PAÂGE 12, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS ApOpPIN'.jj at the'oshaâ SI MAS SHO centre Over 150 Stores and Services.., Parking for ove r 5, 000 Cars Shopping Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:*30 p.m.. Saturday 9:30 a.m~. to 6:*00 p.m. SANTA CLA US arrives at 7:@00 p. m., Monday, November. l 7th. King St. West&.*,Stevenson Rd. Oshawa , amdMeU( Did you know that there are only SIX shopping weeks UNTIL Christmas? Santa Cia us ar-rives Oshawa Ce ntre -i17th The Golden Oldie contest at the Oshawa Centre dréw almost 20,00)0 ballots. Strange as it may seem, this particular contest which had an old car compressed into a box-shaped and painted gold, was the contest that drew the most interest. Competing against the Golden Oldie was a Bwn- Bum contest for men and women. The men who had the neyer to enter, nuni- bered only about 16, but the gais wbo were wiliing to display their backend was numbered over 40. Surprisingly, the bikini contest, wbich usually draws a lot of interest was the weak note in the whole week of contests. Less than 16 gais were willlng to do the EJAASOPIGCNR next-to-nothings and step up in front of the crowd. From now until Christ- mas, the Oshawa Centre will be presenting a number of events which will attract i- terest. Santa Clauis wil make his annual visit to the Centre, arriving on Nov- meber 17 at 7 p.m. and staying right until Christ- mas. COLOR THIS CHRISTMAS WREATH! Dino s_ c;0tofnm% àwm*