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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Apr 1871, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, APBIL 14, 1871. . . ); of the Town of Bowman~'ille, t? the Leg_~sla~ure of ,the Province of Ontario, at it s ne~t SeSSlon, f_o1 an Act a.uthor.ising the construction of a Railway 1 from the ·water Bof L ake Ontario. in the Town of D.owmanville1 in;the 'C~unt)'.' of Durh!li-n1, tb.r.Oii.gh someparts.of the Townships. of Darlmg. ton Clarke, Cartwright, and M~vers, in .the said County of Durham, and th~ [own of L1ndsay, and Townships of Ops, Em11y,Feneio.n and Ver·tla.m, to the V illage of Bobcaygeon, in the County of V ictoria 0 thence to the Government la.nda and lands of tbe English Land Company, in th~ Counties of Yictoria a nd P eterboro, and to amalgamate or make running a1·rangements with other Railways. F. CUBITT, Mayor. · R WINDATT, T. Clerk. Bowma.nville, March ?2nd, 1871. N \\'ill be 1n ade by t he Corpo:at1on O'r ICE is herc;~~en, that ~pplica.tion NOTICE. 18 71. .A. OOMPLE'l"E .A.SSOiiTME:NT Ol' EXCELSIOR. :No W'a.r with Russia., ) NEW SPR.I NG GOODS AT THE B 1 UTiia succe!'!dul raid ie dail y loc;ke tl for on the GOLDEN WATCH MAKING, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, I Mr. J. Milne, HAVING assumed the business lately carried on under the nam o and style of " Consaul & Co.," and having h11d nearly Establishments for which th eand Subscriber ha1 m'lde extensive preparation, ia pr epared to show t he best · BIBLE CHRISTIAN BOOK , STORE, KING ST , BOWMANVILLE· Such as Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands;. Spoons, and Forks; uutlery direct from the Celebra ted SELECTION OF GOODS, T"\VENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with ample facilities for the MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, SHEFFIE LD, . of t he greatest n:ingnitude . This stock is th e n1ost complete in quality, and variet y, and js a.llo1ved by the beat of authority, t ::i surpass all other llousea o~twcen ~fontrea.1 and Toronto. a good nseor tmcnt of Purchase of Merchandi1e · iµ the Cheapest Markets, he flatters himself that ho can offer ' o A.LL and see our Stock of :New l3ooks. J ur;t opening, GREATER INDUCEMENTS than any other House in the trade, west of the City of :1.fontreal, and he hopP.s that by A New Supply of Wall Paper Splendid patterns, and good quality. w. H l\iOMURTR Y S :C L VE :R S l' 0 0 N S, also n bca..utifnl Stock of AS N OW OP ENED out a large portion of h is Spring St ock of I?ry Goods, of which he wG uld call special attention to the followmg lines : Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BT.:CKLER, Bow1 nanvillc, Nov. 28th, 1870. n6-tl Attention, Promptitucle and Courtesy, h e may merit a fair share Bowmanville, March 17, 1871. .. -· of public patronage. n~4- ly 0 · If you want GOOD AND CHEAP ' at PRINTING, leave your orders the WEST DURII AM i'>TEAM P RINTING HOUSE, Bowmnnville. .PRINTS, CLOTHS, PARASOLS, MILLINERY. An a.ssortment of H ats, Bonnefa , Teathers; &c., not to be ex celled in t }-e Dominion, for Style, Quality and Price. A F,;i·st Olcus lofillinei· always in attendwnce. LOWEST PRlCES. Weekly arrivals of N E W GOODS, Bowmanvillo, April 13th, 1 871. Hard to Beat ! · - --o,--- Read! . ' Read I T. DARLINGTON, J ust r oceh;ed a Choice lot of I i CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE DOMINION AT TREWIN'S TWO MELODEO ~ S For Sale, Cheap for Cash, at the Bible Christi11n Book Room, next door Ea;;t of the MERCHANT Oftiice, King St., Bowmanville. ---o ,--- I Complete Stock of Choice Ni:rw Goods at HAV E ~ }' or t he Best Steel P ena in the Market call at the Bible Christian J:look Room, King Street, Bowmanvil!e, · Elliott's Store, HAMPTON. · NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, . :Ca.tee, Lemon, Orange j and Citron Peels, NU'.PS I N GREAT Y.A.RIETY. · Also B arrels and Doxes of All to be sold at 1·easonable p rices. ' Bem:u'tiif'Rl Candie s , with an asso1tn1cnt of . --l CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington hM again r eceived s:mother lot of t hoas celeb1 ·a.ted ]for the Oxford Funeral Note j Paper and Envelopes call at ~he Bible Christian Book Room, Krng 1treet, Bowman.ville. ,1 Hectdqiut1·ters fo1·· Gentlenien's Stylish · . niade Clothing.Note the fact , and leave y our orders in t ime. Bo wman ville, D ec. 22nd, 1870. Just Received over $5,000 lvorth of PURlll Lli:AF TEAS, Ladies', Gents', ancl Cbilclren's Quality is th· Test oj-{Jkcapness. - Boot-s--a-ud- Shoe,..i, .--~ nl 2-tf , -R .AllE CH1 \N.CE - -o-. THE .CHEAPEST A 1 PRUNNELLA BOOT FOR $1 A PAIR. AT THE Oshawa, March 7th, 1871. 115 3-l y TEAS A RE THOSE SOLD BY THE ' · The selection of Clot hs an d Tweeds is one of t he best t o be found in t he County. Hn.n1pton, Oct 7th. 1860. BOWMANVILLE TORONTO TEA COMPANY, H. ELLIOTT, J~. CL0 rHING 1 Stub bOrll Factso STORE. FACT NO. I . I On tiale at the BIBLE CHRI STIAN BOOK ROOJ\1, a large number of SECOND H AND BOOKS . t f (some as good a ne:w~' be~ng par o a Super~nuated Mm1stor s Library. CAL L E.ARJ,Y. , ~ Or t heir -<\s"ente:. A single trial and comJi>a,ri · :son with any other t eas, at the s:\me pricti.s, will prove thie. Our tsOc. rrea. will be found .equal to any a.t 60c. ; our 60c. equal t o any a.t 70c. ; our SOo. equal to a.ny at tr;l. ; and. our $1 green equal to 0 ul' any, h o,.ovcr high the price charged. Bln.ck 'l'e&..s ecll froiu 50c. to $1. J a.pan (a.l1 un. c-0lored) 50c. to 80c, All our Teasar·e sold for cMh, >t wholosaJo priceB, in half pound, pound, and 6 ponnd paekage·. HE PUBLIC TO T_ W A LTER W IGG !! J. GRAY .J L T S'r and moEit received a be:i.utiful lot of the no· .11est Has by far the larges t S tock ct.' Goods m Tyrone, FACT NO. 2. SON, FASHIONABLE TWEEDS, NE WEST CLOTHS J. GRAY H as by far the g reat es t Variety and tl1e best Selected goods in Ty rone. FACT NO. 3. Has by for t he Cheapest Goods ir, Tyrone, quality being the test of cheapness. QUERY. I THE BEST TEAS I Th(I Tea$ of t..ho 'foront o Tea. Cotnp~uy are guaranteed pure a.s h nported fron1 Chmu. and Japan. }~oi: strength and fine flavor, t~tiy cannot bu excelled. l\...11 tested h efot~ being ~old, 11.nd c.ornprise ·th o finest ·· Tea& · w hich are imported. we shall be ready at all t im.e!!i, to a.tt end F unerale, on short notice, a.ud reasonable teru11,1 . N . B. Coffin s kept . on ha.ad, and made to ordei·, at the w11ich ·will be sold very cha.ap fo1· CAS ~. - -:o:- - I I I z 0 ~ H ~ · GOOTJ NEVVS. .... A 'B ~TTS How e1m· these things be ·1 ANSWER. Selects his own Stock, buy s in the best marke!f!, buys largely for Ca.5h, conducts his own businMi With less expense, has had nearly 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows exactly what the people wan t , and has just the Goods to supply their wants, has very few unsaleable Goods. - - :o:-- I ""6.A.ll\l.Ai. W 'llA' A ""'l!l'e ~a iii aliil-"' Would re11pcctfully inform hie patr_ons and the public generally, that hrn 'l1hat the T eaa of t ho ·roronto Tea Compn.ny give eatisfact.io.n is the i~cc !!! e trad~ w~ are now doing in them. Faun1h~s who kied them once UQW get them regularly, as they find th ey ca.nn'ot get anY such tea.a for the money ebo· where. The' Best Proo:t NEW D01 1HN ION RETAIL PURN I'l.URE WA RE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa., Aug. 26th, 1870 . Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. 48-tf. / I TRY BEFORE YOU BUY ! ' like them. · --:o:- - =====s=u=B=s= c=RI=B=E=l=,o=R =.====== T=u=ts = e=y=N=e=n=e==-w~a=ww==a=n=y=:::::M; I cannis Ca Qu Oconiba. THE SOMETHING N ew in· " 0 PE N I N G HIS STOCK OF 0 U T Iinvited In towns where we ha-;e-agents, parties are to buy _ a small quantity to hO\V they r 868 WINTER I FALL AND · GOODS, AND INVITES IKSPEOTION. T H~ STOCK Afterwarda they·c;:au buy more. Iu · districts where W /3 have no agents, per~ns can write to us for aa.m-ples of Teas of any k~nd, a.t any price, and we will send them by ma-II, free. '\Ve send 20 lbs. or more to ru1v Railroad Depot in Ontario, freight prod._ and colloct through Express Agent., Put up in half pound, poun<l, ' and 6 pound pack f$~S, Address all orders to the 'l'OEONTO Tx;.a CO. , 186 Young Street, l'oronto.· NECK -TI ES & COLLARS, R eady made cl othing in Over· Qoa~a, Pe tt· J a.ket :s, and ~u tbe A large Stock of LEADINC STYLES OF THE DAY, \ remarkably cheap. Call and cx:imin e for your· selves. Conui a.long arid get Bo.rgains. N ewost FASHIONS alw:i.ys on band. AU ordcre promptly atten~ ed to, a.nd good F I T$ guar::i..ut ce d, ai1d no mistake. Requests an early inspection to convince tho most incredulous that the above are "STUBBORN FACTS" which cannot be denied. J. GRAY, Regrets that a few plain Facts should have proved so I nauseous to an extremely 8ensitive neighbor. (Some folks hate facts.) J Q RAy OBSERVER," one of the SEWING MACHINE oou be """ by o"1Jing ab the Shoo SLoro of - -:o:- - AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE, \V' ho keep on hand pac~ages of h~f pound, : pound, and ~ pound cadd1es, or all ku1d&. j Bowmanvill e, Oot. 27th, 1870. n3-1y ra Yellowlees &i Quick, . DAVID FORBES. Napoleon is Defeated, Note tl1ese Facts, 1"A CT N o. 1. . S. :B. l3:tt,A:OSHAW, the improved B o'?.'-m'.\nville, Oct. 1 3th , 1870. n2·tf VERY COMPLETE AND 1 WELL SELECTED, And in every way suitable for the approaching soa.son, and will be Sold .noN'T . ~_,AIL M A S Q N ·S TO CALL AT . ~e,d ~muit11 ~ewµpn11er$ in the Dominio.1. the UNIVERSAL SHUTTLE SEWING . MACHINE. CHEAP _ F.OR CASH. MAKE lu'l' EARLYC4LL .U.--0 YOU ARE S U R E T 0 BE STYLISH FURS F OI ·s U I T E D . L.~ DIEs' A ND GENTS, Stylish Ra.ts a.nd Ca.ps, BUFFAl.0 ROB ES, . &c., &c. All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. HIGII 1 and TEA JUST as GOOD, }'AU'l' No. 3. For Harness, Saddles, - - .- . SEWING MACHINE JAS. Don't do business on Commission, and Terms - · $1.oO pei annum. ~ that will ac-001 uplish what tlic . . is not to be undersold T:rnnks, UN I VERSAL hIA OlfIN E WILL. / nnd cheap ""'t any '[~'~~u C1madn , or out of Valises, ' ' Itisconstnrctcdon a new principal, which JOHN MOMLJRTRY 'S Whip8, ~RER, and ~~'\\;':.'r'~~;rc,fiL~hSi~;;r.MR'~i~G1:.v·1~~,'bl.~ J AS. ELLIOTT begs to return his sincere thanks, to th e Bells, &e., I MPOR'r!"R, MA~ UF A r;J'.l' 0 DEALER ill all t e vancties ·nd ?heap. i.;nch J\l nchlne fo W1 '1Jen tecl for SIG OJ!' 1'HE GC·L J)J.:N LJ(IN inhabitants of TYRONE and sunounding country, for the which for style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity Italian & American :P.ll:arble. [ ttve """"· s. n. BRADSHAW , Ag<-n t. libernl patronage h e has received since commencing business!. and now ...<\_ large runl choice -selection of - -Kiug Street, Jlowmanville. begs to say that he h as on hand a SPLENDID ASSORTME:N T of · '1.10 thoi!e in 1\.RI\.EAiiS , be \\"Olild f!ay ~fauufactners I ch·ll enge t he World fol' 3000 doll.rs to produce ' of the ve1'Y host kind l J AS. ELL:CO'l"l', Selects his own goods. FA UT No 2. ~ "':CO"'"' B uys ancI se11s t1 J A S. &.i:ti.i.i .i. ... ' lelll in his own na me. Q BO UN SALL I I ELL:CO~T, , ' YOU MUST PAY UP! MONUMENTS AND C R AVE S TONE S, at low·cst. prices. BOOTS AND SHOES nh vays on luu1d, of superior 1vorlonan sl:dr1, anrl , f e1 ·ery dc!!'. cr iption, made to order, Se wed and 1 1 VHE RE D 0 y O U R C"RIES o b · h G 0 £i : PRICES PAID FOR RAW FURS. 'IJ I . · 52 tl Thu'" who have ""heady settled,'" P """" .,,. Wi'O'Uffhl OJ' Cast I ron l:'eil CC8 . , I cept our hearty thank~. ·- - -=--:-:= =---;;;:-;;;=;;;;;S MASON fer enclo>fag b urying lot.. 1 'B '!!'"U"'U"el A 't..'rt) l'..I:M:~, I · 010 ' diV.n. "".lol'olulilol a·-, llowm>.Uville. D oc 3rd. 1869. _ Furnitru·e Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., .r£.ir"t~·~:;-:~u ~~;!·r~ to, buy, Y ou'll not be disappointed . A Jettie Rhym·. came juitin tiDlC, _i\.n~ aJl about t he best <Jf L ime. Lime from the We.I of tho very best, Not beat in any quarter ; Lime t hat wil{ aJwaye stand tho !C£t, Wbou ma-kins. int? morter d . I will try a nd ke6p a goo eupp 1 y, j I I ·- L M ED IQ A I T he cel·braled p·!'!s . cle<l .lpectacles au d I : · Eve GJas;cs manufactu red by LAZARUS WANTED, · Student,_oue "~~h wme know- ' f h' I < I I Pegged, warranted t o fit, orno oale, the beet 1 would '". perof workmen ke·ot. plexrty, that h o keeps construitly on h.md · ,first AL SO, Men ' ", "·id Women's,' Felt-overs, class 8tock of plain a.nd F ancy. Also Shoenmkers F indings, ·complete always on h·n<l. t!l · ·. kept on h;md, or m ought to order. A o·ll i' i Bowmann lle, No1-. 24th. 1870. - n8·tf respectfully r equested at ~e worke, . and those who buy from him ivill never re&-'t'et King Street, Bowmaiwrtle that they _ ,,,.. aole to an;wer, October, l st, 1869. . tf.1 SUBSTANTIAL FRAME H OUSE , with · "I bu" fro m John ll'foMurt r u ." 1 holi oriacre of land, with fruit Lree> ; also ' ' , I a $0.od w·ll. Situ&te <;Joncession Street, ad - 1 · jo1u1ng 1fr . R . i\ianrung·s . _ l!'LOUE, A pply t o F . Y. OOWLE. · OATMEAL 1 ~tock I House for A --- ·· GROCERIES, CROCICERY, Iwrooer:i.es a.n d, .p rov1s1ons i . l ' I rcspectfullygrve;>hmt to thos~ ]3 Uy y O tT R t' J " e1ng_ t c qnes ion, . .Lu. FA LL & 'VIN1 ER ,DR. Y GOODS, 1 Sale, or to Let. ~OOTS . ~n SHOES, &o., &o. . · 1 . j iia fa.Ct, the fo.rgest antl best a.;;sort!nent of goods eVe!·· offered i n Tyrone, , · all of which he offers at 1 / " I h L ] I ledge of Com'[l0Und111g preferred Bow1r. au ville, F·b. 17. HI n5·tf J co~·.l';,, ··1 EA , A . J; ~D ASTONISHING L OW P RICES FOR. GASH, o;· F wmers Huui't~~i~ee~ ~f~l~~ma~6u~~~i'o Str~~:. p . . , anJ others. ~A .:. 'l'flOS . BO"\VDEN, j LJm, agen t for Bowniu uv1 Uc nnd V!CUHly. · to Yoi.1 ·will ah·,1av8 find it rl ry and f1 ·cM1 , And tha.t 8om1::tbing honnio, So come and try this Lime, But dontfurgct themoney. 1· i~ a.~ong I~ a·-r('ncy nre na golden op1n1ons 101u ... & MORR ISgann am _ or" tc we.·. · · t ief:o e H . R . ,. . REID. M.D. 1 ol l , l I o .. l . 1f .. · t ! Bow ma11vill e_ , Jint. 26t.h) 181 I . u_,. al t lOi;iO w 10 t i t. yon l\\'a1 i ,'ft:i'i'i" "®'>"'li tn premwyou r 81 ght lo cxln,me olc age. .11."1.i.m.IM&. ' I --_T FARMERS, READ 'I 1ar~ n~c · iu _ 110 RO! ll S[:! tl u::i!H! nu or< .. . l ~ ·1 J3owrLHIDYill.,, J\Iarcl~ 11th, 1871 . no24.tf . ru .o.26.1 4.4w. Bucldt.ir'n Je w~~JryStore. ~~ · bri11 v\J·n· S ll \'\ s t11 \V ' VER..:.·Y S DR . D AV IDSON !,-;;;;-,., mo1·ed hi, Oftl co am! iitPDOVED· sn:mi-11-nm. B OAII; ' igh- 1 ResidcM Oto King Stn,et, next door to ~fr. teen m~nths old, on L ot. 27th , I U the (it., Con., ! f,.. ~~ 0 ~"fl"'...di D) · - 'I:: ~otthcm ?fo1st "'" for '1871. 52. tf. ofJJn.rhngt.vn , -~000 SPI{lNG P IGS \V AXTED iu D~r- S How cn.r1 we b" t , . n · Fres:i ' whi J ch E will l he b taken in exchang·e l I h at the hi g hest :Market CR A CKED WHEA T : --. . a so egs to RfliJ,. t l at ie a.s now prepared to furnish Gentlen1a. n 's a-n,ivals of Crockery llnd: cloth i n « . in firs t-class stvle by n. firnt-olass tailor 11t M ;onishino- low v~Jue. n . Prodilc~, Ghs·iware. fi , July 6th. Goods SC>tt to allport. of t he Town, 39 . 0 l - ·. t,d " d , fi't . ' l> ' 0 gu1es, a11 c -wat rnu e a goo 01 uo sa. e . N.B.-Don't forget t he pla.ce, James Elliott's Cheap Stor e, Tyrone. T rone Oct . 6th 1870. J l Y J ., , y · ·

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