BROOKLIN TOOL CO. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PRO VEM ENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 KitChens, Ceramic Tillng, Drywall, ReC. Rooms, Cedar Decks and 'Qatio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 HIGH EST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jewelory, dishes, furniture, crocks, o11, paintings and soalers. FRIENDLY FLE A MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA I SWIMMING POOLS inventories muet go on aie, 1980 above ground pools, comple wth Ifliler, motor, pump, waikaround patio, * enclng. Regulariy $2,395 reduced to clearaet $1,479. Phono 1011 f res 1-800- 265-8343 for further Mealls. TRACTOR TRAILER- TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, ove. & Sat. courses EVER READY CLEANINO SERVICES, for offices & apparments. Evening and nights. Joîr, Our satisfied cusiomers. Releabie bonded referen- ces. Cmii 666-3624 fter ô p.m., 579- 4M9 durlng dys. WorIk between avea of Whtby, Ajax, Oshawa and Pckering, e RESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DN PH ONE 668-2864 SOLIO BRICK BiUNGALOW -Lot 53' X 100, 4 bedroome, 2 bethrocms, 14 fi firepiace and 10' X 32' pool. (Pmved double driveway with car Port). Asking $61.900. Seiiing contents toc. Cmii 668-9585 or appiy 904 Centre Street Norh Whltlby. IMUSIC LESSONSI Qualifled InstructorI Violin or Guitar I 668-3741 I GARAGE floor Jacks - $80 and up, ne% and use, wiii talce trade-ins. U3 1753 MECHANCIS STARTER KIT-98 piecu set includesaii basic tools for mp- prontîce mechanic, brand new rogulmi prlce $750. Soii for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS MI8* MT No. 2, bran, new - $25. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shops, 8 gsi. sand cmpcty, complote with mmsk, hose, gun and extra nozzle- $175. 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS and ARC WELDERS, new and used $125 anc up. Witt toike trade-Ins. 683-1753 SENCH GRINDER lot h.p. heavy duty condenser starter brand niew, nover used. $110. 683-753 AIR TOOLS, a largo sortment of new & used air drills, grindors, san- dors, polishors, ratchots, imparl wronchos, ohears, nibbiors, hammners and many more. $30 and up. U83- 1753 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HAOAMSH JEAN AND FASRIC SALIE. Brand nmmne jeans. reasonmbie prices. Qood soiection of ued ciothing and clearance of uphoistery fbrics. Sinail pieces are 5Os and a $1 mii other $4 a year. On Tue Nov. 18 and Wed. Nov. 19 from 9 &mn. 10 1 p.m. Bath Don Synagogue, 144 King 8fr. . Oshawa. WOOD STOVES At pre-seeaoned spaclal, whie present auppiy lests. Fuel efficient wood burlng stoves. Reguiariy prlced ai t489 now iamlabie for a ilted lime et oniy 826.70. Cmli toit free 1- 800-268-5970 or If wlthln our local ceiiing aiea 748-3340 FOR SALE, $1,20, APARTMENT SIZE PIANO wth matchlng bench. Quailty Instrument - Ilkm new - professlonally appraised. Ci 655- 50 SQUARE YARDS, LIGH' PLUSH CARPET wlth und for sale. Asklng $30. Cal alter 6:30 p.m. AIM BRUNINO 2000 ELECTROSTATIC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sale. Partly disassembled duo to moving, reasonable. Cmii 68-61l11 and .8k for Mike or Ssliy. 1 ~Oct 2980 HORSES BOARDED ln cle stable. Comploesf eed ani fout. Cmii 655-407. 1979 MUSTANG GHIA, 2 dr hatch- back, V6, P/S, P/B, radio, automatlc. Custom deluxe Inlerior. Ap- proximatoiy 17.000 mles, sharp iooking car. Take over lease at $176 monthly, 20 monlhs remalnlng, wlth bu',' back optlon. No longer roqulred. Cail 668-2004 1980 UiCK SKYLARK LTD front wheei drive, 9,000 miles, V-S automstic, PIS, PIB, wire whseis, stili under wsrranty. Cmii 579-7478 1976 COUCAR XR-7. excellent con- diion, PIS, PIB, P/WV, air condltionlng, AM-FM, owner moving. $2,750 cer- tif led. Cmii 668-767 1960 CITATION. 2-dr hatch, 4 cylin- der, automatlc transmission, P/S, P/B, other options. Boatsit er, caii 985- 8619 or 725-8809. 1972 VALIANT, 4 door, green, siant ô engin.In good condition. Cmii 68& 4819 mfter 4p.m. BOAT 1978 19 ft THUNDERCRAFT FLAMINGO: Inboerd/outboerd Mer- cury angine, siseper seata, E-Z loadcer traier and aIl accessorlea Inciuded. Excellent condition. Cati 655-3404 If your car's ouf of shape you get rld of it, rlght? Whact if your body's ouf of shape? w WANTED BABYSITER IN MY HOME for Infant and 3 yemr old. 5 days a week, aftor- nomns only. Regferronces requlred. Ceil 668-7839 LOST ONE BSOYs WHIT E WINTER JACKET, wlth lÙe trlm and karate patch on IL. Loat on Oct. 14,80 In màdow Creat PublIc Schooi, Brooklln. REWARD. Cmli 6554138 TEMPORARY FEMALE HELP WAN- TED ON MiNK RANCH, muild. job for November 24 10 December 10. Cmii 883-397. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AT HOME Choose your own hours to buiid your own business. Fur appoiniment cali 666-3475 CONSTRUCTION0 SIDARY REQUIRES1 product division f surrounding are. necessary. Car re Manin coilect 41644 WANTEU EXPERI DRESSER, fulltUme( for Ruth cmii Uxbridgi 980, PAGE 15 u - COMPANY su$- TRAîNEE for new for Whitby end No exportence quired. Cati Mr. IIENCED HAIR or panrtlime. Aak go 852-7391 -a, I PROMOTE YOURSELF EXECUTIVE INCOME We are a national f inanClal Institution with over 80 years ex. perience. Due to our growth we offer a career opportunlty for ambitious and aggresslve individuals. Dose ownlng your own business without lnvesting capital appeal to you? Does heiping people give you satisfaction? Have you more than average Initiative, self-discipline and stability? A positive answer to these questions would Indicate you should talk to us. This la a unique business opportunity to buiid and operate your own business ln the flmandiai consuiting and commer- cial reai estate lnvestment fild. Individuai must be a local resîdlent with managerial abiiity and ambition. Ail replies confidential. Apply to Box R287 et The Record DAGMAR SKI RESORT Rqulres for Commlng Season-- List operators and snow makers (no experience necessary) --Generai help (maie & female part-time and fuli-time> -Caf eteria Supervisor for weekends and evenings --Telephone Receptionist and P.R. Person --Cashiers with references APPLY IN PERSON AT: Dagmar, Taunton Roud West 10 Durham Rond 23, north 10 miles 10, Dagmar. Tlephone $49-2002 [ Ontar~zi[o NGT1Y Iment TenderisPi LEASE 0F RESIDENCE, Tenders are invited for the bease of a f ive bedroom, two storey eloctrlcally heated brick house with double attached garage, large don wîth fireplaco, family room with terrazo tule f loor, situatod on a large lot noar Lake Ontario and locatod at 938 Jodrel Road, Squiros Beach, Pickering. Im- mediate occupancy. Procoed south on Brock Road from Hlghway 401 East. East on Montgomery Park Road, following dotour to junction of Jodrol Road and Montgomery Park Road. South of Jodrel Road to second house on wost side. The property l acessible to tho Pickering "GO" Train, and serviced by Diai-A-Bus and a sohool bus. This property may bo viewod from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday, Novmeber 17, 1980, when a representative of the Ministry of Govornment Services will bo in attendanco. Tender documents may bo obtained fromr the representative on thils dato or f rom: Ministry of Govornment Services PubliC Tenders Office Room M11-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M 7A 1 N 3 Telephone (416)>965-1152 A certified choque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and wiii be promptiy returned to unsuccessful bidders. Sealed tenders wiil be recelved until 3:00 p.m., Monday, November 24, 1980, at which time they wIil be opened In public. Tenders wiil be openend In Toronto. NOTE For further Information, ploase contact Martha Mc- Burnie, Ministry of Government Services, Toronto, Ontario, Toiephone (416)>965-2040. Please quote File No. M 767-52. The highest or any tender wlil not necessarily be accepted. T.ENMN MINISTRY OF -Ontario SERVICES NURSING CARE We spoclalîze ln care of patients In ihoîr own homes. Our corefully creenod, Insurod & oxporloncod nurses, companions, & homomakers are availabie for Part-tlme, fuil-tîmo, or live ln nursing cars. Avalable 24 houri. COMOARE 571-3501 We can't help without your help. ABftITY FUND WORKING WITH PHVSICALLY DISABLED AD~,JLTS. FIGNT 1THE LUNG CRIPPLERS Answer your Chrîstmas Seul Letter nowl/ ABIM1YY F UNO I SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 AUCTION SALE of fumiture and an- tiques the properly of Mm. ERIC THOMPSON. 1 mile west of Ajax on Hwy 12 corner of Westney Rd and Hwy no. 2). cold spot double door frige, Inglis stove, WhIrIpooI clothes dryer (good), chrome table and ô round bock chairs, humidifier, Ou of dishes, bock sheif and books, antique wrlting desk, chest of drmwers, antique horse & buggy pIcture, china cabinet, ciover lesf table, 60 pc set of Indien lree dîshes (good), dining room table huf- ch mnd 4 chairs, antique what not, Hi-FI'4.,nd record player. 2 piatform rockeri-, chesterfieid and chair, cof- fee and end table, rug, lampe, sewlng machine, foot sf001 tri-iighl, antique dresser, steel bed, vacumm cleaner, floor polisher, pc of plate glase 10 X 36 matt., card table end chairs, rubber tlred wheei berrow, many other ar- ticles, property 8old, terms cash or good cheque, aie ai 12 noon. Reg mend Larry Johnoton Auciionoers (705) 357-3270 WEONESOAY NOVEMBER 19 At ô pin. Partimi Property of MR&. MAY ALLEN, Port Perry and MR. à& AS.1BOB HERMANN. Nestieton. ln Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles, south of Port Perry. Includes Westinghouse uprighl freezer, McCary Wrnger washer, Mcdimsy f rdge. pins war- drobe, 018 & new dressera, chester- field and chair, ottoman, complets bedrocmn suite, good chroma table and chairs, single bed, high chair, Thomma mlctrtc organ, like new, por- ch rocker, exercisa bench, eieclrlck train met, linens, bicycles, piilows, drapas, miik botflea, bralded rmga. too15, toys and meny more limésatoc numerous 10 mention. Pease Anctlen Servoe 08&-7492 SATURDAY NOVEMBER Il8 SALETIMEII a.m. Auction aie of machine"ycae truck. Shop equipment for Mr. Michael Brod iocated W mile eamt of Neetieton onI 7A, north aide of roed. Sale Manager muidAuelouier Marey Jackson IIIII2468 music INSTUCTION ON CORONAT1ON ROAD PIANO-VOCE-THEORY From Jane Petrenko. S. Mus, Gtsd progtiyi. u . cf Toronto. Cali 6856074 rý -ýffl 1 HT GREEN dorpaddlng il 686-2139 Nov. 12,80 an modem id daliy tur- MORTOAGE SALE TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 901 BURNS STA. W, T.H. 60, WHITB11Y Under end by vIrtue of tho Power of Sale conlalned In a certain mortgage which wiliib. produced at the lime of saie, there willi b. offered for aie by: AUCTION ON WED. NOV. 26 AT 9-30 A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVENUE, WEST DOWNSVIEW The smid property wiii be offered for sale subject toma reserve bld and con- ditions of sale. TERMS: A deposit of 8$4,000.00 by cash or certified choque bo be pald at the lime of sale, and the balance wlhln thirty days thereaffer. For further particulars regarding the Auction and ppolntment for lnspec- lion pply 10: DANBOURY SALES (1971) LTD. 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DOWNSVIEW (414)830.5241 1 1