PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS R eport from Q ueen 's Park M ~j. BN, GEORGE ASHI. MM (<PC-D)URliAM lWEST) Lespte the disappointing setbacks at the Constitutional Conference held in early September, the Government of On- tario remains undaunted in ita quest to strengthen the economy of Canada as a nation. Premier William Davis has committed Ontario to preserving a strong economic union for all Canadians, ensuring that there will be unhindered and free passage of people, goods, services and capital from coast-to- coast. It is a dangerous and self-destructive myth to believe that any of our ten prrovincial governments can build, in- dividually, anything to match the potential of a strong Canada- wide economy. Ontarîo wants a strengthened economy The Government of Ontario knows we must recognize and acknowledge the completely different interests of the various areas of this country. We are quite williling to support those provinces who want changes in certain areas such as com- munications, family law and an amending formula for the British North America Act. We are also well aware that to get support for our commitment to a strong federal economy, we must offer more than just nice words. This commitment must take the form of practical measures to build together on our distinctly different economies and use these differences to build on our strenghts. The Government of Ontario has been working quietly and diligently with our sister provinces over the past few years to set in motion concrete measures for building on this strenght. For example, the economies of Ontario and British Colum- bia are very different. It is well-known that because of the strength of the resource industries in British Columbia, com- bined with the great distance and four mountain ranges dividing British Columbia with Canada's largest markets, this western province has developed and expanded a major and lucrative trading relationship with the nations of the Pacific ~) The Ontario Ministry Our' ( È) of the Environment O ntario error and > h einlMunicipalitIes o okadDra It appears as though th The eglnalof orkandDuram itby FroePress was alil invite you to drop in to the de premature last e OPEN OUSETown Council had officiall OPEN OUSEdesignated the Whitby Arl ai Duf fin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Station a heritage buildir under the Ontario Heritag on Mackay iioau Act. ai Station Road South, Pickering However, the designati( 1 recmmenatio, of ti and find out about the York-Durham water pollution control Local Architectural Conse system vation Advisory CommittE (LACAC) is before counc and it is expected. that t] ~ Iéi'~kr Aapproval be given in t] %JGILIILI, Octob'eDM 4 near future. The Whitby Free Pre: 10:00 a.m . t A 4:0 fl nregrets any confusion thi I u.u am. 1 ~ .m.may have occured becau. of the report. BONUS NO. 1 e 5 LB. SMOKED PICNIC HAM e.10 LIB. LOIN PORK CHOPS e.10 LB. GRADE 'A' CHICKEN e 10 LB. SIDE SPARE RIBS e 5 LB. SIDE BACON AT ONLY 29" LB. 40 LB. FOR $1160 ONLY WITH 300 LBS. 0F BEEF PURCHASED OR BONUS NO. 2 1/2 HOG ONLY 3 *LB. WITH EVERY 300 LB. OR MORE BEEF ORDER FREE TURKEY (Avg. 1lOto 12 Lbs.) Wfith purchase of 300 tbs. of beef p or more. 1 CALL NOWI , PPINMTS CHARGE IT! 6 MONTHS TO PAY ,.NO INTrEREsTr-NO CARRYING CHARGES NOTE: Ail BI» #Mld han g ng welght. Wlght lots In cuttlng, bonlng end trlmmlng willIln- crusethe price par pounq. Extra aged boul ho@ mot trlrn- mlng lou$. -Wu r.- eurv the rlght 10 lîmit No dealuru pleum.. GUARANTEES Ail berel orders graded Canada 'A* are guar3nteed for tenderness & Iiavaut. Il not satisfied, vetuin wthin 10 dans and your order cili be repiaced package fer package CANADA'S FINEST GRADE A-i BEEF ONLY $1 'to 827glb. 150 ta 500 Lbs. M ~ .11w STORE BURLINCTON 637-2368 HAMILTON 544-3044 AJAX 66 Harwood Ave. S. 686-1210 IIIUHNHILL at Vonge 72 Steeles Ave. W. 881-9790 I-I-I HOURS amO.rSAT. lma. m he it- 'y ts r- rie ,he ýss iat ise 1 Ice making equipment is under repair at the Brooklin Memorial Arena. The ice rentals scheduled to com- mence October 6 will be delayed for approximately one week. the problem is erosion of piping due to old age. When the system was started this week, several leaks were sprüng due to'the preèssur build up. Cimco Limited of Toronto is replacing the header pipe at a cost of $9,900. AlthoughOntario selîs 26 per cent of its manufactured products in other parts of Canada, British Columbia sells less than 14 per cent of ita manufactured products in Canada. This is an indication that there are real opportunities for British Columbia to expand sales of manufactured goods to Canadian customers. In an effort to develop complementary rather than competative economic development strategies, Ontario 15 supportive of British Columbia's position on freight rates before the federal government. The Government of Ontario believs that the individual provinces must work sector-by-sector ta achieve significant gains for new exisiting manufacturers and make positive con- tributions to the development of new manufacturiflg enter- prises throughout the nation. Happily, the first major program designed to meet this end was agreed to by British Columbia and the other provinces a short while ago. During the next ye-ar, we will be launching a nationwide ef- fort to develop the domestic medical and health care prodiicts industry, which amounts to $1.2 billion annually. Fully 70 per cent of this market (about $850 million) is presently being sup- plied by foreign importa. And this happened despite the fact that we have within Canada the capability to serve a far greater share of this market. The program is designed to stimulate a faster rate of growth in provinces other than Ontario, but since Ontario starts from a larger population base, the benefits to us wlll naturally be significant. British Columbia manufacturera, for example,. wil have preferred access to a greater market outside their own boundaries, mainly in Ontario with a population of eight million people. In the first year of the program alone, the provinces hope to ficrease by* 10 per cent the Canadian share 0f the health care products market currently being supplied by imports. That's $85 million worth of increased business, and 85 million Canadian dollars that won't be going out ýof the country. This one program alone should help put a dint in our balance of paymenta situation. Now the ten provincial governmenta must begin to identify other sectors of the economy where Canadians can work together to establish and expand opportunities for new and existing Canadian businesses. We can only achieve this goal by Working together as ten segmenta of one strong country. The Government of Ontario is committed to more than just nice words. We are committed to finding practical ways to en- sure a strong economic environment for all Canadians. I-ce rentais delayed I ~ 1251H ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH- ITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, 1974, S.O. CHAPTER 22 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE PRESMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNCIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0 F ONTARIO. NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE- TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby ln- tends ta designate the structure at the foiiowing municipal address as a structure of architecturai and historicai value and interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, S.0. Chaper 122: Station Gallery, 1483 Henry Street, Whitby, Ontario Architecutrai reasons for the proposed designation include fine woodwork ln the form of wainscotting, columns, arches and decorative trimTiln the Interior and the fact that it 18 fine example of the 'Railroad Style.' Historicai reasons for the proposed designation Include Its service as a Grand Trunk Railway, and later a Canadian National Railway station since 1903, until It became the Town's Art Centre ln 1970. Any persan may, before October 16, 1980, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby, notice of his orher objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for objection. If such objection is received, Counicil shahl refer the matter to the conservation Review board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby Municipal Building this seventeenth day of September 1980. WM H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Administrator Town of W!iitby Imm il