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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Apr 1871, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Cuc.ulatea largely m the Townships of Darl ng ton Ulaike a 1d Cartwnght It is & com1non platform open to the free discusSlo 1 of a.11 queis t ons n ¥"h ch the gener~l public are co cerned TERMS Steam Job :Printing Offioe, Kma SrREET BowMANVILLE S venty Jive cents Iler annum In ad v;i.nce The :Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 Ono colunm Half lo AND GENERAL ADVERTISER \ OLUME II R R LOSCOMBE BARRIS1ER AT LAW qOLIOI'lOR IA CHANl "'R.1 &c BOWMAN\IILE ON'IARIO FRIDAY APRIL 14 1871 NUMBER XX\ III POSTERS p AMPHLErs CIRCULAR:; BILL H H: \.DS OHEQUES NOTES H \ND BILLS L \.EELS 'I ICKE'I S CARDS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STVLF. FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID SELE! TIOKS of THt WEEKLY CLO BE 1871 POETRY Twm Srnters liT MRS E V K DD CHANGE OF TIME T a. us lea. e Bown a Tille t ne as Iollo vs GOlNG .Ea.BJ 0ll' ICN ...... Over !ticClnng s Stoie l!O.llle fl.at a.a J :?ti Drimacomb 8 D~ntal Roonll:l Bo'\\--man ille Oct 27th 1868 ly Bo vman Ile Stat o GOI?\G WES? JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl.. ·ier Paper Hanger &c &c All k h of ork promptl) atte ded to a d sa.tiefo.ct 01 g aranteed Res doncc- :-if ext door east of the Il 1: l~ f} s t au ( hurch IYIW ~ J.o: '.l>rone Mar I St! JSG9 22 ti :\fa. l 7 30 a in I P!li.'-<len~er 7 ~O a nL M xe l 3 35 p m. *Express 9'. 20 a. m Pasi:!en er 7 35 I w }1 xe l 3 35 I in Ex1 c OOOpn Mal 920 J m '*Th s ti n1n does not un on Mondav Fall and Winter Qood.s, AT I remember well my s ste "\"\ l en hand n hand we pfa;i,. ed And gambolled on the h lls do Or -este l neath the shade Or ga.the~ea s et 11 :B es Aid wove tle1n n ur la Or gazed to tl f' st e -1owletOu1 faces m rrored there For Sale, Or To Rent Bowmanville Vetermary Surgery A J MART-IN R M P S GB the Ra.ii va.J Stat 01 O ffi.~ :a tel D )V ~ICLEOD S, The orcha d a d the meadowfhe old houae on t1 c h 11 So gra rl though ln its r ll'l I tl 11 k I E<.ee them st 11 Ho\\ a tless vas our p attle 0 1r d ilhood hea ts as free Ai:i b r ls that f:!nn nbout So beautiful to i; e K ng Street oast of Hen lers R s de 01 & HE HOUSE Ontbu ld s an I 0 cl ard ;\ilth o v. ithout Se e a J a. l f.l.lf ACJ es of audj at I resei t occ p cd by Dr Dav lson l p ~ on the Prem ses or to Dl{ DAHDSOK B ' au v llo T GENERAL STORE, oxce d gly chea1 e L1bcrtJ St cot '1 cnr Bo'\\"manvil e Calls punc..: tually attende l to Vctc on hand ary med c nos W.wn..) s ly bp un 20 on8 .r uly 14th 1870 FOR CASH Imperial Frre Insurance Co O] LONDO~ DR DAVIDSON, Ro~ 0 p_r z~1na C tl i:: U e t) nf Toronto :ind Un e s ty of Q een s Cvllege K ngston 1\-Iem (Established lilOo Ler of ti c Co l e.gc of Phys cans and S genns HEAD OFFICES - 1 Old B oad ot and of Ontru o S rgery and Res1dencf' on K1ng Street second door east of :hlr "\In) ar ls Pall l\fall London H tel GENEF.AL \aENC~ ion CA.NW.a. -24 St Bo roan ville Dec loth 1870 nll n &o Sacrament l\:fontr(;&l ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- R ADU A.TE of the al Colle e of phy G s c ans of Eng]an I a d l n1vcrs ty of '\ c tor a Collc,.,o Cobo ,., Underg rtd ate and All orders fo :Ne J ys then and ne1,1; sono s A.ion our I ath ay la :\.1 otl er mm n le<l ro nd lS Thoy called us: hr des that lay T ue noble men o r lo ers £hen h Rbar <ls evermo e ! An 1 e the e t vain siste1a " e parted nt the door Tailoring PROMPTLY EXECUTED T H SWEETMAN, OVER F'I.FIEEN YE RB TEACHER 11' D ~LJC{fl ():X Our tents no h 1 er th thel' We p tch along the vale And news from eacl to other Goes speed ng thro gh the ma. 1 But -wea1y )ea.rs hn. e shndo d 01 facesmore1.1 luoe 0 r homo s farther onward :Be;> cmd Dllath s river she re They tell n e of a c ty And of a i; ictor s c ow1 \\.""here u.:e nay rest fro n labor And hi.) our burdens down Tbat tl ere the dear llt!deemcr Appears in cloudless 1 oht '!hat we sb 11 see a.nd know h m".\Iy fa.1th lB almost s ght :\. d the c in some bright bower '\\ tl de~r ones go':'le before W c 11 tell anew l fe s story Ar l talk our tr umphs t'I er The e shall I gt eet Ill} s st er As m our early dayi:I Aid spe d a heRJ enl cl 1n 00 l In songs of JOY and pra se -JJ1ethodut Reco dci Commissioner m the Court of Common Pleas Conveyancer &c &c l)eeds Mortages Leases Agreements dra n w th accuracy and despatch A)l"D J300KKEEFJ::iG &c \VR!TJNG TAUGHT MERCHANTS BOOKS POSTED ly50 Office S W 14 o Con Insurances aga nst lo s bJ- Fll'e Ille effected 1 the most favorable terms and lo ses pa l "'~th o t reference to tl e B a tl ll1 I 01 don .T DODSWORTH lUNIOUL BROS Insipc tor Ge1 Agenta Th-Iontroal !\.lso Agent for the JJell kno n Fl RST-PRIZE WANZER SEW INC MACHINE, at nnp oveme t of the Weekly Glol e :N otw1thst0rnd1ng the great enlargement and th~t ha.vi'! R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent for Bowman ville and Vicinity Bowmanv'l.llo Juno j 1th 1860 36 MANUFACTURES PRICES Enn1sk1llen IS ov 24th 18 0 recently been made the subs.er pt on w1ll con trnue to be only 1\\0 DOLLAHS PER AN NU}! payable alwayii in nd\ancc-aBd the follo /./Ing will be the CLUB RATES FOR 1871 :\..Club of Five Cop es one year 9 00 Do Ten do I7 oo Do lwenty do ~2 00 4, 00 Do Pb ty do And each add t anal copy oi;er th tj at one Dullar and FiftJ Ctnts La.~e Pr zes arc g vcn to pru t cs who get p Clubs a. hst of wh ch ill be sent to anj one who" 11 apply for t by letter or per.11 naliy at the Office Any one 11s a.t liberty to :'Yet up a Club 01 h s ov; n res_pons b 1 ty and those de sung to do so should send at nee for a Cr t lar showlD 0 t} 1:1 t!!nns Each Cn.ub paper shall bca<l lrcs ~e I separate ly a du ay be for ar y Post Office ) 1e :J a. l d Rem ttances to be add essed t11 THE GLOBE PRIKTU\G COMP \N'i T1Jiv1 to BEAUTIFUL TEETH! J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Men'lberof the Dental Assoc Eltion of On :RELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 CANADA CHIEF OFFICES n8 tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE Bowmanville Drug Store J HIGGINBOTHAM, lTOUI D most Je8pectfully tender h ~ a ry cert: thanks to his n lmerous fnen ls a.nd customers an l to tl e p bl c generally for the very liberal support be has received Blnce hrn ' commenc ng ln bus ness and hopes by cont nued stnck personal atte it1on to bus ness n.n 1 9ffenn0 noth n 0 1 ut the purest art cles at the most reasonable pi'ICC<l to ensu e a cont nuance t1f l ubl c patronage J H would call special a.ttcnt10 to h a' ery superior stock of Rooma o er ?ricClung Bros Store!' Bo vmsi.nville Oct. 1st 1870 1 131 t;T .T \!;JES STREET MONTREAL 1'1.) LITERATURE THE CHILD OF THE WRECK THE SAILORS ORPHAN 1o dread no eye I\ J to" "l eut no tongue s the great I re o.,ativiJ of nn cence an ex empt on granted onl} to '\ia a I~ L e But g ilt has al aya its terror and Sl)liCJ.t de and to make t y t n e hameful and dt:1te~table t l!I doomed oft n to sta 1d in a.we of tl ose to hon n th g could g v1:1 1 tluenoe or :vc ght but theu power of let ayu g Jott?iSON CHAPTER XIII -THE SEMPSTR SS CAMBRIAN WOOLEN MILLS Oiders promptly attended to DIRECTORS "\V AL'IER SHANLY E~q ~1.P Cham.nn.n DUNCAN ~iAm u~ALO Esq MAJOR 1 .E lJAMI DELL u B St Hila.rte Tux HoNOBABL:t.: JOHN IL~mr ro::-r Ha ks REfHDI ])(T SECRETARY-.Trncs b r11, Ont GMNT J WILLIAMS PRIME MEATS. SPECIAL FEATURES. TIE ENrtnEJ Pro rs belong to and a1e <l v d ed amon0 st the I'ol yko7det s LIVES DECLINED B Forty First Year GODY S LADY i:i BOOK fo1 1871 The Cheapest of Ladies Magazines Because it Is the Best OTHER Co)IP.A..~IES or n I F YOU RE ULY IVAKT a good JO nt of meat fit to place b fo e you fr t; ids call at DYE STUF'FS, l'h ch are sure to grve tho A weU selected stock of be~t satisfact on. Mrs. old stand Stall JS o 1 :iira.rket B 1 ldm'='s Bowmru v lle 1\'Iaxch 10th 0 nQ3ly E. Ca:wker's PE.A.TE, Toi.II OR 1. ADE T~ DR[TGSr ::OHE ~UGALS A 10 tl er a lo tt for lier offspr ng n1a.y take an un 11isc direct on whiht t IS rnpos ble to do bt tl at t ~ li<.>tl g:eouuie and strong :!\{ALFl.11:.0 B. Gentlemen a & Boy a Garments THE NEWEST STYLES Bo vmn.n 'llle Jul) 27 1869 Prospectu es P 01 osa.1 Form!:! ~c auppl d on 11pp at on at the Head Ufficc or a lj of the :\.gc c e>S PATENT lllEDIGLAES BRUSHES 0011-fBS SHOULDER BRd.GES 'JUPPORTERS Etc kept i.:o i,t Mrs c.i.1u1brook \\as as good as her vorJ She to)k a dt.i pint rest iu tie ~ Juw an l I er cb1lJ a.1 d tht1 way 1n vl r.:h Qhe 11uu I st~d ti at 11 te1cst V~HI a~ g1ur.:~I ul as t va~ gunerous Uy ou I and CHARLES TOD, JAMESGRiNr Rea Se(.\retaIJ OILS :BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKED. NEAR () le s P \GJ NJ li OR BO'i\ M \NHLLE C B~RKER PAINT COLORS VARrlIHSE'J and WHITE LEAD ha e a rep tat on for correctnef:!s over E) BROIDF.RY PATERN8 -\Ve give a presentat Qll sheet to ou1 pa o a. t ent:y th ty _ ~.llI et 1ne.:i fo t) embro dery OEIGI?i U; at tho very lo est p1 cea. Observer Ofti e King St Horses and Cattle Medicmea N B -Co ntry Storeheepe s supplied on the most a.di; antageo is terms A cho ce selection of LA.Ml S for ale chca1 Bowma1 :i.llc Dec !.I 1868 tin --~---· the Vi orld OFJ!IGE BOWMANVILLE 10S1 freq entlj c nta.u g les gns 111 1na Oct ctu clly At\en led 'lo J ,t JR o IV r I FaPewelll, McGee: But;ledge~ BARRI81ERS AT10RNEl'ts Solicitors Conveyancers N otanes Publ!c & OFFICE AT BoTII11ANV.I~ -!\.IcFecte1 a Block oppos1te entrance to 'Io . . . 1 Rall OF:i: IOE J::{ Oi:.rnA ~ \ F st dooi:._ 1 or th of the Po.<>t Office ' 1'-Ioney Lu loa. at lo v rates of interest J'J F;m VELI I LB Bo Vl ianville JAMES RUTLEDGE R McCEE B ;\.. BA Dec 17th 1869 GENERAL Kl.liG ~1REE1 J. Fletcher, I! GREY FLANNELS At S Ji ~IILL GROCER, gi S door west of Dunstal Fancy Sturo NEXI If you requu!e good and cheap goo ls e BOW.MANVILLE T:HE HOI..I:OAYS. J st ece ved a Ne~ supply of Books !!pee ally adapted to the sea on and at pr cet> to su till comers give ls a. c :\ll We are resol ed to d spose four 'Ioys at pr cea hat. dify all coropet t on them a call Bo nnanville Oct loth 186CI nu WE HA.VE AUCTIONEERS For the Toimship of Da1 l~ngto11 H T PHILLIPS HAMPTON P omi; t n.ttent1on g vcn to sales &c on eason al le te "lnS - - - PROSFECTlTS - - - - - -- OF ---'.!HF. FIRESIDE FRIEND A I\fontl lJ I enod ca.I t r the Home C ell! Devoted t L terature Sc e ce Health \.rouse n ent nnd 1.: seful Inform :'l.t on Co ta n ng ] ortr-cight tbr c colu n r a.ges to t11e n mber filled w th"-cl owe stories Sketchba and \ oen S from the S of best \ I ttirs Ill Amenca .b.rt1cles on Sc entlfic s bJects health ru <l refon1 A de_r artn e t for the ch ldre1 filled Vi th 1nst1 1Ct ve and amu!llng art cles A 1laso c lepartm it contmnmg valua.hlc infor.a1at n to the 1ne1nbers of the frate n ty len tH 1.I'.ICtl lel a tment v} l v 11 be al ocn.t ct th se pr no 1 les Y.lthout wh ch th re ca.1. b o 1a.1Iy1 ne~ 01 I l e no ali:i B 11 ant Scraps a d Diamond~ of 'I honght gathered from correspondents and other so rces and ru ranged with c111 e ma.king it em ncntly 8U tel for the Hon C iele of e ery fa rul~ n the lo d Bowman ille Dec. 21st J 870 C BARKER MoDEL C OIT.A.GES The only magaz ue n this countrJ that g es these UTE II.A\ E l'i ow A COMPLETE OSSOl"t LAD1' s BOOK DRA ING- LESSONS -In th s we are nlso fl ment f Paper Bags "h ch e Wlll i:.ell at ~Iontreal P ces II e paper is of the best iua.l alo e \.\' e bn '1 a.h10 It Cl l lre1 it n H rt ity aid Vie guu1autee that t ooi;i of tl 1hi. 0 1; c ltural and a. Health depn.rtm nt GOD]YS U>\ \JUALE RECEIPTS st1cl to0 ethcr 'l'he folio\.\ n 0 s the ~o.n ever a bJt!Ct fo1 the Bou lo r N rse1y PRICE LIST PER 1000 Kitchen Ho se an l La nd y No Size l\tlan Ba B ov. 'l ~ll!:D E~c; A\ t;Gd - ThlB 18 a se es of 5 by 7 9o 90 I e1 g S.Vlngs that no one las atten pte 1 b 1t o~ St 1 30 J 20 oursehes 'Ihej give g1eo.t f.!a.tiefa0t n 2 !J 2 00 l bO LADIES F NCY \VORK DEPARTMENT 3 "'"'10 2 ;j0 2 20 of the designs as ln this depa t )e tare 1 4 11 2 80 2 5i'i in colo1 11 a style nequalled 5 12j 330 °80 6 13! 3 55 3 JO TERMS fl OR 18"1 7 15 4 25 3 75 lo 15 '20 4 35 One 001 y one year 8 17 (i 80 4 9o 'I o cop es one year 10 17 6 QO 6 60 Threo 001 cs ono year 12 l8 7 40 6 60 .E ur cop es one year 14 19 9 80 8 5u Five cop1e<1 o e yf'a a d n ext a co1 y 20 21 11 90 10 00 to th1:1 person getting p the club mo.k 26 14 23 14 00 1150 ng e1x cop1ef'I 14 00 30 'VHITE rE A. BAC s E ght cop es one year and an extra copy N S to tl e per1!o gettmg up the cl b n ak o ze m n ne cop1o;is: 21 00 ~~ 1 Y ~f $1 0 El vcn cop es one 1 ear an l a.n extra c:opv 1 Bl ~ ~~ to the person getting up the club mak 10 2 Si 11 3 2rJ ng twel .,e cur es 27 50 Sole Agent between I ort Hope and I oronko. GOdey a Lo.dy s Book nnd Hnrpol'8 }fag& 21 e 111 beij nt one )ear on ece pt of o oO N B Flou 811.cks n Stock Gcidey a Lady s Book a.nd Artl ur s Home C BARKER i\-Iagaz nc w 11 be sent one year Olil receipt of PAPER BA.GS A.1 MONTH.EAL PRICE:::l gaz no n ta.LP MS l cl m s c I rcr a el ex1 esalv fm 1.viusrc GODE¥ 11 rn the only 11 lc l! vn t J rnE L.rn t l I I 0 ~--~~--~~~ 450 EVERYTHING IN ITS S EA S 0 N I I W1n. Blil.'.Pton, E¥¥ISKILLEN Sales promptl} n.ttcnded to on tease able terms re at l\Ir John Muir11 old stanc.I Godev s Lady f:I Book and Ihe Ch ldren s Hour v. ill be een.t one yea. o i::ci-i pt f 3 oO Gt dey f:I La.d_y is Bool A1 thur s IIome Maga z le and Ch !dee s Hour w ll be sent one year on c~1t £500 --. 'I he money must nll be ent nt one trme for a.ny of the club$ a.n l al l1t ons mfl.y bo made to club5 nt club rates KT1'G ST , BOWMANVILLE POR1 HOPE JINDSAY & BEAVERTO~ Mrs. C. BOUNSALL, KI"G ST RICHARD MARTIN RAILWAY 11ains will run O,!il EO"IDIA:>' ILLE follows 915nm llOp m MIXED B EGS to announce to the f'1 h le that no ope lS n. choice eelect1on of BOli ~ETS HA1S RIBBONDS FLOWERS J!'E4THE1 S VELV1'TS an<l >IILL1¥ERY n g eral h ch w 11 b sold at the lov.:ei;t pos !'>1ble pnce GOI:'fG BOUTH-:.·.r.AJL TRAIN Jn\: ters tl e attention of tho p bl c to the fact Le.:ne Ltndsa.y,.!l't tl at he is I 1epar:e l to supply man tfact 1ed Arr e nt Port l:lope after the most ar pr0ved taate TERMS-CASH PIEi:i Lca.ve I ndsa) A.rr ve at Po :t IIor e 1235prn 4.20 l AD ANC£ S lk Stra v Bor nets cleaned &c a.s usual Bo man Ile Oct J st lll\\9 tf nl 01 Velvet 2 00 T .A R T S Leave Port Hope at I 3 00 p m aOO !\mvc; at L ndsay at 6 30 4oop· 600 ~lXED 5 cop1ei; 8 00 Scop es 1 > 00 AND CON FE CTI ONERY Lea e Purt Hope ·t 5 45a rn 11 copies 16 00 Arr eat Lendsay at 10 a m 14 cop es 2.0 00 Val·1able I ese ts given to the getters 1 p of of e ery de!jcr:irt u v}loleeaJe anl retru.L All PORT IWPE .A ND PETERllOROUlH clubs at the regula s bsc pt ot p :"100 2..00 per persons who rcq IN goo l pa.atry will do v; e-11 t-O aJ nurr Spec icn cop s sent free to any ad g ve hrm a, ooll Ro\.ILl\AY 3001es. 1 Co1y lyear GOI?IG NORTH-MAIL T.R..U::-1" I Il'ISOED .BY lress J Y\ '\ N NAMEY. All I tte :a cln.ti e to bus nes must be ad drets::1 <l t.o tl p bl sher ROBERT ARMOUR Bowmanv1lle Dec 10 18tl Post Office l3ox 4Db2 Ne v York n L HAMrL1oi; lllE BEST TEMPERA~OE DRINKS I Leavelo:tHopo at Arrive at Peterboro a.lwa~ s GOI!\G Nonrr IDXED Vick's Floral Guide for 1871 on b&t1.d Leave Po -t Hope at Arrive at Petc1 boro "'t GO!NG SOUTH-M" UL IRA.IN 1115 p m 3 20 pm :\ 30 p rn llJ -p tu OASH FOR WOOL mHE RIG HEb'L ca8h r ce v 11 be paid for GENER.AL GROOERIES Lee.ve Pete bo -o at Air ve at Port IIope MIXED .l an) amou1 t of '\Ierchantable ool at the DURHAM In hs le1artm ut he can pl®Iptl~ meet the Le:ivereto1boroat Axrh e at Port Hope at wants of h s fr ends Don t fo -get the place Mu rs old stand T "ILLI~MS S per ntende t 530a.m 805am. 1VOOLEN l\!lILLS ORONO. All Ol"l1e .s fo Bo mauv Ile April 27th 1869 ' ra Sent Cents ly29 Our Paper Bags are a hn tted to be ti e Roll Cardmg Spmmng Cloth Dre.smg A few only of those splendid Bl ST IN THE :MARKE r A good Stock 011 hnnd ' and Clotl "\ianufactur ng prornptl5 ~Lte lde<l to CRONKHilf & GORDON J uns 4th 18 0 11~ TWEED SHIRTS M4 Rochester N Y and fresh sup1 I es every fe~ clavfi at S E HILLS C 13AI\KER of an ·

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