WHITBY IREL P~RESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1980, PAGE 7 Br~kin BURN'S CHURCH LADIES GUILD On October 7, at 8 p.m., the Burn's Church Ladies Guild will sponsor an open meeting for ladies and gentlemen. WIi Walker, a lawyer from Pickering, wli be speaking on famlly law-reform and willJs. Ail ladies and gentlemen are welcome. This meeting will be held in the Burn's Church Hall. HUNTER'S SAFETY COURSE On September 29 and 30 the flrst Hunter's Safety Course will be held In Brooklin. The second course runs October 1 and 2. Both courses are heid at 7 p.m. each evening. you must register and pay a fee of $18,11 prior to attencling the course. For further information contact Carl Sedore at 655-3250 BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR BOARD '81 it may seem a littie early to be discussing the Spring Fair, but the directors have alread had two meetings for the 1981 fair. Anyone who would like to enter preserves to exhibit in next spring's fair, can your fruits, pickeles, relishes and jams in pint sealers (and keep in a safe place). Everyone is welcome to attend the next fair board meeting to be held October 9 at the Brooklin Commumity Centre. BROOKLIN BRANCH LIBRARY Program for pre-schoolers and adult.s will start Tuesday, October 14 and be held every Tuesday from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Registration for these programs wili be held the week of September 29 to October 4. Pre-school programs wiil provide creative learning ex- perience through crafts, games, stories and music. the first aduit session will feature a slide presentation on a journey through Iran. This slde collection captures ail the colour and exitement of ancient Persia with a look at various mosques and monuments of that area. Saturday story bour has resurned and is held in the children's library from 10: 30 -11:30 a.m. The library is open on S aturday from 10:00 a.m until 4:00 p.m. as well as 2*00 -9:OOp.m. during theweek. BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Teh Brooklin Hortictltural Society wii be featuring 44chrysanthemums" at the next meeting on September 24 at 8 p.m. at the Brooklin United Church. Sharon Lloyd from loyd's Nursery wlil speak to us on the "Growing and Arranglng of Muins". A fanl show focusing on the Muni will also be presented, so please plan to attend. Refreshements will be served. Susan Smith 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) Disabled vets to be' honoured hi -Whitby The Town of Whltby will honour disabled veterans of both world wars in a day long party October 4, at the Heydenshore Pavfion. About 25 veterans wlil be released f rom the veterans' wing of Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto and bused into Whitby for the festivities. W est Ward Councillor Joe Bugellil origninated the idea for the party and spent weeks organizing it. It wil be the first time sin- ce 1946 that veterans have been brought at the lake. "For the 125th anniver- sary we have recognlzed various community and athletic groups," said Bugelli. "I honestly feit that we had sidestepped a very im- portant element in our society." bugelli said that the decision to designate next year the year of the han- dicapped strongly influen- ced the decision to organize a veterans' day. Upong arrivlng at the Heydenshore Pavilion^ the veterans from the Sun- nybrook home wil be piped into the hall by an honour gun-ard made up of local members of 'the Royal Canadian Legion. Entertainment wiil consist of several local bands and one 85)-year-old woman veteran who wlll provide piano accompaniment for a selection of wartime songs. Ail proceeds from the cash bar will be donated to the Sunnybrook Hospital. Legion ladies auxiliary meeting The first meeting of the season for the ladies Aux. of 112 Royal Canadian Legion was held Wedensday Sep- tomber 10 under the capable leadership of Margaret Cox, lat vice-president. Everyone is looking for- ward to our dinner and theatre evening to be held in the newest .Whitby Theatre on Brock St. No. at 6 p.m. on Thursday September 25. Dinner wiil be served at 6:30 followed by the theatre at 8 p.m. The Whitby Blood Donor Clinic is being held upstairs in the Legion Hall on Wed- nesday September-24 so our next meeting will not be un- BEAT THE EXPE ti Wednesday October 8 and wiil be a business meeting. Thursday October 16 is our first euchre of the season at 8 p.m. admission 0f $1.50 in- cludes a llght lunch. Don't forget Our smoroasborg on Saturday October 25. Tickets can be purchased at the end of Sep- tember froni the Leglon at the cost of $15 a couple. Open Mon.- Fr1. 10-8; Sat.. 10-5 /A HOG ONLY 394 LB. w30Is fbffo ot STOCK-UP-NOW! iCHARGE IT! 4SA E ASCASH NO INTEREST e NO CARRYING CHARGES__ <With accepted credit) ICTED PRICE INCREASE! ~ doas Canada CMadeA-1 or A-2 (swiral apd) st B1EEF LAL SIDES U %L (Carcass Weighf) ..MDlb. EF ~Avg. W. 3204501Ibs WW,9 E RS Caa& GradeAJior Pr? (special amui) 9 6.t ý.1HINDS 1l 9 lb. 150-200 Ibs . * 0 Ibs.) YO LONG STANCE CALL :OLLECTr limit No lespee Ii THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BElER YEAR TO BUY A HAMMOND sj 95 MNCH THE N EW ROMANCE 122 A HAMMOND ORGAN AT A PRICE YOUUL LOVEI MADE IN CANADA ,LESLIE'S SMUSIC CENTRE 379-6239 I Fi~4cLEFII1ruNmI~E i FARMER STOVES PIONEER (4left) .......... $29900 COTTAGE R (i left) ......... $37500 EASTERN (2 left).......$38800 RANCHER (1left) *..... $39900 THIS IS CASH & CARR Y SALE. MTCHELL BROTHRS CASSELS & CHURCH ST BROOKLIN, 655m4991 - Il xr cjdàst building centre 1 ý lqw m m - ý - - - - - - - - - - - - ý qqbff m m m lqw w w mmumua 1 luu 51mcoe Ne