Che que Recently Durhamn Region Separate School Board Trustee-elect Martin Doleweerd accepted a cheque for the amount of $32,000 last week from Denis O'C*inor's Doc-A- Thon sponsorships. The cheque was .presented to Doleweerd by the top student fund raiser Mike Campbell and Doc-A-Thon organizer Agnes Sandreili. Campbell, a Brooklin resident, raised $42 in pledges. Dan Dimitroff, also of Brooklin, raised $390.50. The $32,000 wiil be used by the separate school board for operating costs of grades il, 12, and 13 at Denis O'Connor. -Free Press Staff Photo SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The Brooklin Horticultural Society will be holding ls an- nual meeting at the Brooklin United Church on November 26, 1980. The meeting will start wlth a pot luck supper at 6:15 followed by a presentation of awards and election of of- ficers. Ail members and their familles are invited to attend and bring along their favourite casserole and dessert. We are also asklng that they provide recipies whlch we hope to assemble ini book forin, early in the new year. Come and enjoy the fellowship of a meal together, an evenlng of appreciation for achievements attained 'and wýelcome the 1981 officers. ASHBURN DANCE On Saturday, November 29 there will be an Ashburn Community Dance. This dance wiII be held at the Colum- Bazaar The West Lynde Public i .n Fo Sehool P.T.A. will be holding j ir a craft bazaar on Saturday 1h November 29 between 10 uha o a.m. and 3 p.m. sn lc Interested people can buy Pln Christmas gifts; drapery, . .. fm dolîs, dough crafts, Iute ceramics, baking and crystal. 0@red For more information cal f1 v.3t Lee Cassidy at 668-7317. ITH t E Wi e PORflL7A* SalIe Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19ý, 1980, PAGE 7 bus Corinthian Hall at 8 p.m. There wll be a bar, prizes and a chieken buffet. A.disc jockey wil provide the music. Tickets whlch are $12.50 per couple may be obtained by caling 655-4922 or 655-427. Proceeds go to Ashburn Communlty Park. Ail are welcome. THE UNITED CHURCH WOMEN'S GROUP The Brooklln United Cburch Women extend an invitation to their Christmas Tree Bazaar whlch will be held on November 22, from 1: 30 to 4 p.m. There wil be booths containing Christmas gift suggestions, country store ideas, baklng, crafts, plants, a silent auction table and an afternoon tea table. SUSAN SMITH 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) The Co-Operating Seniors Citizen Club will hold a rummage sale, white elephant and a bake table at the Knights of Columnbus Hall, Brock St. North on November 18 at 2 p.m. The ticket for the quît will be drawn at that time. Hot dogs will be served with tea and coffee. Everybody welcome. Santa The Whitby Jaycettes are again, this year, renting out Santa Claus suits. In- dividuals or groups may rent a suit for $12 which in- cludes a $2 refundable deposit. Cail Cece Wagar at 668-1612 for infor- mation. Proceeds will go towards the communlty development projeets of the Whitby Jaycettés. The EMI next to the Bai now gently Lus s PORIUM inklIn Brooklln Cardes sed cIothing on consigflmeflt at reasonable prices ANTIQUES GIFTS silver plating copper and bras8 poli8hing fine china and gla8s repair gift wrapping AS usual the unusual 655m4931 M icafil $ 4 Insu lation $ 4 Loose fi is ideal for awkward spots, corners, attics, etc. Fire and rotproof. MITCHELL BROTHERS CASSELS & CHURCH ST BROOKLIN sM 655m4991 EN ERGY SAVING THERMALLY INSULATED WINDOWS Custom Mode Enamel Finish ln Any of112 Colours .OOMPLETE SELF CONTAINED ALUMINUM AStoWidw WINDOWS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ORà os RENOVATION. \ Anosf .DOUBLE PANEL HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL MDPa et Enclomeo SUNIT FOR FULL Koks INSULATIO#4 .COMSINED SEALED GLASS UNIT WITHk .NASIH ALUMINUM la RECOGNIZED TMROUGHOUT CANADA FOR OKUAY PRODUCTE Msnfacuro bSPECALLY DESIN, Manulcturd byEXTRUSION FOR STRENGTM (~f~I1II DOUBLE SLIOERS PROVIDE I~UIl~U FULL WCATHER PflOTECTIOI' AND SMOOTS OPERATION ALUMINUM LIMITED Proven Service Since 1949 Ffotoeyé 8Showroom L LSSADSAE OUS FAREWELL AVE, OSHAWA - NSEREEN Opwi Mm - Fd S9 am. -.5 p..ROU INSIDE VINVL TREAMUAL BARMILR 728-1633 OHW SIPARATES ALMOUINUM FRAME Lf b.