PAGE 12. WFDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. MO8. WHITBY FREE PRESS Ottawa Report By' SCOTT FENNELL. MP (PC - ONTARIO) The government ia talking a lot about nationallzlng profitable industries in the où and gas field. The gover- mient thlnks Ainerican foreigners have too much power in the Canadian economy anid that Canadians want 50 per cent ownershp of the oi ndustry by 1990 and a couple moira state-owned oilcompanles. These are expensive plans for our tax dollars to finan- 011 money shouldn't be resented ce. It is no accident that the olld industry in Canada 18 manlly forelgn owned. It 18 a costiy business. It require hughe amounts of capital whlch Canada can not provide on 118 own. If we tried te do it alone, there'd be less investment in the olld industry, less oïl produced, and fewer jobs for, Canadian. In my vlew, it la an un- necessary policy by gover- nument. Which lndustry wil be the next te fail under govermnent control? It didn't work in Britian and it won't work here. I see no reason te be scared or resentfui of American investmnent. If they thlnk this la an attrac- tive place to put their money te work, fine. It i8stili our country. We need that money. If we tried te ,do without it, our standard.of living would drop. The more lsolationlst this country becomes, the greater the reduction in our economic benefits. - Profits made in the o11 in- dustry- are reinvested in Canada and taxed by Canadians for Canadian. The greater the profits, the more jobs created. If the government 18 really worried about foreigners, there 18 no need to muscle in the penalized a provenly ef- fective lndustry. The gover- nment could instead gets its finances In order and reduce our huge deficit. That would mean less of our tax dollars would be shlpped to New York banks in the formn of in- terest payrnents on our debt. But don't count on that happening. Our governinnet seerns bent on lgnorlng Its redundancy, Inefflclency and waste. It would much rather appîy Us management techniques to the oùlindustry 1 Jaycettes' rent Santa costumes The Whltby Jaycettes are again, this year, renting ouf Santa Claus suits. In. dividuals or groups may rent a suit for $12 whlch in- cludes a $2 refundable deposit. Cail Cece Wagar at 668-161L2 for rentai infor- mation. Proceeds will go towards community development projects of the Whltby Jaycettes. $9,00Cheque Hugh Holland of the United Way carnpaign (centre) accepted a cheque for $9,6S0 from four workers at the Lasco Steel Plant in Whltby last week. Dough Peters, Jlm Bennion, Ron Thomas and Fred Svajlenko mnade the presentation on behaif of their fellow workers who raised the money through donations around the plant. An addltlonal corporate glft of $30,000 was presented to the campaign by Lassoc Steel. -Free Press Photo by Stephen Greenaway i49.00 Stainod & lacquored Furnituro. Fntohed trame complote wth 14 year tep seam mattross, heater liner, linelock, pedestal sheet. Cholceofa staIns availabte. Statned & Laquored Furnituro. Flnlshod bookcaseof rame, complote with 14 yoar tep seam mattross. Hoator liner, linortock, pedoatat and shoot. cholce of stains avaltable. COMPLETE PACKAGES INCLUDING: PINE UNFINISHED FLOOR FRAM E (ANY SIZE) LINER, LINER LOOK, ALGECIDE, LAP SEAM, BAG AND HEATER FOR ONLY $280.00 MOTION LESS MATTRESS AVAI LABLE FOR $1 00.00 ADDITIONAL. OVER 200 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. MANY SPECIALS AND END 0F THE LUNE CLEARANCES. e. 10% Discount For Alt rosidents n the Durham Region on prosontatton of this ad. CALL WATERBEDS UNLIMITED L.ocatins At: 2124 Bloor s. w., rtnrono 7694596 2355 Figlinton Ave. E.. Scar. 759-4979 239 Queen St. E.. Brampton 459-9867 (HM4L.KX frlL4