2 door, lit. back, V-6 engins, Pis. Pis, automatlc, rear defogger, radio, iow mleage. one ownsr, vsry dlean. Oalil 6684204 73 HORNET, four parts, new mut lier, shocks, high-votage, 3 doors. Also motor and transmission. Cali 66» 3146 GERMAN SHEPARD PUP5, purebnedse, four tan and black, 3 black and fanned, big pupa. Bofh parents cen be semen. $100. CeIl 666-3148 LOST Losi Septemben 2nd a 3 month old kifien. Sirlped tortolse black and grey, whit lp on end of fale. In vécinlty of rock and St. John's streef. Rewerd offered. Pi ease cal 6684M0 INSTANT CASH For any Item containing gold or sterling. Including jery. watches, coina,eMd fiat ware. W. also buy old paintîig&. Immedate pick up servtice. Cafl 7264M5. CASH LOAN neyer rapay. For frse detaîls wrte to: Mns. Lundîow R R1 Locuat Mill Ontario LOMi-JO1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS UN THE ESTATE 0F PATRICK WHITE, DECEASED Ail persons havlng dlaims against the ostate of Patrick White, late of the Town of Whltby, ln the Regionai Municipaîity of Durham, who diod on the 27th day of Fobruary, 1980, are required ta Mie proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 151h day of Oc- tober, 1980, atter which date the estato wilI be distributod wlth regard only ta the dlaims of which the underslgnod shall thon have notice and the underslgnod wiII not be hlable to any per-. san 0f who seodaim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, thîs l7th day of Septomber, 1980. Alice Maudo Lliian Swant and Charles Edward White, Adminstrators by their solicitors horein, STRIKE & STRIKE, Box 7 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIIC 3K8 ORGAN USED LOWREY, Two-manual organ, auto rhythm, easy to play. Cali LOWREY ORGAN & PIANO In WHITBY et 660.354 BEERL10VERS: Now you cen make great German Beer ai home. Oeil665-474 MUSIC LESSONS QualIf led Instructor Violin or Gultar 688-3741 PERM SPECIAL AT BOBETE SALON 0F BEAUTY $3760 Perm -$300" $320 Perm -$27" $25"0 Perm -$20" $18"10Perm -$15"0 Includes cut, set and con- ditioner. Located at 51 Baldwin Street, Brooklin. CALI NOW FOR APPOIN- TMENT at 655-3134 OPEN HOUSE PLANNED An Open House Honorlng Mrs. Lily Munns on her 8Oth Blrthday Saturday In the Friendship Room of the Whitby Baptist Church 411 Gilbert St. E. Best Wlshes OnIy. ZAN'S SALON & BOUTIQUE PRESENTS THAT TOTAL LOOK Fashion With The Stars At The HOLIDAY INN, OSHAWA On Wednesday October Ist ai 2 pama.-8 pama $4 per ticket; (Senior Citizens $3) Door Prizes & Refreshments Tickets Availabie at: 1 ZAN'S SALON & BOUTIQUE 1212 King Street West Oshawa - I .yen We specialize ln care of patients ln their own homes. Our carefully screened Insured and ex- peritsncedi nurses, companlons - and hornemakers are available for fuil-time, part- time or lve-In nursing care. Avallable 24 hours. COMMAE 571-3501 VANS LIGHTTRUCKS HEAVYTRUCKS CONSTRUCTION EMIPMENT AUCTION SALE Tho cItles of Oshawa & Peterborough: Tho Towns 0f Ajax, Newcastle, Pckering, Richmond HIII &.Whîtby, and Tho Region of Durham to be heîd at R.M.D. AJAX WORKS DEPARTMENT Reglonal Road No. 4 (Taunton Rd. W.> SAT. Sept. 27 9:30 &.m. VEHICLES: 8 -7610o70 NOVA, GREMLIN, FORD, PONTIAC 33 -7861o70 GMC, FORD, DODGE, 0MEV %,44 à 4X4I PIU 13 -,72 to77 DODGE, FORD, CHEV, GMC Vans & Min-Bu»s 78 0MEV VAN BUS - 3-77 DODGE MAXI VANS . 2-67 0MEV SCHOOL BUSES.- Idoai for motor homos- TRUCKS: 4 75-74 FORD & GMC 4-t Dumpa; 3 FORD à IHC DumpilowlSiandor 3 74to 71 CHEV.GARBAGE PACKERS: 71 IHC 4-t Stako; 71 FORD L900 Tankosr,,71 FORD 1-t Dunlp; HIAB Truck Moun- ted Crane; and othors. CONST & TURF EQUIPChain Saws; Cut-Off Saw; Sldewalk Plow; Hammer Knife Mower; Generators; Lawnmowers; Radial Arm Saw; Side Mowor; Taîlgate Sander; Rlding Mowers; FRINK PLOWS: HIAB CRAN E-Truck-Mounted; FRagian Float; 75-gai Sprayer; etc. SHOP EQUIP: Dril Press; Saws; Steam Jenny; Skate Shar- penor; Battery Charger; 2-way Port Radios; Vacumnm; etc. MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION OFFICE EQUIP: Air condîtionors; Desks; Chairs; Calcs; Ad- ding Machines; Time Ciock, 1I3M Selectrlc.Typewriter; IBM, UNDERWOOD SCM Elec Typewriters; 28 Rot igorators; Staves; Dryer; Camneras, Beds; TV's; Tables; Micro Film System (camnera reader retreiver) PARTIAL LIST ONLY LUNCH ON PREMISES VIEWI.NQ FRIDAY, Sept 26,80 4-8 p.m. TERMS: $100 cash or certif led choque deposît on vehicles or major equipment, balance by cash or certif led choque by Monday, Sept 29,80 4 p.m. Cash, company choques or as posted or announced. AUCTION SALE, Wodnesday Sept. 24, 6 p-. Bîackstock Commuiîty Arena Churctî St. Iln Becketock Excellent conslgnmenf saesof an- tiques, furnifure, epplences, tools, collectibles etc. Antique dressera, rockers, cup- boards, wash stnad, beds, amber- harp hanging Iamp, box type weshlng machins, venity basin & pitcher, dough meker, quilt irames, 4 lion- hsad press back chairs, brasa bed, American porslin lned seeler, bot- îles, pins, electrlc typewrlfer, addlng machine, photocopier, corner cup- board, leether sectionel couch, display case, crib, used bed, portable T.V., end table, good chrome chairs, book case, drapes, dîshes, bikes, 28 horse Mnneapols Moline frm trac- for, and meny more Items f00 numerous tfi mention. PEARCEAUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 -EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE daycere ln own home. Mon. 1<' Fr1. Key eat area. Goori iunche-. $40 a week. OCl 668-1218, .inytime. BABYSITTING RteIIebIa mothen f0 babysif ln my home (Whitby-Oshawa borderl. Mon- day through Frfday, full or part-time. Mot lunches, organized play. References aveilable. Calil 578-1633 Hous*..p.r-Babysitter Rliabie, efficient, professionel home ln Ajax. Two echool qged chlldren, four aitemoona per *week. $50 1 saet. Evenînga 6682619 SABYSMTER A Mature persn f0babysit an Infant of 5 montha for affennoona and evenîngs,staIing mid-November. C4OMI68023 AUCTION SALE SATuRDAY, SEPTEMBER 27fh Beglnnlng at 111:00 a.m. Clearing auction of aIl antique fur- nîfure (both refInlshed & In the rough>, the property of Mr. H. Steven- son, located 202 Main Street, North, Markharfl. Sale includea large quan- tifies of washstands, bonnet chate, round oak and square kitchen tables, dressera, sideboards, drop iront desks, jamn cupboards, soe of prsssback chairs, odd pressbacks, oîd hall racks, Jacques & Hayes loveseats, rockers, chine cabinets, cou ntry couch, church. psws, Canadiens beda, Imon beda. 2 oid cui- ter slelghs, varlous oit lampa, etc. AUCTIONEERS NOTE. There wlll be ofiered ion sale more thon 300 pca. of antique fumîIture, as Mr. Stevenson ha been an Avid Fumîture Collector for meny years. Terme Cash or .Chaque (with .D.). No Reserve. House Sold. Kahn Aucilon Services - 905-6161,- $30 PER DAY BABYSITTING Threo or four limes a year, w. are absent for 1 woek. We require a mature and ploasant lady b 1look aftor our chidren. Wolilvo ln a large house ln a ploasant country neighbourhood. Ploase reply ta: BABYSITTER P.O. Box 206 clo Whitby Fre Prose Whitby, Ontario Li N 551 And We wiII contact You. PHARMACIST Full or part-ime for CAMPBELLFORD Cali 1-800-268- 2297 Cali 1.800-26&-2297 WiII be Heid on Sept. 27th from 7 to 9 p.m.