WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. ( -TOBUR 22, 1980, PAGE 29 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPRO VEM ENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 HIGH EST PRICES Pald for Gold and Sliver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and seaiers. FR1 EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SWIMMING POOLS Inventorias muet go on sale, 1980 aboya ground pools, compoe with tIiter, mtor. pump, waikaround patio, foncing. Reguiariy $2.395 roducad ta cloar et $1,479. Phone o b free 1-800- 265-8343 for lurthar datalse. TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Cîass A & D Lîcense Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses 1071 Le MANS PONTIAC, 58,000 mles, 250 motor, n good condition. Oelil 6684859 1979 MUSTANDG HIA, 2 dr hatch- back, V6, PIS, PIB, radio, utommîloc. Custom doluxo Intoriar. Ap- proximstely 17.000 miles, Sharp looking car. Take over bease St $176 manthly, 20 manthe remanlng, with buy bock option. No longer roquIrod. Oei l 682004 1M9 PERISIENNE BROUGHAM, full ioadsd, good prico. Oeil 6681012 PICK VOUR OWN APPLES AT RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday-SufldBy 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (weather permîit- ting). Featurlng Red DIlicIoub while they last. Spys and' Russetts. $4.75 1k bushel. Containers provIdeci. LOCATION: North side of Hwy 2 between Whitby and Ajax. 688-3311 BROOKLIN TOOL CO. REBUILT 3 ton hydraulc floar jack $275. Brand new - $525, pus n.eny more jacks. 683-1753 MECHANCIS STARTER KIT98 place set includas ail basic 10018 for ap- prentice machanic, brand new regular price $750. Sali for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS Wa chuck, tI table, light, depth gouge and many more op- ions. $245. Brand new. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shops, 8 gai. sand capacly, compile with mosk. hase, gun and extra nozzlea $175. 683-1753 MICROMETER $25, ;V' drive socket set $45, timing ight $80, com- pression lester $40. Ail naw. 683- 1753 SENCH GRINDER Va hp. haavy duty condenser starter breAd naw, neyer used. $110.683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a largea asortmanl of new & used air drills, grinders, san- dars, paliahars, ratchets, Impact wranches, shears, nibblars, hammers and many more. $30 and up. 683- 1753 COMPLETE AiJTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 LOST ONE SO0" WINTUIR JACKET, wilh blue tri muind karte patch an IL. Lost on Oct. 14,80 lI Madow Croat Public Schooi, Brookiin. Oelil 655- 4138 M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6111 Mon - Wed 9 arn - 6 pi. ThLrs. Fri. 9 amn - 8psmn. Sat 10 arn - 5 pin. WE 0F FER TOP QUALITY FILMI PROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES - AND THAT'S VALUE! BUSINESS- STATIONERVo MAIL ORDER UIJEJ SOLIO BRICK BUNGALOW - Lot 53' X 100', 4 bedrooma, 2 bthrooms, 1f fireplace and 18' X 32' pool. <P&oed double driveway wilh car por'i. V. y $61,900.sellilng content' ')0. ,i665.9585 or appiy 904 C >tre zr.N. Whtby. COTTAGE FOR SALE MINK LAKE - <BANCROFT AREA> 1 acre baaulifuiiy lread lot, private aand beach, unspoiled lake. Win- terizod, fumIshed 2 bdrm collage, hot and coid water. year round eces M2,500. Privelu martgage avaliable. Oelil668-9680 BEAUTIFUL 1 BEDRObM, utilities & parking $315. Corner of Dundas & Blair str. Whitby. Subiet for Decem- ber 1. Oeillatler 4 p.m. 68663154 BEAIJTIFUL 1 BEDROOM APAR- TMENT. Slave, frIdge, heat, hydro and parking Included $315. Corner of Dundas and Blair Street, Whitby. Sublet for Dec. 1. (No chiidren allawed). Oelillfer 4 p.m. 666&3154. 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOME In West, Lynde, near schoal. $440 par month. phone 686.200 or 666-1239 evoninge -I.à NON SMOKER ONLY, SHARE 3 SEDROOM HOUSE with ana other, utilitiea & phone Included $175 mon- 1h. 1200 Byron Street South, or coul 688-7427 MUSIC LESSONS Qualîfled Instructor Violin or Guitar 668-3741 DRESSMAICINQ à ALTERATIONS Dons In my home. Phono 568.179 tram 9 m.m. ta 4 pm. and 576-8003ea- ter 5 pm. mand woekends. Ask for Gloria. JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH Support your local Lung Association 723-3151 Ifyour cor s out of shape you get rid of It, right? What If your bodys out of shape? Cap@, Jumper end Blouse, In a madlmn green, hand home made, aize 14. Nover bean worn. COe ifl688 ONE KENMORE STOVE for sale, ex- cellant condition $20. Four 15" rma for AMOcar $20 or beat aller. Twa 13" tiras, bath ln good condition $48. Phono 666-3279 ealler 5 p.m. LADIES LEATHER COATS 41»ze18. In excellenit condition. (1) Navy with groy fur coilar. <2) RuaI wlih racoon colaer. Calil668-406 WORKINQ PARTNER NEEDED ta aiet ln rapldIy expanding Inter- national Business. Oelil for appamn- tment 668-3475. PaimL(nun MEN, WOMEN, STUDENTS gel mbt action and make extra money for Christmas, showing aur xmas lino and 150 other producta. Time sa run- ning out.COeil 571412 between 7- 9p.m. Middle uo couple roquhod 10 look after country home anid gardon. Separato accommodation. Phone 85-4400 MECHANIC WANTED For amali enginesanmd machlnery. Preferably oxperienced. COeil65&. 3842. RNS or RNPS Experlence NAS Joinon oflOaICanadas leeding NuraIng S.rvicee...becomu Commae Nursel1 -Full or part tume work -arange your own acheduis "pId weekiy -short terni dlsebility Inuurance -*meatlce Inaurance -in servece sominera OSHAWA COMMAE LTD. 571-3501 ~ OFFICE HELP Mature person requlred to asslst ln small office of local. manufacturer. Typîng skIIls, pleasant telephone manner and attention to detaîl essential.- Duties wiII be varled and challenglng, ln comfortabîe surroundlngs. Apply ln writlng with resume and expected salary to: OFFICE HELP dlo Whltby Free Press Box 206 Whltby, Ontario Li N 5S1 - .tTyFN INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the prOjOCts or services Iîsted below, addressed to the Reglonal Manager, Finance and Ad- ministration, Ontario Reg Ion, Department of Public Works, 4900 Vounge Street, (lO0th Floor), WIIIowdaIe, Ontario M2N 6A6, wiIl be recelved until 1500 hours on the speclfled CIosing date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtalned on payment 0f the applicable deposît, throug h the office 0f the Dîrector General, Departme nt of Public Works, Ontario Reg Ion, Tenderîng Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Younge Street,^ Wlowdale, Ontario. PROJECT No. 024584 - Alteratbons, Government of Canada Building, 202 Dundas Street East, Whltby, Ontario. CLOSING DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 18,1980 Deposit: $5000 Tender documents may also be seen at the Oshawa and District Construction Exchange, 627A Wentworth Street, Oshawa, Ontario, Peterborough District Construction Ex- change, 252'h Charlotte Street, Peterborough, Ontario and Toronto Construction Association, 1 Sparks Avenue, WiIowdaIe, Ontario. Enquiries: 416-224-4240 INSTRUCTIONS Deposit for plans and specifications muett be made ln the form of a bank cheque to the order of the Receiver General for Canada, and wiII be released on return of the documents ln good condition withln one month f rom the date 0f tender openîng. The Iowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted. Fitness is a national issue. We cail it Body Polities. the Canadia" mo.,ffinft foSf f l i fllTs DAY CARE IN MY HOME close la 401 on Brack Street. Hot moala, fenced yard. Shift workera wlcoma Oelil 866&2891 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME, day Mon-Fri, ages 2 la 4 yeara. Fenced yard, In the Brock St. S. and Bumas aIr. area. Piesea phoneO 888958. BABYSITTER WANTED ln my home 2 waeka af montha f rom 6 a&m.-4 p. Preferrabiy mature persan. Oelil 86& 2033 REOUIRE A DAY-TIME BABYSIT- TER, for 2 yeer aid child. Part Whitby area. Calil 68-1922 afler 4 p.m. BABYSITTING IN MY HOME, hot lun- chas provided. West Lynde area.Oelil 668-1013 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME, any age walcame. Whitby, near Weat Lynde area. CiO&88-86 act. &Fancie According to Iegend, caorn meal "hush puppies" were so named because they were fed ta naisy dogs-to make them quiet down. __ ____I The piigrirns were the fîrst iaonists to taste papped opcarn-a gift fram the In- ans at the first Thanksgiving -pl 1 a