WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1980, PAGE 25 CARPENTRY HOME REPAURS IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens,, Ceramic Tiling, Drywalî, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CaiI 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jeweîery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oit, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SWIMMING POOLS Inventories muat go on sale, 1980 abovo ground pools, complote with iller, motor, pump. walkaround patio fencing. Rogulari>' $2.395, reduced f0 ciear at $1.479. Phono 1011 f ra1 800- 265-8343 for furiher dotalis. TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D Lîcense Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses D &S SERVICE SmaU Movlng Jobs Free Estimates 686-1195 i RESSMAKING aiteraiion d 668-2864. and Phone STORAGE FOR CAR TRAULER ETC. SOLID CONCRETE. MONTHLY CALL 666-3148 MALE LOOKING for Lady companion between the age of 60 to 70, compatible for 65 year old man. Apply to 444 Brookhin, Ontario LOB I (c.f s INSTANT CASH For an>' item containlng gold or sterling. lncluding jowelry. walchos. coins. and f lat ware. We 88ao bu>' Oid painings. Immediate pick up service. CUl 728-4455. HOME GROWN TREES etc. FOR SALE $1.50 & Up Maples, cedars, spruce, other varietîes. Peonies & red rhubarb roots, cornet raspberr plants. Fresh corn, tomatoes, cucumbers. AIl very reasonably priced. Cal 655-4525 for further In- formation. PICK VOUR OWN APPLES DR. WARREN J. KEE s pleased to announce the opening of his medical off ice for --.FAMILY PRACTICE AT WHITBY MEDICAL ARTS 519 Dundas St. E.9 Sulle 7 Whitby, Ont. 666-2222 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AT RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday-Sunfday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (weather permit- ting). Featurlng Macintosh, whille they last, Cortîand and Macoun and Red Delîclous 1/2 bushes $41". Containers provided Location: North sîde of Hwy 2 between Whitby and Ajax. 668-3311 BROOKLIN TOOL Ca. REBUILT 3 ton hydraulc floor jack $275. B.'and new - $525, plus many more jacks. 683-1753 MECHANCIS STARTER KIT-98 piece set Includes ail basic tools for ap- prenilce mechanlc, brand new reguler prIce $750. Self for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 'b chuck, tilt table. ight, depth gauge and many more op- tions. $245. Brand new. 683-1753 SAND DLASTER for body shops, 8 gai. sand capaclty, complete with mask, hose, gun and extra nozzles $175. 683-1753 MICROMETER $25, ;4" drive socket set $45. timing Iighl $80, com- pression tester $40. Alil new. 883- 1753 DENON ORINDER 'h h.p. heavy duty condenser starter brand new, nover usod. $110.683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assortmeni of new & used air drilla, grinders, san- dors, polishors, ratchots, Impact wrenches, shoars, nibblers, hemmers and man>' more. $30 and UP. 683- 1753 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 1980 CHEVY CITATION, 2 door, Ilft- bock, V-8 engine, PIS, PiB. automalic, rer defogger, radio, 12,000 miles. One owner, ver>' dean. Cali 6684204 73 HORNET, four parts, new mui'lar, shocks. high-votago, 3 doors. ',Iso motor and transmission. Cali 866-, 3146 1972 VOLKS SUPER BEETLE. 10w mleage, good condition -$1500 f irm. Cail 8394634l GARAGE SALE .O.D.E. Garage Sale Saturday Octoter 4, 10 &.m. to 3 p.rn. 975 Wyldewood Avenue (NEAR Somerset Pool) OSHAWA. GARAGE SALE Saturday October 4 34 Habitant Cresent ln Otter Creek Chlldren's clothlng, miscelleaneous household Items, etc. il a.m. to 5 p.m. IN THE ESTATE 0F PATRICK WHITE, DECEASED Ail persons having claims against the estate of Patrick White, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Reglonal Municipality of Durham,1 who died on the 27th day of February, 1980, are required to file proof of same with Ithe undersigned on or before the l5th day of Oc- tober, 1980, after which date the estate wiIl be Idistributed with regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned shali then have notice and the undersIgned wiIl flot be Ilable to any per- shah flot then have notice. DATED at Bowmanvihhe, Ontario, this llth day of September, 1980. Alice Maude Lîlian Swant and Charles Edward White, Adminstrators by their solicitors herein, STRIKE & STRIKE, Box 7 BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3K8 MIN ISTRY 0F HOUSING DURHAM AREA HOUSING AUTORITY Individual quotations are requested by this office to provide snow pîoughing and remloval at the following locations: Ajax OHi 655 Harwood Avê.S., Bowmanvillio OHI 4 Nelson St. E., Bowmanville 0H2 2 Nelson St. E., Pickering OHi 1910 Fayioe Cres. Pickering 0H2 1330 Foxglovo Ave. Whitby 0H2 409 Conter St.S.,l Whitby 0H3 &50 Green St.1 WhItby 01-5 315 Coibrone St.W.1 QUALIFIED CONTRAC- TORS PLEASE-CONTACT promptly, Maintenance Departmerit for forms anc specIfIcatiofis. AI estimateS to be In by Oc- toberl10, 1980. DURHAM AREA HOUSIN( AUTHORITY 218 Dundee St. E.. Whitby, Ontaulo COTTAGE FOR SALE> MINIC LAKE -(BANCROFT AREA) 1 acre boautlfuiiy lreed loi, private saand b.ach, unspoiiad lalca. Win- terlzed, fumishbed 2 bdrm cottage, hot amI coki watar. yeat round acsa - 82,50. Prlvata moiffeg aNaaalbe. -oU 068-96 MUSIC LESSONS Quaiified Instructor Viol in or Guitar 668-3741 LOWRgY ORGANS Corne and see the brand new models. corne and hear the new sounds f rom $1,495. LOWREY PIANO & ORGAN CENTRE 1In Whi1t by at 666-3544 NEW PIANOS BY LOWREY Starting $1,695, perfect for students. 10 year warran- ties. LOWREY PIANO & ORGAN CENTRE, In Whitby at 666- 3544 HADASSAH JEAN & FABAIO SALE B3rand namo jeans, roasonablo prIces. Good selection of used ciolhlng, and upholstery fabrIcs. On Tuesday and Wednosday Oct 7 and 8, f romn 9 a.rn.- 1:30 p.m. et the BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE 144 Kng Street East, Oshawa. FISHTANKS. 150140-230-5, lwo galion tanks, stands, aquipmaent and fish. $400 for everylhing. Moving, must soul. Cati 579-7619 WANTED TO DUY. dlean, replacement matreas, for a sofa bed. Sizo 48" or 52" and roguier longlh. Cali1668-9009 4 Place Chesterfild sot, 2 end-tables. Ideai for roc roomn. Cal688-3160 af- ter 7 p.m. MODERN SELF CONTAINED, One Badroom Apt. Laundry facililties, ap- pliancos provided. Cali 668-2357 altor 5 p.mn. TWO ROONS FOR RENT ln townhouse ln Whitby for $110ea mon- th, Inciudos everything and has 2 bathrooms. Cal 68&.3279 atter 5 p.mn. RUBBERMAID (Canada) Ltd. Position: JUNIOR RUBBER CHEMIST We are an internationally known manufacturer of a wide variety of Rubber and Plastic produc- ts. At present w'g are Iooking for a high calibre individual to fi this position Un our Technical Service Department. The position wilI provide effeetive assistance and reliable information to our Senior Rubber Chemist regarding materials and compounds used Un rubber production. The successful applicant wiil posses a degree or diploma ln Chemical Technoiogy and a mimnImum of 1 year experience in Rubber Compounding. We offer an attractive benefit package, Un- cluding profit sharing. Salary wilI be commen- surated with experience. Applicants may appiy in writing stating- education, experience and salary requirements PERSONNEL DEPARTMVENT 2562 Stanfioîd Road Mlssissauga, Ontario L4Y 1S55 (The Die-Dundas Area) PRODUCTION FiBRE-GLASS SHOF Requires skiiled isminators and gel. coators. Cali 831-1144 DAY CARE avaiiabie in my home, an>' ago. PrIngie dreek Ares. dail 66M. 3477 Rellabie parmon, non-amoker, ab- stainer, as a house-keoper com- panion for 85 yeer old man. Smal renumoration In Brooklln. Cati 683- 7123 between 9 s.m. to 3 p.m. - CHILD CARE In my homo, Otter creek ares. Referencos, hot lunches, receipta. Cali 668-3764 BABYSITTING i will babysit In my home (Whitby- Oshawa border>. Mon - FnI, full or part-lime. Hot lunches, organlzed pilay. Reforences aveliable. Cail 576- 1633 GERMAN SHEPARO PIJPS, purebred, two tan and black, and one black. Both parents cen bo seon. $100 each. Calil 668-3146 RABBITS AND CAGES for sale. Cal 655-4795 CHILDREN'S PET DOG, groati>' missod. golden colour wlth whIte socks, and strîpe down noso, hem short legs. Answers to Pebbiea. Cal 66l877 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AT HOME Choose your own hours to bulld your own business. For appointrrent caîl 666- 3475 AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct. 4 et il &.m. Brooklln Communlty Hall Superb selection of antique furnishînga, glassware, and collectîbles. Ap- proxlmately 250 choice Items for the descriminating buyer. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION Monday October 6 et 6 p.m. Prince Albert Hall 2 Miles South of Port Perry Consignment sale of fur- niture and excellent ap- pIlances etc. Owners have moved Into a new Senior Citizens Building ln Port Perry. AdmiraI 24#1 range, Westinghouse fridge, 27" Mof fat. range, 17 cu ft freezer, good wicker fur- niture, kîtchen suites, desks, occassional chairs, colonial chesterfield suite and others. Brass bed, bookoase, complete reece Ihitch, dressers, foot stools, rockers, rugs, iron kettle,, sealers, dishes, tools, lad- ders, deep wlll pump, easel, carpets, electric mower, and many more ltmes of good quallty. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 98&7492 I Notices