WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2(a. 1980, PAGE 5 Lot levis bigg est p roblem for Attersley By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff When £iob Attersley takes office as the 4lst mayor of the Town .of Whitby next Monday night, he is going to have to deal wîth one of the biggest controversies to strike the six-year-old Region of Durham. The question is over the lot levy structure. Lot levies are the taxes imposed by the region and the town on developers. These taxes are used in a wide variety of capital projects including the construction of new roads, sewer pipes, water pipes, homes for the aged, libraries and a host of other municipal services. Recently the Region of Durham broke with tradition and lowered its lot levy fromn $2,740 per unit constructed to $2,150, At present the town's lot levy of $2,350 per unit remnains unchanged, however, Attersley said that the town's staff are going over the figures and a downward adjustment is ex- pected. Attersley referred to the lot levy debate as "Imy biggest job right off the bat." "The lot levy la going to give us some heart ache,"'lie added. Attersley pointed out that while the region is experien- cing a five per cent growth i assesment, inflation is running at 10 per cent. "How do you balance the books?" lie asked. The long Urne municipal politician bas some reser- vations about the move to reduce the lot levy, fearing that the property taxpayer might have to pick Ùp the burden. "If you dontget it (money for capital projects) from the lot levy, you have to get it from the general tax- payer," Attersley said.- The mayor-elect also said that Whitby, unlike most of its neiglibours, bave neyer gone ail out for row bouse or condominium development concentrating instead on the high priced housing market. "We've really got an ad- vantage there," lie said ad- ding that this type Of development brings in a higher assesmeiit. Arguement bas' been made that the lower lot levies would help stimulate development througbout the region, however, Attersley disagrees with this. 'II think that development goes with the economy, goes wtih interest rate and mor- tgages," he said adding that if there are high mortgages rates there will be no development. "I think the economy con- trois development more. than the lot levy. " The 47-year-old businessman is also con- fident that while Whitby will suffer some of the effects of the decrease in develop- ment, it will not hurt as much as other mumicipalities. He said that the town stili lias the "best per centage" of the region's growth and that a "good programn for development" ex*its here. "I'm more concerned about the ways the economy is affecting development more than the lot levies, " he said. Attersley said that the town will also do quite well in new development in the next year or so pointing out that there are some 3,500 units processed, excluding the Brooklin development. "We've got enougli ahead of us in most cases," he said, The 12 year veteran of Whitby Town Coundil said that in 1978, Whitby had 25.5 per cent of the development in the region and that in 1979 that figure had moved up to 43.6 per cent. Predictions indicated, he added, that Whitby will have 37.7 per cent of the growth in the region in 1980. "Whitby has had its share of ongoing development compared to the rest of the region. " He is now waiting to see what the "'overaîl impact on capital" spending will be saying that in order to compensate for the region's action, the town will be beginning a "'general review of the facilities available" and its own Stand on the lot levy structure. I WE'WANT YOU. TLOSE 2030 LBS. OR MORE 0I al ways wondered about ads-are they real people or models? 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Mayor-eleet Bob Attersley *. i25TH lANNUVERSARY v. 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY TENDER FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES Tenders wiiI be received until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 11, 1980 for lanitoriai services et the foiiowing faciiitles:- (1) Whitby Seniors' Actlvity Centre, 801 Brock Street South, Whitby (11) Whitby Operations Centre, Taunton Road East, Whitby Specifications and tender forme are avaliable f rom the Town of Whltby Teasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. Telephone 688-5803, extension 54. Lowest or any tender flot necessariiy accepted. GAIL GOSLEIGH, Purchasing Agent, Town of Whitbv.i