WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,.1980, PAGE 5 Nurse Business Person of the Year By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff A man who has worked for the past 14 years in the community and is currently a resident of Whitby received the Chamber of Commerce's second annual Business Person of the Year Award at their annual din- ner and meeting last week. Bill Nurse, president of Nurse Chev Olds on Dundas East, was this year's award winner. «'I am very proud of the town of Whitby and my ac- tivities have certainly been based here," he said upon receivlng bis plaque. "I have been involved in the true social work and things people would flot always be interested in doing." Nurse admitted that the presentation came as a total surprise to him. "When 1 was invited I thought that Jack (Wood- ward) was going to railroad me into being a director," said Nurse. He admitted that he would love to be a director of the Chamber at some point in the future but at present was to busy to do bis fullest for the post. Nurse, who admitted to being "a shade over 50," has a wife and two daughters, one residing in Uxbridge and another in Halifax. "I cam here in 1966 only to f find out that the highway had been tom Up" around h is dealersbip, originally located wbere the H. Salt Fish and Chips store is currently. "For the first nine months Aglow Smngles retreat The Women's Aglow wil be holding a single's retreat January 23-25, 1981 at the Geneva Park Conference Centre, Orilia. Sirlee Green wlll give a talk on "Victorlous Living". There wil be teacbing worksbops dealing witb relevant areas of claily living and opportunities for coun- sellng. For more information con- tact Jean Morgan at 655- 49w8. ta nobody could get near ouf business. " After a year and a haîf the Nurse dealership moved to it's current location on Dun- das Street where it has since expanded four times, withi one such expansion com- pleted recently. "I feel we have as much to offer (in cars) as ail the foreign cars do," said Nur- se. To that ends a campaign has been started by General Motors called "Buy a car your neighbour helped to build" Nurse* said that em- ployment at bis dealership is Up 15 per cent and he hopes to reach it's full capacity by' next year. "The Town of Whitby it- self is going to grow and ex- pand rapidly." He mentioned that there are a great number of projects ready to go in the town and that he was certain it would grow no matter what anybody did because investors are attracted to Whitby because of it's proximity to Toronto and it's room to expand. "lIt may be mostly a bedroom community now but industry is sure to follow." Nurse received a medal from Governor General Jules Leger for social ser- vice to the community and is a past recipient of the Peter Perry Award. Last week's meeting also saw the nominations of a new executive committee and a new board of direc- tors. In her address to the meeting Marguerite Kulik, president of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, said that she would like to see more involvement by the Chamber in regards to motions submitted to both the provincial and federal governmnents. "Business people must get involved in goverrnment if they do not want the academics and politicians to make the miles by which they must operate," she said. "Management must en- courage and support in- volvement ini Cbamber's of Comerce and politics if we are to successfully run our cities and towns. " She stressed that business must lead and not just adapt or adjust itself. "Government is every business person's partner and not a silent one at that, but one who takes 50 per cent of the profit and none of the risk." Kullk said business must not let government set the miles by itself but they must "stand up and be counted. " The Whitby Chamber of Commerce nominating committee submitted it's list of nominations to the' new executives for the upcoming year. Rick Raczkowski of Croven Ltd. was nominated president, Marguerite Kulik DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 868-1464 ENTER THE WORLD 0F FANTASY Through a book We have Science Fiction, Fantasy, Occuit Thrilliers, Mysteries, Westerns, Historicai Romances, Kids Books and Puzzles. ½ /PRICE The Book Between PAPERBACK EXCHIANGE 120 Dundas St. W. Whltby 666.2442 'sPw Now you con Save $ by obtelinn a Free Estimais th rough the Consumers' QaslAloan Ensrgy Savlng wIndow end door progrm. r-I J -~ Consumers' Gas Company flnancing plan avallabie up to 24 months Cail Us, the Exclusive area Dealer Whltby Alumlnum Home improvement 900 Hopkins St., Whltby 686-1853 668-2252 7~z. aso avallable tfo non-Consumer Gao Customers A Coasaunsezs Oas Syste of 4 Sevens Realty Ltd., past president, Howard Smith of Davidson and Smith was nomninated first vice- president, Bruce Howie of West HÎil Personnel Ser- vices second vice-president, and Shirley Acker was norninated secretary- treasurer. The new upcoming Patterson directors for the term are Andy of Stokely-Van Camp of Canada; Doug Struthers of Bell Canada; Bey, Watts of Fashion 126; Nigel Schilling of Schilling and Evans; Aranka Szarka of Ary's Gallery Ltd.; Robert Morton of Sims, Mor- ton, Mclnery and Brady; Lynda Buffet of Hair Uines; Donald Rogers of Signet Signs Oshawa Ltd.; Tony Martin of Whitby Dominion Hardware; Herman Robin- PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS 666-1861 Opuatedby formf er o okon 24 Hotur A~shmig S"riS preTdrilinvestigations Background Checks Conduct Reports Insu oClams Persnal injury Auto Life Fi e Property Loss Busines & COMMeria Salesmai & Employee Checks Surveillance Undercoer Investigation Skip Tracing Domestk Background Information Missing Persons Child Custody Divorce 211 Brock St. S., Whitby J son of the Bank of Commer- ce; Mandy Crawford 0f The Nearly New Shop; and Chris Pelgrims of Bell and Bowman Taxi. TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wiIl be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LE- GION, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER l2th, 1980,-at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoan, at which time the Board will hear an application in accordance wlth The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indlcated, and the application will be entertained at the afore- mentioned location and timne: Great Wall Restaurant 116 Dundas Street West Whltby, Ontario Reclassification ta DIning Launge from DInlng Raam Licence Lîcencees: Don Keung Wang, Man Keung Wong, Seo Yuen Wang. Mee Lan Wang AND FURTH-ER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resi- dent in the municipality and who wishes to make represen- tation relative to the applica- tion, shaîl make their submis- sion to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hear- ing, or In person at the time and place of the hearing. (Cop- ies of written submnissions will be forwarded to the applicant).. Executive Director Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 Annivers-ary and Open House Salem Orsenhouses, celsbratrmg our 3rd Annlversary Invite you to our Open House Nov. 21, 22, 23rde Our tropical Indoor plants are open for your Inspection In the warmth and the jungle settlng of our greenhouses. WhIIe you tour the greenhouses the Ins and outs of the plant world wlll be descrlbed by staff mem bers. Remember, green ls the colour of the money you can save when you buy at our speclal greenhouse prîces. Hwy 7 Now Open toC -The Public Taunton Rd. Frlday: 9 &.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 &.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday: 9 mr..- 4 p.rn. lvy 2 ALE.mGreenhous, 1mc. PP0 BOX 580. R R 1 BROOKLIN . ONTARIO LOB 1CO (416) 68 -212 Are you planning ahead to reduce your -heating bMIS? L.