WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1980, PAGE 7 BROOKLIN BRANCH LIBRARY The speaker for Tuesday, Novmehor 18 will ho Mary Har- dlow, travel consultant with Broad Travel Agency located here in Brooklin. A slde presentation wilI h used to illustrate interesting vacation spots and there will ho lots of time for questions. Program starts at 12:30 p.m. Cali 655- 3191 for further information. The Children's Book Festival week is set for Novmehor 15 to 22. This is one week a year is set aside to promote Canadian books for children. Many special events are plan- ned to celebrate the wealth of excellent material written and published here in Canada for children. Your junior library will ho encouraging children to read Canadian works and giving out promotional material. There will ho a party on Saturday, Novmehor 22 at the 10: 30 story hour. BROOKLIN ON T.V. For those of you who watched the C F T 0 TV. crews around Brooklin, you know that they were filming for the series "The Littlest Hobo". This program entitled "Fast Freddy" will ho aired at 7:30 on Novmehor 27, on channel 9. KINSMEN SKATE-A-THON Chamber meeting The Whitby Chamhor of Commerce will bold its an- nual general meeting tomorrow, Novmehor 13, at the Le Chalet Restaurant on Dundas Street West. Tickets are $13.25 per par- son and are available by calling the Chamhor office at 668-450.'Cocktails hogin at 6:30 p,m. and the dinner begins at 7:30 p.m. Aside.from the election of next year's executive, the Business person of the Year Award will ho announced. Guest speaker The next meeting of the West Lynde Parent School Association will ho held on Monday, Novemhor 17 at the school hoing at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening will ho Dr. Wendy Robertson, a peadiatrician specializing in learning disabilities at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. Her topic will ho learning disabilities and their im- plications. Ail residents of the West Lynde area are welcome to attend. Teachers CONT'D FROM PG. 5 facing reality and raising taxes in the sixth richest community in the country. Snaith also pointed out that the board's offer of a 9.5 per cent wage increase turns out to ho an 8.5 per cent hike since it is split into two spearate increases during the year. The teachers bave asked for an 11.9 per cent increase, a lowering of the pupil- teacher ration, and htter honefits. The board's offer is less than the teacher's request although Basetdo said that the increases should ho in line with the provincial averages in other teachers contracts at around 9.8 per cent. Talks hotween the two parties stopped because of Monday's municipal elec- tion, however, now that it is over they are waiting for a cail from mediator Gene Deszca to re-open dàscusio. . he Brooklin District Kinsmen are sponsoring a Skate-A- Thon on Thursday, Novmeber 27 fron 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sponsor cards wîll ho dlstributed at the schools on Thur- sday Noveznber 16. Students' and parents' co-operation in helping the Kinsmen serve the community's greates needs wilI h appreciated. BROOKLIN WOMEN's INSTITUTE At the sat Women's Institute meeting, the theme was "Publicity is an essential weapon for Development and Growth of the Women's Institute". The feature of the two day was: It Is a patter or plan In which there are many par- ticipants. Seventy-eight Convention at the Royal York on November 4 and 5. Poland bas been accepted as a memhor of the Associated Conventry Women of the World. 1980 was the third and last time of asking by that country. We hope we can help them. Mrs. John Hall and Mrs. Eileen Young were represen- tatives from Brooklîn Branch. Broolin Women's Institute will meet at the Brooklin Com- munîty Centre on November 19 at 2 p.m. The motto: Are we confusing the high cost of living with the cost of high living? Roll call with ho answering with "'what 1 do to conserve". Current events will ho given by Mrs. L. Arksey. Mrs. A. Graham is convenor. Hostesses are Mrs. J.Hall, Mrs. 0. Gimlett and Mrs. C. Blair. Visitors are welcome and young mothers may bring their CONT'D ON PG. 16 L' 1 Ni WHY- PAY % MONTHL-Y eRENT? OWN IOUR OWN - PHONE from as low as $29e95 MANY OPENING SPECIALS! OVER 50 DIFFERENT MODELS ALL FULLY WARRANTEED TELEPH-ONES UNLIMITCD 1450 HOPKINS STREET, WHITBY 6f6&3424 DIAL-Ni -- INSPIRATION Dial 668-1331 and hear a three minute inspirotional message by Pastor Emmo Oltmanns of the Emmanuelchurch ot 401 Rossland RoadW. in Whitby. 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 STHE CORPORATION 0F STHE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION BIG -BROTHER WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT November 15 ta November 22, 1980, Is hereby proclalmed as "Big Brother Week" ln and for the Town of Whltby. Citizens are urged to recognize the great nîeed for sultable men ta become big brothers ta, boys from father-absent homes. DATED at Whltby, Ontario, this l2th day of November, 1980. J. C. Uartsflore Mayor -Town of Whitby The EMPORIUM next ta the Bank ln Brooklln now carnies wlth urchoe ofgently used clothlng t, . on conslgniment at reasonable prices .o, 0t ( ANTIQUES GIFTS silver plating i copper and bras poli8hing LOF1.fine china and glass repair * S gif t wrapping I As usual the unusual - 655-4931 ) FARMER STOVES ONLY 4 LEFT! THIS IS CASH & CA RR Y SALE MTCHELL SROTHER CASSLS& (Hl'R<H ST BROOKLUN 655«4991 'I MAYOR "BOB" ATTERSLEY EXTENDS SI NCERE APPRECIATION TO THE MANY CITIZENS 0F WHITBY for their encouragement and support to seek the administrative position as MAYOR 0F WHITBY ilding 'centre 1 1