PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1980, WHITBY. WHITBY SIDE SPLIT $62,900 Just listed this iovely 3 bedroom, home on a quiet court. Nswiy broadjloomed and relnsuiated. Large L shaped living andi clningroom. Pricd right for a fast sale. Cmli Peter Chopéee of Fnmliy Trust Corporation Remtor 5792243 or 72&1846 res. FREE PRESS Whitby home sales down The total number of homes sold during the first nine months of 1980 are down 27.8 per cent over the same period last year, but the market seems to be steadily improving from the ex- tremely low sales at the out- set 0f the first quarter, ac- cordlng to a recent survey St. Johns to hold bazaar St. John the Evangelist R.C. Church will hold their annual Snowflake Bazaar on December 6 between il a.m. and 5p.m. - Features at the bazaar willbe reserved bid auction for an antique chair as well as a tea room, Christmas decorations tables and a baked good table. The bazaar will be held at Denis O'Connor High Sehool on Giffard Street. by A.E. LePage (Ontario) Ltd. Total sales during 1980 to the *end of September tot.alled 3,437, down froin the 4,762 units sold during the saine Urne a year prevlous. Total dollars volume was down by 25.7 per cent froin .$267.7 million recorded during the first nine months of 1979 to 199.0 million this year. "Despite the obviously slow sales reported in this survey, Durham Region ap- pears to be in the midst of a slow but consistent recovery," says David iggins, vice president and general manager, A.E. LePage (Ontario) Ltd. Council hosts Xmas party Whitby Town Council's Old Time Christmas Party is becoming something of a tradition. On December 14 residents of the town will be invited, for the third year in a row, to the Municipal Building at 575 Rossland Road East to sing carols, est Christmas cake and be entertained. Town staff will be volun- teering their efforts to prepare and serve turkey, han and egg sandwiches froin about 50 boaves of bread as well as gallons of tea, coffee and drinks for children. The Whitby Brass Band will provide the music for. the carol singing and it is hoped that a puppet show will be on hand, for the children. Santa Claus will also be present to listen to the children's requests for Christmas presents. Local businesses have, traditionally pitched in to help make the Old Time Christmas Party successful by donating the food and treats. The party gets underway at 2 p.m. on Sunday, December 14. To the Unfit If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit. "Sales have been Improvlflg steadlly since the second quarter and with lnterest rates now stabilizlng we ex- pect this trend to continue." Help' wante d CONT'D FROM l'O. 4 growlng 80 much that we are having problems ln providing this ser- vice for iack of volun- teers. Some of our volunteers have been with us since the start' of the service and need a rest - or helping hand, some are now unavailable because of changed circumstan- ces. We need help, and we need it now. If you have an elderly relative, you know how much time can be ln- volved ln caring for them, and how much a Ilttie help is ap- preciated. If you can give us any 0f your time - an hour a week, even If you couid be on cail one haif day or evening it would help. Please cali the Whitby office of'Com- muni' ty Care at 66.8- 6223'and let us know wPen you couid be avaliable. Our most urgent need is for drivers, but ail types of help is needed. For more information and/or to offer assitan- ce just cal 668-6651. E. Marie Brooks Di rector, Commun ity Care. WHY ENT HENYOU CAN BUY $ 37,900 full price. Detached brick home close to Simcoe Street, eat ln kitchen, separate dlning area. Detached garage on a 94 foot deep lot. It can be yours wlth only 10% down. Coli Liume North et 6684221 or 668-7479. o--NO DOWN PAYMENT - 2 towrey detmched bricek hpome. Large kîtchen and dlnlng room. Sun deck and garage. Hurry on this one. Cmli Lrry Kovecic et 6664221 or 571. 2133. ONE 0F THE BEST BUYS IN OSHAWA - $4,000 down to one 13% mortgage. Full price only $44,900. Superbiy decorated. Beautlfully landscaped semi. Eat ln kîtchen, spaclous living and dining area. Walkout to a private patio and fenced yard. Offilce, sewing and rec room In basement. See it today with Ulien North. Coli 684221 or 668.7479. CALL ME ANYTIMÉ BLAIR BUCHANAN 668-8865 668-6313 668-6221 GOLO JACKET REALTV ITO.6842 nieiniber broker 824 Brock St. N. Whitby Each offlice is Iodependentiy owned and operated. $43,9W0 2 Storey, 3 bedroom home. Landscaped and fenced lot. Loveiy mirrored wall ln llvingroom. Over-slzed kitchen. Flnished rec room. 103/% financing. Caii Rosemarle Bell et 668221 or 868-1075. $25,000 DOWN FOR A 4 BEDROOM HOME? - Yes it's truel This 8 year old Whltby home has 1 'h baths, large living room with bay window. Good sîze dining room and kitchen. Flnished rec room. The lot la landscaped and fenced. Ven- dor wlll pay down new mortgage by 2% for two years. What a bargai n. Coli Lllen North et 8664221 or 668-7479. EXECUTIVE BUIDLING LOTS STARTING $19,900- Located only minutes north of downtown Whitby, these lots range from .93 to 1.37 of an acre and are beautlfully treed on a quiet crescent. They range In prîce f rom $19,900 to $25,900 with 30% down. Vendor will hoid mortgage et 12%. Cali today. CENTURY 21 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. ASK FOR LmjL¶ovmclc et 6684221 or 571-2133. Floor to ceiling brick fireplace ln iivingroom, wlth cathedrai celings and silding doors out to patio. 20 Foot country kit- chen and many extras, Mie central air & vacuum, Am-Fm ln- tercom, gas barbeque and much mors. Cml iRosemmie Bell et 66841_1or 68-05.__________________ HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE?, ...and done nothing about it 1 arn available to help you decide , THE REGIONAL M UN iC IPA LITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regionai Municipailty of Durham 18 consIdering A PROPOSALTOAMENDTHE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN In order to asaist ln the evaluation of the proposed amen- ciment, the public Is invited to provIde Input by way of sub- muissions to the Region's Planning Department. The proposed arnendment was prepared ln response to a sub- mission by the area iandowners and proposes to designate lande Resîdentiai, Industrial and Major Open Space wlthln the area Indicated on the map beiow: T LOT LT LOT LOT CNf21 20 19 18 17 :CO.TANIO RA IV 4I Information reiated to the proposed amendment sa availabie ln the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3, or by calling Mr. Larry Kot- sf f, M..P. Planning Department, (416)668&7731. Submisslons concemning the proposed amendment must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above- noted address, and must be receiving no later than Friday, January 9, 1981. Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissionerof Planning' i