Ottawa Report 13% SCOTT FENNELL. MIP (PC - ONTARIO) The newly antagonlathc approach by the government towar- ds the 011l ndustry la one of the moat dlscouraging things I've wltnessed in my Uirne in Ottawa. It demontrates to me that cheap politlcs wlns out over good governinent and economhcs every time. The new federal budget and energy strategy calas for ex- panding Petro-Canada and dramatically increaslng the share of the oil and gas sector owned by the government. The gover- Olde Tymýýe Xmas at, Gallery Whltby Arts Inc. wii present its elghth annual Olde Tyme Chrstmas, November 28, 29, and 30, at the Station Gallery, Whltby. Leadhng off this year's event wli be a special ad- dition to the Olde Tyme Christmas - a Christmas Wassail. On the Friday evenlng there wil be a special buffet, festive pun- ches and the songs of the Sweet Charity Singers. Ad- mission to the Christmas Wassaill l $3 for aduits, whlch încludes the buffet and a draw ticket for a door prize. Children are admit- ted free. On Saturday and Sunday, everyone la welcome to drop by the Station Galery to do some Christmnas shopping. Paintings, wallhanglngs, jewellery, pottery, decorations, toys and dolla wlilbeon display; a Country Store wWI offer candy teas, jams and more; and the Tea Room wil ofer teas and cakes. And what Christmas celebration would be com- plete wlthout Santa Claus? He'Ul be at the Station on Sunday at 2 p.m. The Olde Tyme Christmas wli be held from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Frlday, and from 12 noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. There's no ad- mission charge on Saturday and Sunday. If anyone would like to volunteer for a few hours during the event, they should cail the Station Gallery at 6684185. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12.,1980, PAGE 21 New government oil stand dis eouraging; De THAPAR Denture Terapist 214 Dund<.s St. E., Whiby THERE HAS NEYER BEEN AIETR YEAR TO BUY A HAM-MOND Fenn ei 7*u -hecas yor eî se e M..C Thanks to the Generosity of the WhlItby Jaycettes THE B3ROOK STOP Handcrafted, personallzed, glft Items, Is now open on Saturdays. Store Hours: Monday to Frlday 9-4 Saturday 10-4 224 Brock St., South, Whltby, across from the Fire Hall Cail 668-2077 .Ontario t I1 tf WAREHOUSE SALE .HURRY ONLY A FEW MORE UNITS LEFT AT SALE PRICES! oo;5 LSLIES MUJSIC CENTRE -t)' lOOSImco.Ne 3796239 Open Mon., Fr1. 10-; Sat.. 10-5 . rf7 nent wants to do this because it brlieves foreigners, malnly Americans, have too much "control" over the energy in- dustry. The government says that because the energy in- dustry la 50 proeperous, there is room for one or two more goverument companles. Ail throughout the summer, the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources carefuily played up exlstlng public resentment against the multinational où companies. Because they make a lot of money, they are thougbt to be sinister. The oild industry has become the favourite vilian of the political realm and so it la routinely disbelieved when it tries to defen ltself. Sage pronouncements by bureaucrats lnterested in ex- pandlng their empires, sensational reporting by economies- ignorant journalista, and' double-talk by ambitious politicians, ail get plenty of attention, even when they are wrong. The response of the 011 industry la ignored, or scoffed at. Petrocan, the state-owned oul company, was a subjetof debate in my political campaigns. It was a difficuit issue for me because I reaized that the initial feelings of most voters was "Sure, of course Petrocan la a good thlng." I encoun- tered, and I think successfuily, with "Do you want to depend on Petrocan to heat your home the spme way you depend on the post office to deliver your mail?" But 1 am now growing increasingly worried. I fear that the goverrnment is succeeding in manipulating public opinion, and using the old industry as a scapegoat. No one seems to be protesting too loudly at the thought of our government growing bigger and getting involved even further ho the free enterpise system. I would like to know if you want our governument to do this. 1 entered politics to stop the growth of government and I hop9 my views are representative of Ontario Riding. I-EART FLJI I~~ ~(270 Michael Blvd.)